

14 Dec


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Thanks for reporting this - the team are aware and on the case. We'll share any updates here and in the main TWIR thread.

We've identified the issue and have begun to deploy the fix. This will take some time to spool up, but we should have some good news to report sooner rather than later. More updates to come - thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by JagexHooli

We're investigating your reports now. We'll provide updates as soon as we can.

We've identified the issue and have begun to deploy the fix. This will take some time to spool up, but we should have some good news to report sooner rather than later. More updates to come - thanks for your patience!


Thanks for reporting this - the team are aware and on the case. We'll share any updates here and in the main TWIR thread.


Originally posted by seolful

Is it just me but I can't open the client?

We're investigating your reports now. We'll provide updates as soon as we can.


Originally posted by Prcrstntr

Game not loading for anyone else?

We're looking into these reports now. The team are on it.


Originally posted by ImRubic

I take it last week's scheduled Lead QA now won't happen before the end of the year?

Still TBD. We're trying to get one in tomorrow on top of what we have planned, pending if people are feeling well enough as yet.

If we can go ahead, we'll be making posts today to gather more questions.


Originally posted by Gamebugio

Yak track improvements are great. I like the "earn marks of war" idea, gives you free reign to do whatever bosses

Invention machines login messages is the best thing I never knew I needed

Gold reaper super aspirational but glad it exists

I would like to offer the feedback that while the meaning of "TWIR" is obvious to those paying attention, not everyone is paying attention. Unless spelling out "This Week in Runescape" borks the formatting, I suggest spelling it out as often as possible.

On the TWIR acronym, definitely something we're thinking about. We've been trying a few things this year in terms of titles and formatting to see what works best, and you'll likely see another change to this coming up!

07 Dec

30 Nov


Originally posted by ImRubic

The 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off has never been the case. In addition, on a livestream they did say "the end of the month" [November].

On top of that the Premier club December drops include a Yak Track task skip which should be accessible from tomorrow.

That was said on stream, but it wasn't intentionally an announcement as Mod Mic was outlining stuff as part of a longer answer. Sorry for any confusion we caused on that one!

There is one more coming before the end of the year, and we will be announcing it in a separate post before it's launched.


Just wanted to hop in with an update for those experiencing issues since Monday's update - this is still a top priority for the team and we'll hopefully have more to share very soon.

Any updates we have on the situation will be posted here: Client Crashes: Investigations & Updates : runescape (reddit.com)

23 Nov

12 Nov


Just a note on the 100 Bank Spaces -

For those of you who recall, the Steam Max Membership Pack contains + 50 Bank Spaces which were intended to be shared with the +50 from Premier Pass. This ended up not being the case due to the bug, and it meant they could be stacked (thanks for those who reported this to us last week!).

Instead of just fixing the bug, we decided to add the extra 50 as a benefit to both! That benefit is now correctly shared - meaning that both Premier Club and the Max Membership Pack on Steam give you +100 Bank Spaces from Monday, but you can't stack them to get +200.

This will be reflected from Monday, including for existing Premier Club owners with an active membership and Max Membership Pack owners.


Originally posted by Raymak700m

Will it be purchasable via steam wallet?

It will be, though you'll need to go through the Steam client to use your Steam Wallet.


Originally posted by PMMMR

Does the 25% discount apply to bonds too? So 15 bonds instead of the usual 20.

The Bond price is the same at 20 Bonds for Gold - the discount applies to memberships paid through real-money.


Originally posted by mrfarm

So is it 100 or 50 bankspace?

The newpost says 100.
The detailed info list on premier website says 50.

It's 100.


Originally posted by Tkf530

There's no mention of being able to get it with bonds? I hope this isn't true.

You can still get Premier Club with Bonds!

09 Nov

21 Oct


Agreed! They are a brilliant bunch and the quality bar they set is pretty incredible.