

14 Sep


Originally posted by Im_Phteven

Can we get skilling pets from the Effigy Incubator nodes?

Chased down an answer on this one! The nodes do not provide a chance to find a Skilling Pet - whether the D&D is in an active state or not.

08 Sep


Originally posted by RsAOROX

I was going to comment about my thread from the forums, but seems I've been beaten. :P /u/JagexHooli - It would be great to work closer with Jagex on a type of thread to collate everything into a singular area. I've been running the Social Media News thread on the RS forums for over 2 years now, with some help from the community. It would be nice to have JMods come along and post, or link to their posts made on Social Media. Regardless of any outcome, whether this post is even read or not, I will be continuing to post on the forum thread, as there's been countless people posting on the thread about how they do not use social media, and use my thread to find out information from external sources.

Thank you for doing that. Admittedly, I need to spend much more time there too in general. Really appreciate the effort to fill a gap there for the forum community though (and the feedback).


Originally posted by TaifurinPriscilla

Messages like these are cool - my problem with you writing that here is that this is should be on the main website.

We, as a community, need constant updates. Where are you at, what are the plans, what plans are getting delayed, how will things look moving forward (month by month basis).

The TLDW post should also not be on Reddit, it should be on the Runescape website (I don't know if it is, because with me having to check Reddit, Twitter, Runescape website, Youtube channels and the lord knows what else to actually get all the info, missing something is incredibly easy).

I'm aware it is made by Rubic (who, by the way, you guys should hire and pay because holy f**k his/her contributions are top dollar value - ) and not you guys, but you seriously need to centralize all relevant information, and in a timely fashion. MAX 24 hours after a livestream ends, a complete TLDW should be on the main website with just as much detail as Rubics TLDW.


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Thanks for the detailed thoughts. I think a lot of what we are working on will hit those notes so keep an eye out and keep this level of feedback coming for us.


Originally posted by Mat_Mase

This is one example of information that belongs on the runescape main site:

Additionally all stream VODs should be linked on the main site. It pains me that I already miss out on stream due to living at GMT+12.

I also speak on behalf of my clan who doesn't/refuses to use social media. A lot of us are older players if that means anything to you.

Thanks for this.

For sure on that example, that'll come under us bringing those juicy nuggets of info from various J-Mods into one place. Great to hear this is something you want to see.

On the stream VOD stuff, our tech is a little old (to say the least) on the website so that may be a bit more difficult than it sounds. Something we'll take a further look at for sure though. We are going to try announcement posts with the VOD in it for the major ones though, so let us know if that helps.

07 Sep


Originally posted by darn42

Mind, this isn't a huge issue for me, but often I'll follow links from here to twitter on stuff like drop rates, clarifications on content, that kind of stuff

Great to know. Hopefully our J-Mod response highlighting will help you there.


Originally posted by Ironpackyack

There have deffintly been hotfixes and bugs that I would have known about ages ahead of time. Most recently was a bug posted only to Twitter as well as its resolution. I couldn't quite pull that one up as my history is deep. But here's a link to a post asking for the same.


I don't know you as a mod but your response gives me some hope. I want runescape info on rs. Then social media. Twitter shouldn't be Runescapes platform. Runescape should be Runescapes platform.

Thanks for the feedback on this.


Originally posted by xOTyrion

Honestly it's just difficult to take his words seriously right now. We have had more patch weeks than update weeks this year, so 3/4 isn't happening.

I miss the old days when we actually had weekly updates AND ninja updates instead of calling ninjas the update.

We only shifted to this approach around July. We realised that COVID's impact to production was going to really slow additive content so we re-imagined the plans to smaller but still beefy new content updates (targeting every month).

Since the switch, we're on track so far and we outlined the content coming in a recent stream. Rubic's TLDW post on it is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/ih6wnj/tldw_491_jmod_qa/


Originally posted by Ironpackyack

Does this mean you'll be posting relivant info on site and not just reddit/twitter/discord? Because THAT WOULD BE AMAZEING !!!

We're working on that in part for sure. We're cooking up something at the moment that includes a collating some key J-Mod responses from around the web in a bit of a one-stop-shop for example.

We want to invest more time in responding in places like Twitter, Reddit and Discord, so we think it's best that we support that by making sure any interesting responses aren't missed.

We're also going to trial posting an announcement post for any content we reveal in a stream (including the VOD) straight after it finishes to help on that front too!

Out of interest, do you have any relevant examples of information you felt you had to go to those places for that you couldn't get from the website? Definitely would love any feedback on that front.


Originally posted by Kathrine_Is

That still doesn't justify the lackluster weekly updates we're getting. It really feels like a slap to the face we're logging in and the game info is pretty much "sorry this week is empty but np we at jigglyflex promise a good update next week". Really not worth spending money for premier when nothing has changed.

