

03 Apr


Originally posted by ashlaked1

I know this might be nitpicky, but if shamanism is chosen, could we please have poll about changing the name of it?

Similar Q answered here


Originally posted by ArrgsVsZuk

Will the name of Shamanism be changed or was your internal decision finalised already? I’ve seen many people suggest a dislike for it already.

Similar Q answered here


Originally posted by Blue_Dew

Assuming a perfect scenario, is there an ETA on when a new skill will be fully released?

The full launch of any new skill wouldn't be in 2023. Release depends on what skill it is and what players determine during refinement. :) We know that it's important to get this right, and we need to take the appropriate time to provide great content for players to enjoy on release. It's very possible we could have a playable Beta in 2023 if we managed to 'lock in' a Skill within the next 3-4 months but that's being very optimistic


Originally posted by SorbetAny289

If something like Shamanism passes. Is the spirit realm going to be separate from other realms? Just trying to see how it'd interact with like the Mahjarrat and such. Would any quests retroactively have certain skill reqs?

Hey there!
- Spirit Realm is not going to be instanced but we don't know what it looks like yet, so we have no idea if it's an overlay or separate area.
- Kieren said no to retroactive skill reqs on our recent Q&A.


Originally posted by Bucky640

I love the idea of Shamaning introducing augmentations. Could these be focused towards skilling gear to reduce people’s fears about power creep?

This seems to have been left intentionally very vague, but that seems to have just drummed up anxiety in the community.

If this was the one concept that went through to refinement, we'll have a conversation with the community about where the augments should be in the game and what they should affect. Totally understand the anxiety around it. We've left it open-ended so that the community can decide


Originally posted by SevenEightFour

I'm sorry, but a "limit on survey responses" does not seem like a very good reason not to run a survey. Presumably this limit can be increased by paying the survey company, and presumably Jagex can afford to do so. The surveys are by far the best ways to collect this feedback, as they are the only form of feedback not to have responses influenced by the social pressure of the social media platforms where you otherwise collect feedback.

The survey is still there in the blog post we're just worried about the impact of 40k responses on an older survey that has already been taken by 10k people when we're already close to hitting a cap. We'll run more surveys once we know what skill we're refining (which is actually where we need the feedback most).


Originally posted by secret759

It feels like most of the initial useful feedback on the skills has already been gathered, what with the survey, multiple discord chats and livestreams. What sort of feedback do you most want to see at this stage?

Mostly just looking to answer any lingering questions before the poll tomorrow. Refinement will depend on which skill goes through


Originally posted by levian_durai

I know you guys have said that you can vote saying you like multiple skills, but ultimately only one can pass.

I personally think Shamanism looks the best immediately, but that sailing has the most potential to add to the world - it will just take a long time to implement.

Would it be possible to have a poll that isn't years away to ask about sailing, if it doesn't pass this round?

If something doesn't pass to refinement but proves really popular there's absolutely no reason why we can't revisit it, if it's something the community wants


Originally posted by Shoop_de_Yoop

There has been lots of focus on what skill the community wants, which we all appreciate, but not much talk about what the jagex team wants to get from a skill.

Which skill do you think would have the healthiest impact on the game? For example, would sailing help create an easier format for expanding the RuneScape map further without risking breaking existing areas? Would taming help create a way to correct longtime design issues that don't have a clear solve? Would shamanism add another layer of item sink to help prop up the value of skilling items?


We generally think all three concepts are solid otherwise we wouldn't have pitched it! I think a lot of this is personal preference, we're players too and we have different opinions. Ultimately we want a skill that the community is happy with and excited about. This is an expansion for our game and we want players to be excited about the future of OSRS. Bit of a cop-out answer but all three pitches have great elements to them. I don't think it's possible to have a skill tick *every* box


Originally posted by moopsh

Love that you’re doing this AMA, and so appreciative of the community engagement with these skill pitches.

I have a question for each of my top 2: Shamanism and Sailing.

Shamanism: Have you spent much time brainstorming the spirit realm and how it might function? I personally can’t get A Link to the Past out of my head, and would love to hear what sort of existing inspiration you might be drawing from with this concept! Side question: would we be able to see ‘ghosts’ or outlines of nearby players who are currently in the opposite realm from us? Would help reduce player dispersion!

Sailing: On the topic of player dispersion, my biggest concern with Sailing is that we’re doubling the game geography, which means spreading out our players much further than today. Has the team thought at all about how to keep the game from feeling empty with so many players moving to the ocean to train existing skills? In a similar vain, I’m concerned that Sailing will bring many...

