

24 Aug


Originally posted by ImRubic

Nothing says we care about the community than another MTX update with development resources poured into graphically reworking a tiny part of the game giving it more visual inconsistency.

Who is the person in-charge and how can they not see they are doing a terrible job? Is no one internally telling them?

There's going to always be a mix - especially when it comes to weekly output. Ninja are prepping their next strike and Episodic are continuing work on our September content update after releasing Alchemical last week, so you'll see more on those fronts soon.

In general, I would just say to be prepared for a variety between events, QoL updates, new content and reworks. We have different teams doing their own thing and they'll pop up in between each other. Live Ops dropped this event and did the work themselves which shipped when it was ready without reliance on those other teams (the graphical rework was even done by an artist on the team!).

10 Aug


Originally posted by Tkf530

It's small patches until the end of the month for the "new items".

Just to add a little bit here, we aren't tied to a release schedule for the new content plan we announced (other than our goal to be at a point where we consistently can deliver additive stuff monthly!).

In other words, Desperate Measures wasn't setting up a consistent 'end of every month' release drop - they may come earlier in the month than that.


Congrats, great to hear! Still remember doing this vividly.

29 Jul

28 Jul


Originally posted by strangebloke

I tried this and it doesn't fix the problem. I've tried hopping worlds & clearing cache too.

Additionally my chat seems to constantly be stuck in the chat mode (where normally you'd hit enter to chat). The option for this is enabled in the settings. Means I'm no longer able to use any keybinds.

RSN: Cow Juices

Sorry to hear that, thanks for letting us know. The team are looking into additional reports.


Originally posted by Octochamp

"This fix has proved to be complex, but our team have just deployed a potential fix that may address the issue.

If All Chat no longer works, could you log out and log back in?"

So your complex potential fix is essentially turn it off and on again? That hasn't worked either.

Hah no, just requires you to log back out and in for the hotfix change to actually have an impact.

The team are still looking at this - we can see a few of you are still impacted. We may reach out to request further info if you wouldn't mind helping!

27 Jul


Hey all -

In case you missed my other posts, the team have just deployed a potential fix that may address the issue. It's a complex one to tackle but first responses to the fix look promising.

If All Chat no longer works, could you log out and log back in? Please let us know if this resolves the issue or not if you could.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Thanks for the reports. We've alerted the team and they are working on addressing this now.

Just to copy my comment from the News thread:

This fix has proved to be complex, but our team have just deployed a potential fix that may address the issue.

If All Chat no longer works, could you log out and log back in? Please let us know if this resolves the issue or not if you could.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Mentioned this just now in another thread, but just to say - thank you for the report! We've alerted the team and they are working on addressing this now.

Just to copy my comment from the News thread:

This fix has proved to be complex, but our team have just deployed a potential fix that may address the issue.

If All Chat no longer works, could you log out and log back in? Please let us know if this resolves the issue or not if you could.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

We are actively investigating this. As soon as we have news on this, we'll let you all know.

As a note, we have had reports that restarting the client resolved it for some (but not for others). An obvious step to relay but worth a shot.

This fix has proved to be complex, but our team have just deployed a potential fix that may address the issue.

If All Chat no longer works, could you log out and log back in? Please let us know if this resolves the issue or not if you could.


Originally posted by jagg1994

Chat box is bugged, showing up completely blank. Myself and numerous players at all locations having the same issue

We are actively investigating this. As soon as we have news on this, we'll let you all know.

As a note, we have had reports that restarting the client resolved it for some (but not for others). An obvious step to relay but worth a shot.


We just deployed a hotfix to address this. Thanks again for the reports.


Mentioned this just now in another thread, but just to say - thank you for the report! We've alerted the team and they are working on addressing this now.


Thanks for the reports. We've alerted the team and they are working on addressing this now.


Thanks for the reports - we've seen a few elsewhere too. Our team are on it and we're working on a fix asap.

24 Jul


Originally posted by Bazzaminxer

and the anti-sun lotion?

That was also addressed in the hotfix. :)

23 Jul


The team just deployed a hotfix for this, so it should now work as expected. Thanks for the report.


The team just deployed a hotfix for this. Thanks for reporting it!

20 Jul


Originally posted by Windsofthepast

Then maybe add a new tab / section to the news update where it clearly states upcoming updates / changes to the game and that they're not live yet? You guys went back and updated the wording on the post, which is great and all, but could have been avoided all together if you'd placed it in a more appropriate spot to begin with.

I think the point that Rubic makes in his post to you also holds merit. If you guys brought back monthly BTS news posts and videos, there would be no need to have confusing content like this in update posts. There is nothing wrong with providing a month look ahead as long as you guys include a disclaimer that this is just what is planned and not guaranteed AND that any delays are appropriately communicated with updates regarding progress provided occasionally. You guys did relatively well with the communication on the Archeology delay, but you dropped the ball on communicating it's progress to the point players started joking about i...

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There is absolutely no reason we should be hearing about how the global situation has impacted you guys so much 4 months into it

Absolutely. The freeze in comms due to the team working through a lot of uncertainty could have been handled better from all sides.

We're going to get to a balance where we're still not announcing content too early, but we're doing a much better - and more consistent - job of keeping you informed on what's going on development wise.

It'll take some time, not saying we'll nail everything right out of the gate, but it's the goal.


Originally posted by ImRubic

There's this interesting idea called a Monthly BTS. Basically you make a post that discusses the updates players can expect in the next month. Maybe you can make a video surrounding it as well. It would help with promoting these updates and helps casual people who may not watch streams or read twitter. With the video side of things, it helps expand your Youtube channel which indirectly can attract new players to your game.

Oh, and if you're worried about having to delay an update then all you need to do is add a disclaimer stating the BTS is just a a plan not a guarantee and changes could happen. Also, you could make an edit and link to a separate newspost that would cover communication surrounding said delay if one were to occur.

On the serious note. The newspost always has been about current or active information surrounding that week. It was never meant to be something that promotes stuff in the future. If you want to have a segment it shouldn't be lab...

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We're fine with the TWIR post having an element of reminding things / signposting if it's on the horizon! It's pretty beneficial given not everyone catches every bit of news, we just need to present it correctly.

On the BTS stuff, thanks for the thoughts. We're in the process of moving towards being more development-update orientated which should give more of a feel of what you're looking for.

We're very much committed to not announcing things too early to avoid mistakes of the past, but at the same time, we want to increase transparency alongside that rather than you all feeling more in the dark because of it. We're coming up with plans for how we hit that balance at the moment and hopefully whatever we come up with will feel closer to what you described!