

11 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey, I'm sorry that you're not a fan this week. :( ...I completely understand that you see this content as too niche, which is absolutely fair! This content offers players the ability to replay iconic quests which is something we can't offer on the main game for technical reasons and we think it is relatively low-cost to create as well.

We'll be sharing news about upcoming content in a Winter Summit-style stream. I can't give a date on when you can expect that, but it's worth letting you know. You want to hear about future updates and content and I totally understand the frustration if you're seeing weekly game updates which you're not interested in. Hopefully the Summit will help to fix that!

09 Oct


Originally posted by Hethestes

Do you only take questions that have a lot of upvotes?

Eh it depends. Sometimes we can’t answer the most requested ones even if they are highly upvoted. Because of several reasons maybe we can’t talk about it yet or maybe there’s no dev who will be on to answer it. I collect questions based on the theme of the stream and what the devs can/are willing to talk about. The ones with high upvotes suggest most people want to hear the answer to them, so I try to get those in first. And if they don’t go in I will still try to chase up answers for them and put them forward to the team internally. I can try to get questions in the stream regardless of their upvotes on Reddit if I’m tagged :)

We also have a weekly meeting to discuss player suggestions, so sometimes played questions will instead go there as they are more suited for that meeting instead.


Hey, it depends on the theme of the Q&A but I’ll usually put a thread up on Reddit and also take a look at what the community has been asking about. If it’s a themed Q&A then most of the questions will be related to the theme of that week’s update. For example the next update is Quest Speedrunning so I’ll probably have the devs on for that and find questions relating to it.


Originally posted by Weatherby777

Why did you guys make the quest cape emote look like a gigantic condom?

I can't unsee this


Congrats, gamer! Must feel awesome!

05 Oct


Hey. I think someone raised this to me in the game update thread, I sent it to the team and it can be fixed next week. If it’s a really urgent issue let me know and I’ll make it clear when we have our game update meeting tomorrow


Originally posted by lsfalt

minor issue, the image under miscellaneous changes links to a bad link: https://cdn.runescape.com/assets/img/external/oldschool/2022/newsposts/2022-10-04/BossLog.PNGg

fixed ty


Originally posted by NoCurrencies

It's also broken on steam

Thank you both. It seems the issue with the helper interface being 'cut off' has been raised last week so we are aware. I can confirm a ticket has been created for it which means it will get round to being fixed at some point. I don't know yet when the fix will go out.
Fixes for mobile/steam go out when we apply engine updates. Updates to our engine are less frequent than our game updates, generally every 6-8 weeks. That might be why fixing bugs on mobile and steam feels a little slower for players.


Originally posted by TechnicallyThrowawai

From my understanding the "chat bug" is a very well known and very common issue with mobile players, and is likely the single biggest issue currently effecting the mobile client. I was under the impression that this was already known and was in the process of being fixed, if I recall it was mentioned in another blog, but I could be wrong. If you can offer clarification, I, and likely many others, would appreciate it as its been going on for months at this point with no solution in sight, and now the possibility that it isn't even known to the people who can actually fix it, its just quite disheartening honestly.

Id say for me about 85% of the time having any of the chat boxes open (game,public, private etc.) generally cause 2 things to happen. First, it will glitch up when you are in the position of having to enter a number or word, for example "remove X amount if item" or "set value of item" on the ge, clue scroll steps that require typed answers etc. By "glitch up" I mea...

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Thanks for the detail. I really appreciate it. It looks like a pretty complex issue especially as it's been known for quite some time. I've brought it up again today to let the team know that it is still an issue and effecting sentiment/enjoyment of the App. I can't promise a fix anytime soon, but this issue, along with freezes/crashes are the two biggest issues I've seen, which should get priority over other small fixes if we can determine the cause.


Originally posted by nostalgicx3

Hi, hijacking this top comment to mention a bug with todays update: if a 1 tile npc is underneath your thrall you cannot click on it by any means or right click it for that matter. Thank you.

