Messages like these are cool - my problem with you writing that here is that this is should be on the main website.
We, as a community, need constant updates. Where are you at, what are the plans, what plans are getting delayed, how will things look moving forward (month by month basis).
The TLDW post should also not be on Reddit, it should be on the Runescape website (I don't know if it is, because with me having to check Reddit, Twitter, Runescape website, Youtube channels and the lord knows what else to actually get all the info, missing something is incredibly easy).
I'm aware it is made by Rubic (who, by the way, you guys should hire and pay because holy f**k his/her contributions are top dollar value - ) and not you guys, but you seriously need to centralize all relevant information, and in a timely fashion. MAX 24 hours after a livestream ends, a complete TLDW should be on the main website with just as much detail as Rubics TLDW.