Things take time to develop. Warden talked about this on stream a couple weeks ago, but not every week will have something significant to share, though most weeks will.

As a team, we're really focused on delivering new content on a monthly basis, plus multiple Ninja Strikes a month, plus any events that may happen. That means 3/4 weeks a month will usually have some form of meaningful update beyond a Patch Notes week.

In other words, there will be an ebb and flow - but meaningful updates more often than not.


Originally posted by 5-x

The first paragraph of the newspost shouldn't talk about next week's update. When you have nothing to say, say nothing. It's a patch week, okay. Straight to the point, no more intros for 14 year olds.

We reformatted the Monday post recently with the header tabs and the new names to change the way we deliver news. Part of calling that tab Game News is so we can also communicate announcements regarding the game coming later in the week, so you know when and where they will take place. We won't do this for every announcement, but it makes sense for certain ones.

It's been a common request for us to centralize information more, so this is part of that - we saw some promising viewership results that (so far!) seem to indicate it's helping a bunch of folks.

29 Aug


Hi everyone. We appreciate there are a lot of thoughts and feelings around this topic, and we hear you. Thanks for your patience while we all regrouped here at Jagex over the course of last night and today.

We have been reviewing this further with key team members and senior team leaders, and we do feel this warrants a deeper investigation which we will be doing over the coming days. In the meantime, we do feel that the initial player bans were done in accordance with our policy on knowingly exploiting a bug or error (found here: https://www.runescape.com/game-guide/rules). However, we will also be discussing this in our review as well as part of that deeper investigation.


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24 Aug


Originally posted by caddph

Was about to post the same; I don't know why they're calling for questions for a Q&A, when they didn't answer any from the last time they collected questions, and more or less did a runefest recap saying Orthen, a new quest, and GWD3 are still in the works.

We're going to tackle some from that last thread too. /u/JagexPoerkie is going to be sharing a collation of them from last time out in the thread. This is just to gather any new Qs that have cropped up since then.


Originally posted by OrbitOver

I can't even imagine how dysfunctional the management of your development teams must be if you can't even forecast releases a few weeks away with reasonably certainty.

We have done recently - Desperate Measures was announced 3 weeks in advance - but each piece of content differs in development. Some fly through, others unfurl surprises to tackle.

Just speaking personally, in other development teams I've worked in, content is usually announced pretty close to release for similar reasons.


Originally posted by FightTheThargReich

Just a side note, if this blend is the new format for monthly updates, is there any plan on bringing back the Month Ahead news posts?

Mod Warden has made it very clear that he doesn’t like teasing or revealing content without being confident in the release date. But even when we did get the month ahead posts, Jagex put a little disclaimer at the bottom saying that the revealed content wasn’t guaranteed to come out this month, but they are what updates are coming out next, regardless. And yes, Jagex made use of this a lot lol. Sometimes frustratingly, but at least we still knew what was in the pipeline.

Not per se. Right now, the plan is still to announce content when we are highly confident in it's release - both to protect quality (if we need to spend more time to get it right) and to move away from some missed promises of the past.

What you called out is what we're going for though - 'we still knew what was in the pipeline'. We're looking at how we announce things at the right time in the right way, while also keeping you up to date with what we are working on in a satisfying way. It's not as impossible as it sounds!

Apologies for the vagueness in what the 'thing' we're going for is, still some things in flux, but once we're all locked we'll happily discuss what's coming!


Originally posted by mitzi86

Hey Hooli, the issue is that when you and other mods say that "theres going to always be a mix" or something in that essence, we don't believe you. Because you've all proven there is not a mix occurring. Theres only a mix of MTX and patches (don't call ninja strikes anything other then a glorified patch because thats what they are). Then you sprinkle in a single content update every 4 or so months. that's not a mix.

Honestly, you hit the nail on the head when it comes to believing in what we say. We understand that. Proof is in the pudding for us right now.

The new content plan has started on track with DM in July and Alchemical in August. Our next content drop in September is also looking on plan right now. And Ninja Strikes are constantly peppered in between that.

Point being, we hope you'll feel it as a mix more as the months ahead go by. Please keep the feedback coming on this front - it's important we know how it feels, not just what it looks like on paper.


Originally posted by ImRubic

It's not really a mix. We get more MTX/Events than we do content updates. It's like the main course are MTX/Events and the breath mint at the end of a meal are normal updates when it should be the other way around.

I already said this on twitter:

  • Currently: You guys are trying to see how normal updates can 'mix' with an MTX/event update.
  • Instead of: How can an MTX update 'mix' with a normal update.

