

20 Oct


Originally posted by JagexHooli

We are definitely aware of this and we're looking to fix it asap, ideally through a hotfix if possible.

The over-sized hitbox for the Moksha Device should now be hotfixed!


Originally posted by RS4When

It looks very good especially knowing it was done during lockdown and remote working from home.

This as good as any to mention that I can't see any other post talking about the Gigantic clickbait (clickable area) of the Moksha Device lvl108 Mystery. makes the area not very friendly to excavate; everything must be done by right click including seren spirit and blessing of the gods.

We are definitely aware of this and we're looking to fix it asap, ideally through a hotfix if possible.

19 Oct


Originally posted by xsquiddox

The new recipes and potions are 1 gp on ge and i cant put any offers on mobile (android) so far.

Thanks for the report. We'll look into it asap.


Originally posted by Merari01


Tear of Guthix is not giving me any xp, it let me keep the bowl and I can go back into the cave again by using the bowl on Juna and telling a story.

Thanks - we've seen a few reports on it. The team are looking into it.


Originally posted by edjani29

Got another steam valve box, but I can't open it cause I already did the last time.

We're aware of this and looking into it. Feel free to destroy your extra un-openable box in the meantime.

16 Oct


Originally posted by eckinz

24 hours later and it's still broken... LMAO

What are you encountering that's broken? We don't have any active Steam issues right now, so let me know if there's something preventing you playing.

15 Oct


Originally posted by Heavyoak

that's great and all but if you could be a tab more active on the steam forums that would be great.

scams and spam everywhere and the steam forums "trading" sub section already has scammers posting.

We'll take a look at those sub sections - thanks for letting us know!


As awesome as it is to have launched on Steam, the highlight for me (and definitely quite a few others here) was seeing how many of you turned up to support the new players and welcome them with open arms.

It was honestly amazing to see. There was a lot of pride in what an incredible community you all are yesterday. Thank you.


Originally posted by ymir06

Can you please add the linux and mac clients to steam too. I know of proton but a native client already exists for both platforms or are there specific issues with implementing steam with the clients? Thanks

It's something we're considering, yeah! Nothing to confirm for sure today on those fronts, but it is being talked about.

The reason why we only did the one client is simply because this is a big step for RuneScape! We put all our focus into one client (Windows) to make sure we nailed the Steam integration for that first.


Originally posted by DataVSLore007

Are the trading cards and other steam goodies out today too, or are those dropping at a later date? I can't for the life of me find them.

Those will come shortly after launch - they are ready to go, but as a new game launch we have to wait a little bit before they can be added. We expect to have news pretty soon on their availability.


Originally posted by Morcalvin

How do I link steam to Runescape?

You can do it in the client when you play through Steam (you need to download it via Steam to do that).

You can also link your accounts on RuneScape.com in Account Management -> Linked Accounts.


Originally posted by DataVSLore007

Are the trading cards and other steam goodies out today too, or are those dropping at a later date? I can't for the life of me find them.

The Trading Cards are out shortly after launch and all those bits and bobs are tied to completing card collections. We'll hopefully have some news on the Trading Cards coming out pretty soon here.

14 Oct


We hear you on this - it's in our plans for the future since the requests from the Beta!


Originally posted by kingkongjaffa

Did this work when you tested it?

Steam Account linking has been live for a good while now (over a week) with no issue. It was load related problems in the end.

It's fixed now if you were unable to link because of it. Thanks for the patience!


Hi everyone. If you were encountering issues linking your Steam account, please try again now - the team have deployed updates that seem to have resolved the issue. Let us know if you're still encountering issues!


Originally posted by the_real_tc1

Will players be able to purchase Bonds with their Steam money now?

There's no option to buy Bonds with your Steam Wallet.


We don't have support for linking multiple accounts, though you can link and unlink your Steam account at will.


Originally posted by Skylord_Guthix

The whole losing your 50 bank spaces at the end of the purchase doesn't sit right with me ngl

Got you an answer on this one - these are the same 50 bank spaces you get with Premier usually (which also expires once your Premier expires).


Originally posted by jaydenkieran

Hi everyone! We (the RS Wiki) have created some simple guides for new players on the Steam community hub to help new players learn the game, and find their way to the wiki. Please show them some love!

We are blown away by these. The hard work and care is so evident. Thanks for contributing some amazing guides for the new players!


Originally posted by TasteQlimax

Account linking isn't working for me throws constantly different errors, some related to me being a bot, some to random internal errors. When I get to the login and enter all my details it says session expired.

We're working on getting this fixed - seems access is intermittent so you may be able to get it working in the meantime. We should have an update shortly.