I just asked the team thanks for your patience as I look into this. It's a long standing bug. If we could make a list of all the NPCs people think it affects we could try and go through them. This is mostly an engine issue that we have to do to fix it, which we are waiting on, and we're basically just bandaid fixing them one by one rather annoyingly. So if you have the NPC's name we can apply a fix


Originally posted by AlonsoDalton

Any word on when we could see a fix to the agility/slayer helpers? The last digit in the numbers they display is currently being cutoff.

This has been raised last week internally, have re-raised it again. It's currently a known issue but I'm not sure when a fix will be.


Originally posted by muhts

Any clarifications regarding the 'accuracy modifier on Tumeken's Shadow'? Was it still using the old 3x modifier and now patched to 4x ?

That sounds right, it was fixed after a player raised it to us here: https://twitter.com/livey_/status/1577600505936859136?s=46&t=hAaYQGGoQTozgK9oYY3KYw


Originally posted by ArrgsVsZuk

Mobile task helper interface is still bugged. Seems like small bug fixes for mobile are causing worse more prevelant bugs to occur. Can we just revert to like 1 or 2 versions ago? Chat and bank is still glithing for like 10 months now.

Love that the attack style was snuck in for mobile this update however!

Hey, can you give me a big more detail on the bug with the Mobile Task Helper Interface? I'll make sure to pass this over to the team. I am assuming it's glitchy/weird but any information helps for me to provide a bug report to assist our QA team. This also includes any info about the device you're using and anything else that is related to this issue :)


Originally posted by Zanthy1

What about the expansion of the Clan Coffer? I coulda sworn that passed the poll.

Hey, I've just checked this with the team. It's not in our current schedule and from what I've heard back we're not looking to do this. This was also not polled, but I am happy to pass your feedback on about it.


Originally posted by RocuroniumRS

“It was previously possible to skip certain attacks and mitigate damage in these boss fights, which became impossible after we made last week’s change.”

Wasn’t the damage mitigation a bug? Why revert the change? Also why isn’t the baba cheese method considered big abuse or the insanity skull skip or zebak wave skip? It is kind of sad seeing most high level invocations only being done by bug abuse

Hey, I believe this part is in reference to this thread player thread, which raised to us that previous mechanics got borked unintentionally with no patch notes after last week. This was unintentional and corrected today. Does this help?


Originally posted by MyTinderboxAcc

I don't want to be "that guy", but is there any news about when the mobile client will be fixed? As of currently, instanced areas make the game a slideshow. The only way to fix it is to disable all the different timers and such (which essentially renders it to a vanilla client).

And no, it's not just me, dear person who will try to comment this. It's a widespread issue.

Our mobile team would be interested in further information about this. I don't doubt that you're not the only player experiencing this but the difficulty is that there might be multiple reasons for this happening for which we can't determine what is the cause. It could be your device, the location of the game you are in or something else. If you can attach any information that can help us determine the cause, I can pass it on. This is the first time I've heard about disabling timers to fix the issue though so that might be worth following up.


Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

Hate to be so persistent, but any chance mobile tooltips will be corrected so it's not bottom-right adjacent? It houses under your thumb and you can't see it

Hi! Being persistent with constructive feedback is good don't worry! Sometimes we can't always respond to your original comment so following up is always helpful. I have given this feedback directly to our team working on the enhanced client and they are open to making a change here, but they can't say much in the way of when we'd get it out, yet. So, no ETA because it needs to be prioritised amongst other work, but we'll look to spin up a ticket for it and we acknowledge there is an issue.


Originally posted by tlinkus

Thank you for finally penalizing people that abandon matches in ranked!! It was the main reason I didn’t bother with ranked matches anymore

I'm glad to hear this! I was a bit worried writing this section that people might take it in the wrong way as if we're penalising everyone, but hopefully this helps everyone have a much more enjoyable experience


Originally posted by The_jayminator

I’m unsure how this is even a change, I thought the logs were already in alphabetical order, and the screenshot in the post isn’t any different to what is currently in the game

It's the Boss Log and the Slayer Log. Looks like the picture is incorrect so I'll remove/change it!