

16 Nov


Originally posted by Deep-Technician5378

Seems like a slim update again, especially considering the new quest and boss are seemingly delayed and a ways off, as well as any real update to CA. With any new info for the future not being shared for a little under a month from now, just seems like nothing new is coming. All of it is just being told to us as "soon".

I appreciate that and I'm really sorry for the uncertainty. It sucks when Studios sometimes aren't ready to share all the awesome stuff we're working on. I can't give you much news right now, but our Winter Summit is officially on the 10th December. We've got some exciting plans to share with you... So, if you can hold out for a little longer I think it'll be worth.


Originally posted by CaptainHandsomeUK

Shame the Charlie the Tramp clue step changes weren't higher in the priority rankings, but this all seems pretty decent.

Working on it as quickly as we can, unfortunately I can't give you a date yet but everything on Poll 77 we're aiming to release before Xmas.


Originally posted by ricoro

Coin pouches removal when?

Hey there. Just asked the team, apparently this was discussed Monday whilst I was off. Coin pouches are still an effective tool for Player Support and Anti-Cheating to stop botting, however the team would be very open to investigating what more we can do to make it better for legitimate players. This could be through requirements locked behind diaries. Would this be something you think could be a decent compromise?


Originally posted by wet-fart-mp3

When will poison dynamite come out?

I'm delighted to confirm this will be next week! I'll try to include it in our livestreams as our "sneak peek of the week" segment! :D Is there anything in particular you need to know about it ahead of release?


Originally posted by RocuroniumRS

Any update on American server upgrade?

I assume you're talking about the maintenance we're doing on specific worlds like UK worlds and German ones? We're looking to do another round of server upgrades just before Christmas, then another round after Christmas. US Worlds will be included of course but I can't give a date on when US West/East will be worked on as this hasn't been confirmed. Hope this helps :)


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Both the mysterious boss rewards and Revenant weapon adjustment poll questions will be live in-game today


A message from Mod Ayiza:Hi all, I just wanted to jump in and say that we’ve decided to postpone the poll going live until Monday, November 21st. It’s clear that there’s a bunch of feedback we still need to address, and some changes we’d like to make. We hope to have an updated blog ready for you later this week. I’m aiming to have it ready for Thursday but we’ll see how that goes. Thanks everyone for your input so far!

So another lie? Nice.

Apologies! The person who wrote this newspost wrote that line earlier in the week when that was still the plan. Since then, the plan has changed. Ayiza is working on an updated blog now to share with you and will be on our livestream this week discussing your feedback and our changes.

It has been removed now and the poll has been delayed until we get more information and an updated blog to you :) <3


Originally posted by SadDaddy2001

Great, now give us bigger fairy ring hitboxes

Sincerely, mobile users

Hey! I totally know what you mean as this has come up a lot in player suggestions. I asked the devs on a call about this to explain more.

Mod Ash has kindly helped me with an explanation as there was a lot of technical stuff I wasn't familiar with.

A fairy ring is composed of many separate bits of scenery. We can't make them all act as click-zones, or you'd have loads of conflicting ones in each other's way. And we can't make the whole thing act as a single big piece of scenery as it'd interfere with other scenery and the blocking, potentially making things worse.

We've got another solution in mind for how to improve their usability, though... A dev has kindly worked on a project during this game jam which explored some potential visible changes to the fairy ring which should make it easier to use on mobile. :) I'd love to hear your thoughts on this to see if it resolves the issue especially on mobile. At the moment we think this type of change could go in u...

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Originally posted by Bo5man

Both the mysterious boss rewards and Revenant weapon adjustment poll questions will be live in-game today.

But in the Comment section of the updated blog about those rewards Ayiza mentioned the poll will be postponed to Monday 21st.


Thanks Bo5, I'll get that amended out. This newspost was written by someone else and at the time of writing this was correct. I didn't know that was in there, so I'll change it now. Thank you :)


Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

Good amount of poll 77 stuff in this, promising to see. Personally that layout is really messy. A dotpoint or heading system to show each update is nicer, as some of the updates branch across multiple paragraphs, others are just in one.

Any chance we can hear on when these Quest XP buffs are going to come to? Its sort of created this conundrum where some our GIM team aren't sure if we should use up more resources to getting towards goal levels if the quest XP bump will just do it for us anyway, and then we can share those resources with teammates. Knowing if its a week away or 1 month+ will help us plan and decide if its worth waiting.

We'll take that on board as feedback, sorry that the layout wasn't ideal.
I've just asked the devs about this question regarding Quest XP buffs - I haven't got an exact time but I can confirm that these XP buffs should work retroactively, so hopefully no need to put off Questing with your GIM team :)


Originally posted by Fizzypoptarts

Any idea when the CA update will be live? Can we expect it soon or will it be post Christmas?

Hey, for now, I can see there's no set time this will all be delivered, but I can see that development has started on some of the smaller CA jobs. I don't believe the points-based system will be anytime soon but some of the other stuff listed in the CA blog seems likely to be before Xmas. Things can change, though so please don't take this as confirmation of a date.

07 Nov

26 Oct


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

Timer only 20 minutes? SMH

Hey Ali. There was an issue where only UK worlds were able to see a timer. Apologies for the shorter timer that you've had today. Your world wasn't seeing the timer properly.

We've identified the cause of the issue and will make sure it doesn't happen again.

19 Oct


It's not retroactive unfortunately.


Hello to the people down under! We're currently working on this issue, and we're really sorry for the inconvenience caused. Updates will be on the game status page which you can find here: osrs.game/game-status


🦀 We're working on it! 🦀

I'm in the game update call working on it right now with the team to figure out why some worlds are not coming back up and why the world list is borked. I have also amended the game status page which you can find here: osrs.game/game-status

I'll keep this page up to date with any further news. I'm so sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Hey! Thanks for raising this. I'm in the game update call working on it now with the team to figure out why some worlds are not coming back up. I have also amended the game status page which you can find here: osrs.game/game-status

I'll keep this page up to date with any further news. Apologies for the inconvenience we're keen to resolve this as soon as poss.


Hey! Thanks for raising this. I'm in the game update call working on it now with the team to figure out why some worlds are not coming back up. Have also amended the game status page and I'll keep this page up to date with any further news. Apologies for the inconvenience as we're really keen to get you playing ASAP!


Originally posted by OreOfChlorophyte

The only good thing about this is the AP system and the potential PKing content

Glad to hear you like the AP system! I asked the devs about the possibilities there in future on the main game. They generally think the AP system could be a useful way of guiding new players but they also want to consider how it could tie into existing systems we have like Adventure Paths and the Activity Advisor and diaries so that the entire opening game experience is considered when making any changes. Hope this helps with some insight on the topic!


Originally posted by ScarletFFBE

If swapping is allowed.. it's not a fresh start. New users have 0 chance to compete in anything against users that have a Main account with disposable GP.

This takes away anything competitive imo.

Otherwise, im looking forward to Youtubers competing against each other.

Hey! I've asked for some calrification on this. In our game rules we allow swapping except in the cases of competitive events like Leagues or DMM. Because FSW isn't intended to be a competitive game mode - there are no tangible rewards for achieving a World First other than the fact you did it, we haven't made any changes to our existing game rules.