If your response to this is: There are more events/MTX than normal updates then bingo, you identified the problem. That's our issue and I don't see why it's that difficult to grasp.

did you not feel Alchemical Hydrix was the most substantial thing this month

But default it has to be in terms of permanent content, but when compared to:

  • The Beach
  • Double XP Live
  • Traveling Artisan

Two pieces of jewelry which are primarily for rich players/end-game players ar...

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Thanks for the well put together post on your thoughts Rubic, feedback presented in this way is great to have.

We'll see if we can bring together some folks who can talk to this - not sure if we'll have the right people to cover this in the Q&A this week fully, but if not, we'll sort something out where we can tackle this head on in more detail.


Originally posted by YeahhhhhWhateverrrr

I appreciate the response. I'd like to add that I think even if the balance was one to one. One substantial update for every event like this. If the graphical update had been more extensive today for example, I would have been cool with it. Hell, I might have even been inclined to participate in the event and spend a bit of extra money.

But if I don't feel like the money being generated from mtx and my subscription is going back into the game, I'm far less inclined to give any more money than I have to.

The alchemical hydrix was great. But no, I feel today's event is more substantial. A bunch of new items, overrides, a well done interface with some depth there in progression, seems to be more extensive to me than the alchemical hydrix. (Edit: I'm not saying I like the type of content the live event is better, far from it. I am saying that the time spent developing seems like it'd be significantly more extensive with today's mtx event)

Thank you for this feedback! Elaborating on feedback like this is really helpful for the team, so it's very appreciated. We'll pass it along.


Originally posted by ImRubic

Why are we getting more content produced out of Live Ops than we are from the regular development team?

Also, if Live Ops were the only ones to work on this update then why are there no patch notes this week despite a number of bugs?

Finally, Hooli, are you aware of Jagex's accomplishments in 2016? What their update schedule was like, Jagex's team formation, strategies, etc? If you aren't, why aren't you?

We're talking about some very different scopes sizes in terms of content which is part of it - the other part is the pivot plan has only just taken effect to enable more content more often. Desperate Measures was the end of July, followed by Alchemical in mid August. That's the first signs of that coming into play, so if you feel like that now, hopefully the months ahead will change that feeling!

On the Patch Notes, it's just simply a quieter week. More and more team members are taking their holiday right around now (given most waited while lockdown was on!) so the capacity expands and contracts accordingly with that. We also had our internal two-day LevelUp conference focused on team learning / knowledge sharing that played into that too. In those situations, the development priority is on Ninja Strikes and the new content.

On your question about the past, I am indeed. I think it's a great question and - like the Double XP LIVE conversation - one that would be grea...

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Originally posted by YeahhhhhWhateverrrr

This new mtx update is extensive. With polish. And s kick ass interface. You're really telling me that couldn't have been replaced with something for the subscriptions we already payed? Like come on man. The most substantial updates we get in a month can't be mtx events. Pay a subscription for a month for support, and then you use that money to find more ways to ask for more money...

If you did both, that's one thing. Live ops seem to put out the most consistent content and the most polished content... Like the actual permanent content updates that aren't related to paying more than our sub, are an after thought. Not a priority.

That's what we're hoping to solve with the new monthly content releases - a mix of Ninja (QoL / Rework / Improvement), Events (Live Ops) and new content as a balance. Events cover things like The Beach, Halloween etc as well as stuff like Travelling Artisan just to be clear.

Totally appreciate the feedback that, right now, you don't feel like that balance is there. The plan is just taking it's first steps so hopefully we'll hit more of the notes you want coming up as we release some bigger stuff like Orthen too.

As a question just based on your comment, did you not feel Alchemical Hydrix was the most substantial thing this month out of interest? We're aware it's a smaller update in size compared to some we have in the pipe, but we feel it is pretty meaningful to the game. Just keen to hear thoughts to pass on here!


Originally posted by ilovezezima

I'd say the lack of communication from the community managers (outside of these posts themselves) is an indication of how much Jagex (or at least the community manager) cares about the community.

2 weeks ago a post was not received well and the community manager then decided not to comment at all over the last two weeks, but has posted this thread and another a week ago. Really makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

Fair comments on our community presence. We've had a mix of holidays, internal training days and a lot of behind-the-scenes work that has made us less present vocally for a little bit here. We'll work on that. The CM team really have been working their socks off.

Regardless of our workload, the CM team are in here reading constantly though and the feedback has been represented to and/or seen by the team, even if you didn't see us comment.

On the 'working on stuff behind-the-scenes' front, we mentioned a while back that the plan is to bring you closer to development and that's a big part of fixing that feeling. We have some stuff in flight that hopefully will start to emerge soon which - we hope - will really give you the kind of insight you all look for from us. It's taking a bit but we will get there.

*Slight edit for clarity*