

03 Apr


Originally posted by malorane

Would you all consider a new equipment slot for shamanism like a totem? Could be a spot for skilling or combat buffs

Everything is on the table during refinement, at present our design doesn't offer this but we'll be sure to keep community suggestions in mind if it was the one that proceeded through! The main thing we've done is kept things super open-ended because we don't want to sink too much dev time into the top-level concepts and instead let the community decide on what they want. Skilling augments are potentially a middle-ground where players aren't as cautious in comparison to Combat related augments


Originally posted by RoyalCrumpet93

Is there any scope to move forward on parts of a skill without incorporating others? For example, the idea of Shamanism is compelling and could fit into OSRS, but the idea of “augments” to items feels out of place.

Perhaps being able to cast rituals out of combat which offer small passive effects could be a new direction and fits better thematically?

Great question! Refinement stage means everything is on the table to be discussed with the community. We mentioned in the pre-recorded Q&A that augments may be completely removed from the skill if players preferred it that way.

A lot of players vibe with the thematic but may not see augments as a reward space. It's important to keep in mind that you're voting on top-level concepts - the augment side of things would be something we'd consult heavily with players on, and if most players want us to remove it, we absolutely can. We can also look at augments just tou...

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Originally posted by Robberblob

I love the skill idea and thematic of Shamanism. However, I feel that Mysticism or Ritualism seems to be a better name. Would you consider changing the name from Shamanism?

The general feeling here from the team is yes, everything is on the table to be changed during refinement. If Shamanism was the concept players wanted most, but the community has an issue with the name - we would absolutely consider changing it. I don't doubt that.

The interesting part to remember is a name is tied to a thematic - Mod Husky talked about this a bit during the pre-recording here. If players really like the thematic of the Spirit Realm does the word Mysticism or Ritualism work? If so, great.

During community consultation we recocmmended ...

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Originally posted by Old-Bread-8967

Will sailing be instanced? /s

No it's an open world expansion :P (responding to the easy ones first)


Originally posted by Gidejong

Will you share the questions before releasing the poll ingame?

We've done that in the blog! You can check it out here although we may be removing Question #3 as we're about to hit our limit on survey responses :D


Originally posted by PetiteSatanist

Was there a 4th skill pitch you had in mind?

Hey there! We discussed many options and ultimately combined all the 'good' ideas into the ones that we had. We discussed all the Community suggested pitches and tried to incorporate the positive elements into each of our concepts. The one community-suggested pitch that stood out above all the rest was 'Exploration' and it told us clearly that players really desired to reach and unlock new areas.

The Shamanism pitch I guess was the wildest concept of the three. That one underwent loads of changes as we found out more from players during community consultation. We wanted to make something that was familiar (Production & Gathering) but also be interesting enough to catch peoples' attention!


Welcome gamers! How are you all doing!
To bring you even closer to the development team, we'd like to invite you to our AMA on the New Skill Pitches!

You might have questions about some of our concepts or the process of adding a new skill in general. Use the next few hours to submit your questions for us and we'll try to answer as best as we can.

To manage expectations, please remember we are very early in the process of design so we won't have answers on every detail. Nevertheless, we will try as it's important for us to make you feel as close to the dev team on this journey as possible.

We'll be active until the end of the working day today, so we'll answer for the next 3-4 hours.

Please keep your questions relating to the New Skill rather than General Q's. You can submit questions for General Q&A's when we do plan a General Q&A livestream - likely in a few weeks' time. Depending on your feedback for this AMA this may open up...

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31 Mar


Originally posted by Falchion_Punch

Looks like links to jcw and he box jonge's finales are missing in community achievements


Thanks for posting these, great way to spotlight some lesser known creators!

Thank you for picking that up! It may be that you can't see the YouTube embed. I've added links in in case it's not showing up, can you confirm if that's worked?

