

27 Jul


We just deployed a hotfix to address this. Thanks again for the reports.


Mentioned this just now in another thread, but just to say - thank you for the report! We've alerted the team and they are working on addressing this now.


Thanks for the reports. We've alerted the team and they are working on addressing this now.


Thanks for the reports - we've seen a few elsewhere too. Our team are on it and we're working on a fix asap.

24 Jul


Originally posted by Bazzaminxer

and the anti-sun lotion?

That was also addressed in the hotfix. :)

23 Jul


The team just deployed a hotfix for this, so it should now work as expected. Thanks for the report.


The team just deployed a hotfix for this. Thanks for reporting it!

20 Jul


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

Then maybe add a new tab / section to the news update where it clearly states upcoming updates / changes to the game and that they're not live yet? You guys went back and updated the wording on the post, which is great and all, but could have been avoided all together if you'd placed it in a more appropriate spot to begin with.

I think the point that Rubic makes in his post to you also holds merit. If you guys brought back monthly BTS news posts and videos, there would be no need to have confusing content like this in update posts. There is nothing wrong with providing a month look ahead as long as you guys include a disclaimer that this is just what is planned and not guaranteed AND that any delays are appropriately communicated with updates regarding progress provided occasionally. You guys did relatively well with the communication on the Archeology delay, but you dropped the ball on communicating it's progress to the point players started joking about i...

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There is absolutely no reason we should be hearing about how the global situation has impacted you guys so much 4 months into it

Absolutely. The freeze in comms due to the team working through a lot of uncertainty could have been handled better from all sides.

We're going to get to a balance where we're still not announcing content too early, but we're doing a much better - and more consistent - job of keeping you informed on what's going on development wise.

It'll take some time, not saying we'll nail everything right out of the gate, but it's the goal.


Originally posted by ImRubic

There's this interesting idea called a Monthly BTS. Basically you make a post that discusses the updates players can expect in the next month. Maybe you can make a video surrounding it as well. It would help with promoting these updates and helps casual people who may not watch streams or read twitter. With the video side of things, it helps expand your Youtube channel which indirectly can attract new players to your game.

Oh, and if you're worried about having to delay an update then all you need to do is add a disclaimer stating the BTS is just a a plan not a guarantee and changes could happen. Also, you could make an edit and link to a separate newspost that would cover communication surrounding said delay if one were to occur.

On the serious note. The newspost always has been about current or active information surrounding that week. It was never meant to be something that promotes stuff in the future. If you want to have a segment it shouldn't be lab...

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We're fine with the TWIR post having an element of reminding things / signposting if it's on the horizon! It's pretty beneficial given not everyone catches every bit of news, we just need to present it correctly.

On the BTS stuff, thanks for the thoughts. We're in the process of moving towards being more development-update orientated which should give more of a feel of what you're looking for.

We're very much committed to not announcing things too early to avoid mistakes of the past, but at the same time, we want to increase transparency alongside that rather than you all feeling more in the dark because of it. We're coming up with plans for how we hit that balance at the moment and hopefully whatever we come up with will feel closer to what you described!


This is so brilliant and I'm now eternally jealous.


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

Why is it included in this weeks update section, though, if it's not an update to begin with?

Fair question actually. We have repositioned this as This Week In Runescape but we're talking about it outside of the current week.

We do want to carry on doing this - it's important to signpost our bigger updates - but we can look at how to make it clearer (on top of avoiding a less of specification in the actual text that it's next week!).


Originally posted by UnwillingRedditer

Honestly, just because players use it a lot, does not mean it's a good thing for the game. Even if 'most' players aren't using half of it, even if players are logging in for it, it's plainly obvious that it devalues things. People would vote for free money if they could be convinced it wouldn't screw the economy, but 90% of the time it would.

Herblore especially: DXPW is just a barrage of 99/120 Herblore broadcasts, and this can be seen in the prices of herblore materials and how much they inflate every time you announce a DXPW. With a quarterly release like this it is inevitable that many are going to not even bother training these skills outside of DXPW, and they're frequent enough that, for all intents and purposes, Herblore as a skill is now arbitrarily twice as fast.

People get excited when things get made easier or faster for them, but for the long-term health of the game, you're making resources spike and slump in price and demand, making significant achievem...

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These are all great comments (and I've seen many others raise similar concerns) that we want to talk about.

Might take a bit to coordinate, but we're going to try and talk about these topics within DXP Live in more detail.


Originally posted by NotWorkingRedditing

Like everyone else is saying, how dare you guys try to keep using COVID-19 as an excuse for the lack of content. You guys have barely pumped out content even before the pandemic. Using this as a means to divert aggression is absolutely disgusting and you guys should be ashamed. There are people who genuinely have been impacted by this and you guys merely using it as an excuse belittles that to such a degree. On a similar note, how is OSRS continually pumping out quality despite this?

I mentioned something similar in another comment, but I get the scepticism. I just want to be clear that no-one is using COVID-19 as an excuse.

