

03 Feb


Originally posted by maybe_cca

I don’t think people think you’re being untruthful. I think the problem is that you’re making excuses like ‘it’ll take a lot of technical work’ to make a bigger click box without the graphical change. Is it not someone’s job there to do technical work? Not really fair to say it’s just easier to make this graphic no one wanted rather than putting in the work which is presumably someone’s job already anyways.

I’ll try to get more context on this tomorrow. The thing that I have learned with these types of technical issues is that nothing is ever “impossible” if you have the time but something can be so annoying to fix and take so many hours worth of dev or engine time that it becomes way too expensive to justify the time cost vs the added benefit. I believe this is that type of situation. And then when you compare it to what that time could have been spent on like updates etc that is where we prioritise the “bigger” things.


Originally posted by poipoipoipoipoipoop

most feasible solution for helping mobile users was to add a graphical element

"Why can't the additional graphical element be transparent?" is the main question here. OP isn't asking for the ring clickboxes to be changed.

Thank you! I will make sure to ask - I don’t know the technical reason well enough to comment on whether a transparent* beam would work but I’ll try to find out.

I just wanted to chime in just now because I noticed a lot of people think we aren’t being truthful with our explanation. It just seems that the technical blocker hasn’t really been explained well enough by me.

So I will make sure to get a better understanding and feedback to you if possible after speaking with the team. :)

02 Feb


Hey all! I want to jump in and quickly say there is a genuine technical reason why we went with a graphical change as we can’t just increase the size of the click boxes without a lot of technical work, so the easiest and most feasible solution for helping mobile users was to add a graphical element.

We don’t take graphical changes lightly so we are looking open to feedback on it. But in this case it is really important for us to make improvements which benefit accessibility for players.

I realise there’s a lot of misconceptions about this topic because it seems on surface value very simple to solve. I haven’t been able to explain the issue well enough and so perhaps need to give more information about how complex this actually is. From what I understand it’s a very complicated technical limitation we have and explaining the reasons why we are not able to increase their clickbox is really hard! Some of the devs can sometimes even find it difficult to deci...

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01 Feb


Hey everyone,

Our livestream tomorrow will be a Q&A with the OSRS Community Management team (Mod Ayiza, Sarnie, Goblin & me) AND Mod Sween, who recently rejoined us as a Senior Marketing Manager!

The stream will start at 17:00 GMT tomorrow on our Twitch channel.

We're really interested in answering any questions related to OSRS Community Management or Marketing, for example, any queries you might have relating to the new polling system or how we handle your feedback in Community Management, what approach we're taking with Marketing, etc.

...Also, if you have any questions for Mod Sween, the CM team is more than happy to do a little interview with our former manager ;)

Would love to hear your questions for the team so please drop them here. Thanks!

External link →

26 Jan


Hey everyone, we'll be live on our Twitch channel today at 17:00 GMT discussing this week's game update - the wildy boss rework! This is a stream with Mod Goblin, Kirby & Ayiza - what a line-up!

Do you have any questions for the team relating to WBR? Please drop them below and we'll try to get them answered for you. :)

Hope you're all having an amazing Thursday - THE best Thursday you've ever had, in fact. You rock. Okay, go ask your questions!!

External link →

24 Jan

23 Jan


Originally posted by Deadblinx

The poll in-game says it closes Thursday 30th January, but the 30th is Monday, is the numerical date correct?

I’m fairly confident that’s a typo and it should be Monday 30th. I’ll let the team know in the morning that needs changing :)


Originally posted by MisterMeeseeks47

Man I’m dumb. I thought they were announcing a new skill called Community Consultation

Reddit moment ahahah


Hey everyone! It's time for community consultation - woo! Join us on Twitch today at 17:00 GMT with Mods Elena, Husky and Kieren!

Useful Links
🔗 Survey 🔗 https://osrs.game/New-Skill-Consultation-Survey (Make sure to fill this out!)
🔗 Discord 🔗 https://discord.gg/t8...

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19 Jan


Hi! We're planning to have a Q&A today focused on Old School RuneScape's narrative & storyline with Mod Ed!

It starts at 17:00 GMT on our Twitch livestream and we would love to hear your questions!

We'll start with some questions for Mod Ed about the recent revelations from Secrets of the North, then we'll answer any general lore questions you may have!

Got any questions for us? Ask away!

External link →

13 Dec


Originally posted by sean_starkey

The holiday update. I’m sorry, I’m new here. I just assumed a date would be posted along with the release if said update.

Hey sean welcome to the community. It's today at 11.30am GMT, so you should be able to log in now and enjoy the event.


Originally posted by heretohelp225

So has nothing been done about the damage from the warden charging balls failing the task? This is not avoidable but still fails the task inappropriately

Hey, thanks for giving me more information about it. I don't know whether this is a bug just yet until I've spoken with dev. If it's unavoidable damage that seems like a bug, unless there are ways to play around it. I'll make sure this is brought up with the team to discuss.


Originally posted by Billychapmanhorror

Hiya I noticed a mistake. Temple of the Eye is in Beta rn, not truly in game. Just wanted this to not be confusing.

amended! thanks.


Originally posted by Cautious_Equipment98


merry christmas!!


Originally posted by thgril

Mapped purgatory for that whole area.

Very mysterious

This has been corrected! Apparently the place where you die in a raid and become a ghost is called purgatory lol


Originally posted by LE_TROLLFACEXD

Mapped purgatory for that whole area 🤔

Hi, this is a typo. It's a small job relating to some tiles in entrance area of Crondis path and their mapping. Updating soon with more info!


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Fixed a bug with the 'Perfect Wardens' task which did not account for Obelisk attacks as intended.

Is this about the orb attacks? Can you now ignore/tank these properly?

The CA for Perfect Wardens was not counting Obelisk Attacks against players, which wasn't intended as those are avoidable. It's been changed so that if you get hit by those attacks then it will count as avoidable damage taken and you won't get the Achievement.