We'll keep this in mind moving forwards so we ensure links are always included if the embeds don't show


Originally posted by alandutraa

Keep up the great work jmods, we love u

thanks for all the positivity - the team has really noticed it and appreciates it a lot :)

30 Mar

28 Mar


Originally posted by KezzOSRS

Oh I don't blame Husky at all, this isn't meant to be an attack of any kind, more playful about the debate around taming. I genuinely love you guys and don't envy the position, I just thought this was hilarious because it shows to me that it IS fundamentally summoning (or shares far too much with it at least) in everyone's mind, not just the community's.

I did watch the video(s) in depth and I don't agree that it was differentiated from summoning enough to make sense in old school.

Nothing to forgive, it's not a blame, I don't see it as a personal thing in the design phase. I loved how you guys presented sailing and shamanism in the pre-recorded and am looking forward to the more live Q+A style.

In the survey, the idea of animal companions was quite well received. Are the issues you have with Summoning fundamentally issues with animal companions or something else to do with the skill? Be great to hear your thoughts!


Hey there! The conversation online has been great so far - a tad stressful for us but so great to read through. I’m mainly responding to this post as I don’t want players to form an opinion on the basis of this clip alone. Plus, I want to stick up for Husky while he’s away. We do read posts and stuff like this hurts.

We have been trying to handle how a new skill has a lot of pre-conceived notions, specifically when players may have historical baggage from other skills. The clip you showed was just an error of wording from the stream that we forgot to clip out - we were just talking about Summoning earlier in the stream, so it was an easy mistake to make. Those watching the full video would likely have the context and know from how many times we addressed the question that was not what we intended to say.

We are human at the end of the day, we get nervous and may mis-speak sometimes. This project is SO exciting - also extremely nerve-wracking! Our lives have literal...

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27 Mar

22 Mar


Originally posted by thescanniedestroyer

Hi there, I do not think it is epic that the engine team can run an update and break content for a vibrant part of the community for months and your only response is that it might get fixed within a month from now but can't say for sure.

It’s not epic at all. I can’t give you an incorrect estimate on when it’ll get fixed though either unfortunately as that’ll arguably be worse. We will make sure to communicate that this issue affects players who are really passionate about the game and very dedicated.


Originally posted by dormantcouchcamper

Any update on when BA will be fixed?

Hi there, the BA issues have been blocked by an engine issue rather than something content dev side which means we haven't been able to fix it as part of our weekly game updates on the content dev side.
The Engine team is aware of the issue and has been preparing a fix. I can't give an estimate of when the engine fix will launch yet as it's still open to change - I don't want to provide an incorrect estimate as that's unhelpful to you. I can say that our Engine updates release at a different cadence than our weekly game updates, usually monthly, and we'll let you know once we believe we can launch the fix. Apologies for the inconvenience this causes to you and the community.

17 Mar


Originally posted by 0utcxst

It's crazy how many high ranking HCIM lose status or how many people lose items, time, and money due to server issues, especially ones like this with no answer for days.

"we're working on it and are aware, but I'm not an engineer so I'll have to pass the comments along and they'll have an updated blog later"

So maybe a networking engineer or core part of that team should be answering concerns and defining the issue for the 2007scape community?

I feel like that's kind of common sense not rocket science PR.

It's not the single comment for me. It's the years on years of claiming transparency surrounding issues and multiple facets of the game and never living up to that claim that is annoying to me.

Every time something like this happens it's "we'll be more transparent in the future" Only to no avail.

Engineers aren’t required to communicate with players as their core focus should be about maintaining the server stability so you can enjoy the game you love! Having said that, you’ve definitely helped to identify that we (CM) would probably benefit from working closer with that team so I can provide you with more of the answers you’re looking for. I’m really grateful for this feedback and I will absolutely pass it on.


Originally posted by Milkncereall

U/ JagexLight do you have any update to the mobile issues that have persisted since March 7th.

A mobile build released today fixing some issues (https://twitter.com/oldschoolrs/status/1636681993340559360?s=46), as for the S Pen issues we are still working on it. It’s been assigned to the next engine update which is pencilled in for the end of the month. Can’t guarantee a fix by then but that’s what we are aiming for. I apologise for the inconvenience caused and hope we can get it sorted for you soon. :)