

27 Jul


Originally posted by believe_in_u39

I'm surprised clan avatar boost works. It really shouldn't imo.

Thank you (and everyone else) for the feedback on the Clan Avatar Boost.

There's some points being raised around this that are worth further discussion. When the team are back in tomorrow, we're going to take a look at the feedback and consider it fully.

That's not a promise of change, but we did want you all to know your comments are being heard and will be addressed with a response either way.


Originally posted by DracoAxel

We can expect another dev blog next week aswell?

This is the last in our pre-launch Insights series, but we will have more Necromancy info to come. Quite a bit coming out over the next week in various forms.


Originally posted by Disastrous-Moment-79

So existing combat styles aren't getting the accuracy or auto attack changes with release? Lame. If necromancy delivers I expect all 3 of them to be left in the dust

There's a lot to unpack with making that change to the other styles, let alone the fact it will also take some significant design and development work.

The main thing is not changing the core fundamentals of any existing Combat Skill without players having a strong say.

Necromancy gives us a huge opportunity to try a lot of ideas we have to evolve combat in the game within the confines of a single, new skill experience. We're not messing with anyone's existing playstyle in Melee/Mage/Ranged by doing that, which is important.

As Mod Ryan said - if they are well liked and perform well, some of these changes could very well happen to the other styles. But first it's about getting these new ideas in your hands via Necromancy, seeing what you all would love about the approach and going from there.


Originally posted by needmoremone

are we allowed to farm Rasial using bolg or fsoa?

You won't be able to use them as the two new Necromancy bosses can only be fought with Necromancy.


Originally posted by UnkoalafiedKoala

Might be reading into the phrasing here too much, but Rasial is mentioned as a repeatable boss -- is Hermod a one time only fight?

We'll add a bit of clarifying wording there, it's not implicitly mentioned like it is with Rasial. Thanks for the feedback.

Hermod is a repeatable boss to confirm.

25 Jul


Just to confirm - this isn't an intended change. It's been bugged and we're looking into it.


Originally posted by Plightz

It's pretty unfair that they changed it without notice. Especially with the upcoming dxp. People were likely saving up for it. An abrupt and pretty big change like this should've been announced with 2 or more weeks notice.

This is something we've discussed coming out of this.

We were aware this was coming a few weeks ago, but to hold our hands up, we (meaning the CM team) overlooked communicating it early as we've been pretty wrapped up in a lot of other things.

The feedback has been heard - we'll look at how we can capture this stuff and get it out earlier in future.


Originally posted by Ray_Takeda

So with this 10 min lobby timer, does this also count for mobile of no?

It does yes! As long as your account is part of a Jagex account.


Originally posted by Familiar_Custard_278

Have you or the mods ever considered publishing how the project system works? From conception to release? And the various steps taken between there? I think it’d be really informative and open a lot of people’s eyes as to why some of these updates they think are small, actually take a lot of time

Honestly that would make for a really interesting stream. Will raise the idea with Doom!


Originally posted by JagexHooli

I'd have to get that answer from dev - it's a good question. Will ask what the design intent was there.

Talked to the team about this.

As I suspected, similar to the philosophy I mentioned in my earlier post, this is due to the fact they can be used to make an output even if you don't get to keep it.

On top of that, it also meant Protean Planks could be earned to progress the Construction Contracts store which is in another sense an output. That's out of keeping with Protean Bars for example, which don't award Respect in the Artisan Workshop when used.


Originally posted by SeaProgram2836

Can you also find out why the email newsletter doesn't get sent out to everyone but rather random groups of people?

I didn't get last week's email.

Do you have your setting in your Jagex Account enabled to allow Marketing emails? I believe that's the terminology. You may need to set that to On if you haven't already.


Originally posted by dnums

I just hope you all have learned from this mess. Wildly pivoting a character's identity is extremely jarring. You didn't have to address your technical issues this way. Switching between characters during the quest was entirely unnecessary and did not meaningfully contribute to the experience.

Whoever is supposed to be the caretaker of the story needs more influence in your operations. They've been getting almost ignored for a couple years now, ever since someone went "we need a new boss, Zamorak looks cool and has demons and stuff, let's send him off the deep end". The decisions don't make sense with the characters personalities. Your team should be closely guarding the established characters because it's good for business. Imagine if WoW decided that King Arthas was really just a stack of panda bears this whole time. That's the sacrifice that was made here with the payoff being that pressure plate room.

We are on your side and we want a game that makes sense when...

Read more

It's definitely a discussion we've paid attention to and thank you for the feedback.

The divisive opinions around Dead & Buried's story have been heard and it's definitely something the design team have absorbed.

Mod Jack touched on this really well in his latest Design stream last Wednesday in terms of their early thoughts. Worth a look if you want to hear more on what has been taken away from it in terms of lessons or considerations.

24 Jul


Originally posted by SeaProgram2836

Is there a game update next week?

No Update next week. All final release (RC) testing is being poured into Necromancy from here on out.

For anyone who doesn't know, there has been plenty of testing and bug fixing before this point. RC is when you put a proposed 'final' build into a release candidate stage, and extra checks go on to spot last minute bugs or issues.


Originally posted by limixi

So the counter for Necromancy which was shared in the mail is false?

Currently thats at 14 days and 40 mins until launch.

That is a very good catch. I'll catch up with that team about how we can address that for future emails with the timer.


Originally posted by State-Prize

So why do Protean planks no longer work with construction contracts when they give no items?

I'd have to get that answer from dev - it's a good question. Will ask what the design intent was there.


Originally posted by GoogleSaysRS

Protean planks have existed for 10 years and now, out of the blue, they've become an issue? I get that this change is better for the game's health but perhaps you could keep your MTX team in check a bit more when they design these items to be so overpowered?

Not an issue, more about bringing them in line with other Proteans.

When you use any other Protean - like Bars - you don't get a product at the end of it, it's just XP gains. That's the trade off for using them.

With Protean Planks, you did gain an output because you could use it to build things (such as the Fortinthry buildings) without needing actual in-game resources. They were also more intensive to use than the other Proteans to boot.

This is just about re-aligning them to operate more as a Protean should.


Originally posted by ReweraRS

Are there any other ways to get this besides levelling?

We want to let you discover it for yourselves though so going to keep this answer ambiguous - but there's a whole bunch of different things yes.


Originally posted by HexedTitan

“The Raptor now leans his mace on his shoulder during the two townhall scenes of Dead and Buried.”

So… he’s a mysterious man again now?

Mentioned this elsewhere - the Raptor's persona remains He/Him just like it was before. They haven't revealed their true identity to anyone else and are maintaining their persona.

Only you know differently from the Quest and we also don't want to spoil the Quest for anyone who hasn't gotten to it yet.




The Raptor's persona remains He/Him any time we refer to them. They still present themselves this way in-game to everyone but you.

We do this partly for spoilers, partly because it's the correct reference for the Raptor given their true identity is secret to all others.