

17 Mar


Originally posted by BurntToasters

imo, they just dont wanna pay money to upgrade servers and make excuses to beat around the bush. There will also be excuses cause the only solution is to spend more money to upgrade, which corpos will never approve

There were a series of 5-hour downtime/maintenance windows to improve servers in various regions not too long ago. We've been doing work to improve the servers behind the scenes but we're usually hesitant to make a song and dance about it because we know that lag issues are difficult to resolve... Instead we tend to instead make small improvements and iterative changes which people may not notice right away. Nevertheless I completely understand what the feedback here is saying and your feedback will be passed on! Thanks


Originally posted by ImS33

Yeah this is definitely going to be the major takeaway for you guys from this. I read it interested to like understand the issue and maybe get a timeline on a fix or some kind of assurances that mattered but after a week you guys basically said "We're aware and trying to do something trust me" which falls well short of, well, anything that people cared about other than maybe the impossible event of you guys not even knowing to begin with or the unlikely one where you're just doing nothing as a studio lol.

Got it, and thanks for the feedback. It wasn't the intention, but I totally understand how it might have come across in that way. We don't want to leave you in the dark which is why we felt this was appropriate but I'll make sure to communicate the response and offer some insight from this


Originally posted by SharmV

A whole business week for a statement isn’t a good look

Since RuneScape 3 worlds were affected by similar outages we felt like a joint statement at the same time is much better so that one game didn't communicate with its playerbase before another. We mentioned on our livestream yesterday that we'd give a statement today, however I understand a week turnaround time is a while to wait. Thank you so much for your patience on it though.

Also, the fact you're 2271/2277 is great, hope you can max soon.


Originally posted by PKG0D

Lots of words to say nothing...

Could've put out a tweet saying the same thing and to expect a more detail blog post at a later date, but upper management is probably hoping this kinda just goes away and they don't have to follow up.

Your feedback about preferring a more detailed blog at a later date over a less detailed one that comes sooner is really valuable. Thank you!


Originally posted by TisMeDA

Do you know if the cause for the 2k world lag is identified at all? I've always theorized it has to do with more people who participate in instanced content, but would love any insight

This has been something that pops up and has done consistently for a while now. It is difficult to pinpoint exact cause because of so many variables. Generally, skill total worlds have more authentication requests, so those servers in general do more general work, which can put them at risk of performance issues in comparison to other types of worlds. I'm not a professional working in the engine team so I can only pass on the reports to help them identify if there's any issues.


Originally posted by SirChuffedPuffin

Fr. This statement screams "our PR team threw this together without bothering to consult engineering or any other department"

Apologies that it came across that way. Our intention was to communicate with you all, ackowledge the issue and get a statement out in a reasonable timeframe. I acknowledge that it's not a lot of information to share - we'll make sure that feedback is taken on board.


Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

Any information you can share on what's actually causing the instability? And will the potential resolutions improve some of the lag many worlds have historically experiences (like 2k total)?

On the Old School side of things, not at this stage. It's being taken seriously and we acknowledge that it's impacted your experience.

We're aware of reports of lag especially on 2k total worlds. There's no silver bullet fix for those issues but we are aware of reports and we're committed to ongoing work to ensure the servers are maintained and ran to the highest standard possible.

06 Mar


Originally posted by rafaelloaa

Related, the first creator link for "Which artistic creation and nominee would you like to win the Golden Gnome for Best Old School RuneScape Artistic Creation?" (Nieve by Nunu_Nellz) is actually a dupe of Witchcrafty's link.

e: FWIW, the link on the blog post is correct.

Thank you. We had some HTMLing issues with this question. This has been corrected now but I think it will only update if you're on a new IP address. Apologies about that!


Originally posted by Dream3ater

Surprised at nothing from Settled's ongoing video series showing up in here. The escape room video was one of my favorite osrs videos last year.

Best new osrs video creator for me is heboxjonge, but it's a competitive group so I'm excited to see who gets the gnome.


Originally posted by JagexLight

Looking into this now

We don't have a localisation team, and the translations are provided automatically by the survey provider (not by us). I can only assume that multiple languages don't pick up on usernames which is why there's a weird result.

The only way to correct this is to remove any non-English versions of the survey so we've done that. :) Sorry to our German speakers out there!


Originally posted by phistomefel_smeik

Looking into this now


Originally posted by Zealousideal_Air7484

Soup is not nominated for best video creator? how?

Soup withdrew from the best video creator, but wanted to remain in for best video. Hope this helps!


Originally posted by Merdapura

The link in the blog to vote seems wrong, the survey points to another years nominees

We modified last year's survey but it shouldn't be the same one. I'm just checking this out now to investigate, but the link should be: https://jagex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_07GnJTeXeZDlGaa

Or... ...

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Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Why does WitchcraftyYT link to Crumbosrs?

Which nominee would you like to win the Golden Gnome for Best Old School RuneScape Artist?

Probably a HTML error, will get that fixed ASAP! ty (The survey was taken/copied from last year's survey so this may be why)

01 Mar


Originally posted by Plastic-Cheetah-8664

a total of one person complained about the dagger. the entire lv3 community was excited for a non-afk way to train slayer

Hey, I just want to butt in here. I think the intention here is to address this topic further in Poll 79. We would want to specifically ask that niche community what they want and take it from there.

23 Feb


Hey everyone! I thought you guys might enjoy this :) Our Birthday stream is live now if you'd like to join over at Twitch.tv/OldSchoolRS!