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Cool reference. Elena understood it and explained it to me (A Link to the Past). :D

OK so first one about Shamanism. The reality is that we've had to stop ourselves from over-designing a lot of these concepts. It's something we'd love to hash out further if it was the concept you all wanted most as a community. For me personally I have played a bit of Horizon Forbidden West. In that game you have a device which sits on your ear and it allows you to see stuff which isn't there. You can see footsteps and it acts as a really cool guidance tool to progress the game so I am excited to see what we can do with the over-arching concept of Shamanism. I love the idea of having a way to tap into both realities - I'm VERY curious to see whaa we could do!

The sailing Q's. Realistically we wouldn't give access to the entire Sea straight off the bat and as you improve your Sailing level you can access more dangerous areas. I don't think that we should *ever* be overly cautio...

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Originally posted by aeeiku

With sailing, what would happen if you logged out in the middle of the sea?

We joked about this one and said you'd end up in Davy Jones' locker but we honestly don't know at this stage. This one seems like more of a technical question that we'd work on if Sailing was the pitch that came out as most positive in the poll


Originally posted by Last-Philosopher8398

is there a possibility a new skill doesn't get added if the poll results repeatedly show players don't want any of them?

Yep that's definitely a possibility - not one we want of course so we'd have to make a call as to where dev resource is best served. We're hoping that by working with the community super early on we can make something you want and we're open to your feedback every step of the way


Originally posted by MathText

Why was bard not a consideration?

We considered it and had at least one question for Bard in the survey we sent out, which 44,000 players completed. It wasn't popular enough in the survey to warrant us recommending we re-visit/pitch it as a new skill.


Originally posted by Agustinb14

Would the spirit realm be like the upside down from stranger things?

From the wonderful Art team...

We'd gone quite psychedelic in our first experiments into the spirit realm, which have since been reigned in but it will certainly be something 'other worldly'. Probably not quite as grim and dark as the Upside Down in stranger things.

It would be nice to perhaps explore the spirit world itself having multiple biomes for lack of a better word , to give it different emotional vibes . We imagine upside down is a bit much, but having the contrast between a happy spirit realm and a sad/darker one would be cool.

Once we have a better spec of what happens there during refinement we'll have a better idea of what we're designing for. Deffo can't go wrong with a emotionally versatile setup!

Hope this helps!


Originally posted by Billy-Bryant

Firstly, great job on all three skills. Even if the community doesn't end up going for them, i'm sure we all see the potential and the effort put in to making sure they could be a good fit.

My question is on Sailing: I would be worried that a lot of content would be directly locked behind Sailing including new areas of the map, is the idea that players would be able to sail nearly everywhere at lvl 1 (but perhaps slower, or unable to take shortcuts etc) or is the idea that you can go further out to sea with ship upgrades that you unlock at certain milestones.

If the latter, what would you comment be on concerns that this could lock more content behind a skill than perhaps anything else the game has seen.

If we don't lock content behind Sailing it feels a bit boring and not viable to train. During community consultation we got the impression that the community wanted some pieces of content/areas to explore which were locked behind the skill. The existing map is also locked off in some ways through quests and other requirements.

Sailing isn't supposed to be Agility on Water so we're trying not to treat it as such. We're instead looking to create content on water and make you feel good about training the skill so you can venture into deeper and more dangerous areas. The idea of having lands that have never been stepped on and feeling good about your ability to traverse more territory seemed quite appealing from what we can see. I would hope that we could keep content exciting enough and enjoyable enough to train so that it would feel great when you get there. :D


Originally posted by Feeling_Jaded

Can't we just add all 3 skills in?

You can vote that you liked all three skills in the multiple choice question as that will really help us in the long term understand community appetite


Originally posted by Bucky640

What do JMods feel about the new skill going to 120?

General feeling is no from the team after I asked. The reason is that going to 120 doesn't feel Old School, especially for only a single skill and not others


Originally posted by JagexLight

Missed opportunity.

Milking the blood of a hellhound maybe? Shamanism update?


Originally posted by afryeguy22

Why was the community suggestion for the milking skill not included in the poll

Missed opportunity.


Originally posted by Necroeric420

What happens if the Skills fail the poll after all this process? or is that impossible? This is relevant due to the quality of the skills you guys are offering

Mod Ayiza created an 'explainer' video back in December & mentioned it on the Winter Summit but the TLDR is that we can go back at any stage of the process before a skill is locked in at a 70/30 vote. Once it's locked in - if at all - we will continue to work with players during a beta and beyond on fine details. We want a skill that works for you and makes you excited.

Depending on your feedback at ANY stage before locking it in we may go back to Community Consultation and/or presenting entirely new pitches based on your feedback. We hope that we've been able to offer you something that appeals. If your favourite ...

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