

20 Jan


Originally posted by Sailor_Lunatone

Don't forget that there is also a crash when entering the dinosaur farm that not only crashes your client, but somehow also destroys the coding for the NXT so that the game immediately crashes on the login screen. There are also static graphics issues all over the game--in Al Kharid, the tree graphics are completely broken, for instance.

Make sure you look at all the issues that are happening and don't assume just yet that everything has been fixed.

We're still looking at other reports and gathering information - we'll make sure this is passed on also! This update came as the biggest priority as both were the main cause of crash reports and reports we saw online by quite some margin.


Originally posted by DJ_Chally_Chal

Any plans for the crash that sometimes occurs when you use the tree to tele from POF to ranch?

We're grabbing any reports we see to pass to the team. We'll keep you updated with any further progress!


Originally posted by sackree

Can you please let Ironman know if they can participate/benefit from the rewards before hand.

We're going to mention Ironman specifics more in future News Posts (as we should) so we'll take this into account too. Thanks for the feedback.

As a question, since we're doubling down on the level of detail we're looking to add into our posts..

Ideally, if we listed rewards, would you want us to call out any that are not earnable by Ironman players even if it's traditionally obvious (ie. XP Lamp) just to be extra sure?


We've released a new warmfix to address the most commonly occuring crashes coming from 007 Penguins and Castle Wars. More info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/l1f8nt/warmfix_for_crash_issues_20012021/


Hi all,

We've released a warmfix that solves crash issues when playing Penguin Hide & Seek and Castle Wars, which account for the vast majority of recently tracked / reported crashes. You'll automatically receive the update upon next login on all desktop clients.

This will also be deployed to Mobile once the build is through the Store processes. We'll update this post when released.

If you've reported crashes outside of these scenarios, our team have been gathering information throughout today and asking for repro steps - feel free to drop me a DM with any info if you are still impacted and we'll pass those along too.

Thanks for your patience!

External link →

19 Jan


Originally posted by Brisbe

Played both Vinesweeper and Brimhaven Agility Arena. Neither gave double. (I started Brimhaven Agility Arena, and got the '30 tags in a row' achievement finally. I left, and had definitely not earned anything close to 60 tickets.)

Thanks for reporting this, we'll check in with the team tomorrow. We've captured a couple other reports in this thread to pass along also and we'll be back with more info as soon as we have it.

18 Jan


Originally posted by Newme01

Jagex is incompetent. As I write this, 1h+ into the update, the +50% slayer exp buff from the previous week is still active lol...

This is a quirk of the way the Celebration of Combat bonus works vs the others - it resets based on the day whereas the rest are Update to Update.

That's why it started 12 hours earlier on Monday and will last throughout today. We decided to leave it running as is.


Thanks for all the feedback here. You are all absolutely right that the information we bring to you is vital and we're going to get on top of this. We have to do better around how we communicate event bonuses and modifiers. You can hold us to that. As to what we'll do out of the starting blocks:

  • Moving forward, we're going to include extra detail in the post around events - either in Game News or the Patch Notes - to make sure there's clear specificity. We generally do this, but not in all cases. In this case, that was especially needed given there were some exceptions.
  • The Ironman change should have been reflected in the Patch Notes. For future events, we'll work with the team to ensure that we note anything that does not apply to Ironman players where we can.
  • We'll pass your report on Minigame currency not being doubled to the team - the intent is a straight doubling of rewards.

(As an added note, just while we're mentioning Iron...