We did our recent stream to give you an honest look at our development challenges right now in developing from home (a productivity hit of around 30%) and what we're going to do about it. Our silence was deafening for a few months there while everything all of a sudden looked uncertain and it needed to be addressed.

As someone who works here, and just recently came from another studio developing from home, it's been challenging in both places for me personally. I can't speak for every developer, but I know a bunch of my friends in dev are struggling (a couple prefer it though!).

Regardless of your thoughts on the team's past output, we're not trying to use it as a lever to 'forgive all'. We want to bring you closer to our development and always be present, and this is just part of explaining what was going on.


Originally posted by asdfth12

The whole 'but coronaaaa!!!!' is a asspull and you know it. RS3 has been experiencing a content drought long before it, the current pandemic isn't responsible for what has become a established pattern.

It is, however, a easy excuse to latch onto rather than making the hard admissions, so hey... No real surprise that Jagex is playing that card heavily.

I get the scepticism, I really do.

There's a lot of impact from developing at home and much of the long-term impact of that is being felt in the past few months than right at the start.

For example, the AAA game I worked on prior just changed their Season length from 12 weeks to 18 weeks by the looks of it.

It's not easy (at least for a lot of teams) and it has had a major productivity impact hence the reshaped planning. Hopefully you'll feel the impact of that through the rest of this year, which we need to deliver on.


Originally posted by ShadowBall1215

You say that yet Warden has said that the roadmap would come out pre-Corona ('start of the year' = at best the entirety of Q1, which is up until March).

Road map when? Ah right, you ended up uprooting the concept 'cause you can't dish out proper content on proper times... I see...

Like I said, action is what matters now.

Mod Warden outlined the move towards smaller scope but still meaty content updates more regularly (with an ultimate goal of it being monthly) during our Develop from Home world.

We have to go deliver on that. But we'd rather be open from a development perspective than throw at a Roadmap that - let's be honest - you likely wouldn't trust anyway given recent output.


Originally posted by Qzyro

Why I personally hate this DXP event(s) is because you really don't even listen to your player base that DON'T want them this frequent and you only care about your "data", why don't you share that data to your community so we can see how many people truly wants this event and are part of that "silent majority".

Another thing I really hate about it is that you don't care for your players or do something about it that don't want to engage with the event but still get affected by it because when they want to train slowly in certain skills and then suddenly needs something they need to overpay on stuff because the demand suddenly sky rockets, it always happen with resources when this event gets announced every single time. What are you going to do about those people that don't engage in it but still need to overpay, and with this quarterly DXP you Jagex planned makes it even more horrible for those players to play normally when every 3 monts there will be a DXP event and every ...

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All great questions. We're talking to the team about if we can put something together to continue this conversation in more detail - whether that's here or in a stream of some sort - to provide more context/insight.

This does leverage the development team's time a little, so it may take a while, but we are actively interested in getting more info out.


Originally posted by J00stie

Just like mtx events aren't supposed to replace content updates? Meanwhile we are having the same amount of yak tracks released as new content updates, with treasure hunter running along it the past half year or so. Kinda hard to believe things you and your colleagues say when the facts say somwthing different

We get that. There's been the change in our content plans to bring more, but it's all about action. Not expecting you to be convinced by a response saying it alone.

If we go and deliver what we're saying, the balance should be much more evident.


Originally posted by JangoMango7

You are literally just a Jagex mouthpiece. Don't pretend you care about the community because we don't buy it.

Caring about the community is interacting.

Part of my responsibility is to relay the reasoning behind the decisions made and contribute to the conversation. It's way easier for us to not respond to difficult conversations, but having a discussion on something begins with interaction.

It's something I've seen asked for often here, and we want to do more of it. Just as we're passing information to you, we're also passing the feedback to the team on your thoughts. Just adding perspective.

17 Jul


Originally posted by metazombii

It has been just words, marketing words. There was expansions, promises, hype, surveys etc. Everything but content updates.

Why is there no delay or lack of updates on the osrs side. RS3 cant seem to match even 10% of the content updates. It is come to the point that fixes to the game, ninja updates, patch notes are highlighted in your news posts as 'content' to look forward towards.

How is that the same company 10 years ago with lesser revenue generation released 10x the amount of quests, had at least a summer boss release and 2-3 slayer mobs released all in same year. BUT now with all the mtx money generated cant even hit one of the targets.

For sure - as I said, it's just words until we deliver on it. We know that, not expecting to convince anybody with a post response.

We don't see Ninja as a content replacement to be clear - hence the new plans we shared in that stream.

But at the same time, a bi-weekly delivery of player-suggested / guided improvements is still worth celebrating - especially given the positive feedback we see around each drop.


Originally posted by Tkf530

Can you not come up with better ideas than DXP? Seasonal tournaments, double drops, Winter/Summer weekends?

The team are investing in Seasonal Events as well - bringing back The Beach is a small part of that but they're also looking at what Halloween could be etc.