Read more

Hey all - for those of you asking, here's the full specifics of Minigames that reap the benefit of the double currency bonuses this week (plus the double Thaler and double Ports resources):

  • Barbarian Assault
  • Castle Wars
  • Conquest
  • Dominion Tower
  • Fight Cave
  • Fight Cauldron
  • Fight Pit
  • Fist of Guthix
  • Pest Control
  • Soul Wars
  • Shattered Worlds
  • Brimhaven Agility Arena
  • Flash Powder Factory
  • Gnome Restaurant
  • Great Orb Project
  • Mage Training Arena
  • Shifting Tombs
  • Trouble Brewing
  • Vinesweeper
  • Cabbage FacePunch Bonanza
  • Stealing Creation
  • Heist
  • Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up
  • Player-owned Ports resources
  • Thaler

We're also looking at getting this into our This Week In RuneScape post for an added layer of clarity on what's defined as a minigame. Hope this helps!

11 Jan


Originally posted by ImRubic

a boss target dummy that changes to various iconic bosses

Last I checked, Elder Overload Golems aren't an iconic boss...

Also, what new portal is there? The anniversary portal, which isn't new, only takes me to War's Retreat.

Totally. That wording doesn't match the final plans and what exists today with the Elder Overload Golems is correct. We can also confirm there's no rotation of those dummies for the buff.

The new portal is the Anniversary Portal - but we've updated it to remove the incorrect information about the Slayer locations & the wording insinuating it's a new portal rather than a new portal destination.

Apologies to anyone who's been left confused this morning. We're working with the team to make sure this doesn't happen for any of the remaining weeks and we're communicating accurate, final information. It's on us to do better.


Hey there Redditors!

Ahead of our next Leads Q&A live stream tomorrow, we're looking for any additional questions on top of those gathered for the December Leads Q&A that was cancelled due to an illness in the team. Drop any questions you have in this thread and we'll feature as many as we can live tomorrow!

External link →

Originally posted by MC-sama

Pretty sure the news post just says RDT.

This. It's just RDT.


Originally posted by iputtheflexinreflex

where is this boss target dummy? i'm too much of a dummy to see it

They are right next to Ariane - the Elder Overload Golems are today's dummies.


Originally posted by issakate

Will ironmen still be eligible for the other perks or were those also not intentional?

Just the Slayer XP buff - the other benefits will remain for Ironman accounts.


Originally posted by Nubblycious

if it helps you, the laptop I'm playing runescape on at the moment has the following specs:

Model: Acer Aspire A315-56

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1, 8 threads 1GHz

Graphics Card: Intel UHD Graphics 620

Memory: 8GB RAM

Sometimes while I'm playing, the client will freeze altogether for a couple seconds, and afterwards the background will continue playing while the screen is frozen. At this point i would exit out of the client and then relog again, only to be greeted by a flickering interface, which I've found occurs more frequently based on how much activity is going on in the client. I've encountered this issue on both the standard and steam clients too.

This does help thank you! We might reach out to ask for some more information soon to help our investigation, if you're interested in helping.


Thanks for the feedback and we understand how frustrating this is - it wasn't the intention of anyone here to have information in one place and not another.

This was one of those rare moments where there were some crossed wires purely due to the holiday break - the end result caused two different approaches (weekly reveal and reveal all now) which is why information is in one spot and not the other. Something we'll look to improve in future for sure.


This is unintended and we'll be removing it with our Update this morning, or shortly after, depending on when the fix makes it through QA.

06 Jan


They've progressed a whole bunch since our September stream where we last showcased them - you won't be waiting too long for an update on when to expect them.


Thanks for posting your update in the OP Fishworm117. There was no intended fix this week but knowing it's continuing is helpful. We're working on our investigations at the moment - and again, thank you for the patience on this with how disruptive this is. We're on it.

05 Jan


Originally posted by autumneliteRS

You'll also have the chance to sink your teeth into the Prologue of the multi-part 20th Anniversary Quest series later this month too!

You’ve been hitting regular all time low quest levels for years and that is even with cutting corners. Modern Jagex does not have the capacity to deliver a multi-part quest series.

We're committed to more Quests this year - the multi-part 20th Anniversary Quests aren't the only ones planned for 2021 either.

We've been delivering on the monthly content promise and we've been substantially growing the team to go even further with the kind of content we can deliver in that schedule. Hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised this year with what you get.