

29 Jun


Originally posted by Head-Industry-1293

If I have a group, can I change it to unrnaked group, and then my friend, who has an ironman from way back, can change himself into an unranked gim and he can join us?

Yep pretty sure that’s how it works unless I’m misunderstanding something


Originally posted by cheesedonutZ

Thanks for fixing the Apple Pencil issue.

Sorry both, this is something we sent for fixing but hasn’t been done yet. The new build which fixed this issue should be working by tomorrow. I’ve amended the newspost


Originally posted by godwillrs2

The problem is that I am afraid that they will just revert me to a normal account if I send a ticket here, regardless of what I send in the ticket. Tho, thanks for the suggestion :D

It won't make you a main account, it'll just remove the blocker we put on permanent accounts so you can downgrade yourself ingame


Originally posted by mspahr4

Does this mean that group irons can also do the reverse? That is, turn into a regular Ironman? If not, is that in the works?

Nah it's generally not something we think is okay to go from an easier game mode -> a more difficult one. GIM have had the help of their team so converting to IM would actually devalue IM


Originally posted by Qu1337

@JagexLight Hey! Can you please notify the team behind the new moblie client that there is still a lot issues with the chatbox. I keep having those glitches and it makes me lag a lot. Otherwise love the new client!! :)

Will do


If you eat too many, it reduces your run energy and you walk slower


Originally posted by SophieSophieN

Apple Pencil still not working with up to date IOS.. anything else I am meant to be doing?

Hey both, I just raised this to our team and it looks like the build went to Apple but wasn't signed off properly so that may be why it isn't working. We are looking to fix this ASAP, we think by tomorrow. Sorry about that, I'll update the newspost


Originally posted by JagexLight

I just spoke to a developer about this and this is something that is not currently possible as a safety precaution. However I can keep an eye on this to see if it's something I need to re-raise - if so, it warrants a bigger discussion as it relates to account security

I've just been made aware that you can get rid of your perm status through this link - https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000882638-Remove-Ironman-status-in-Old-School

Which means you can convert your permanent ironman, but you need to get in touch with support first to downgrade in this way. Basically we remove the blocker so you can downgrade yourself into a UGIM. Make sure u don't remove Ironman status completely though


Originally posted by iNicholasi

u/JagexLight why can't we join a new gim groups without having to make new accounts? my first gim account is obsolete because im unable to join new groups after leaving my first gim group. my first gim is stuck in gim lobby because i can't join new groups.

Hey, so you should be able to do this but you'll need to agree to become Unranked. Just click through the warnings and apply to the group.


Originally posted by oostemaat

u/JagexLight is it going to be possible for permanent ironman account to swap to this? I made mine permanent after getting hacked and they tried to remove it never knowing gim let alone swapping to gim would be allowed. If its possible to have that changed it would be really nice!

I just spoke to a developer about this and this is something that is not currently possible as a safety precaution. However I can keep an eye on this to see if it's something I need to re-raise - if so, it warrants a bigger discussion as it relates to account security


Originally posted by kendog0014

one major log change - more than 15 minutes downtime - who members the good old days of massive changelogs and only a minute downtime?

It's part of regular maintenance. I'm so sorry about the inconvenience ;( We could look to having a regular maintenance schedule in the future so you know when to expect it.

Keep an eye on this page as we try to update it on our website with this information: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1


Originally posted by Carsian

Cool. Another update that provides nothing for me, again. So glad you guys want to add more temp game modes rather than doing content for the main game.

What kinds of updates are you most interested in? Skilling? PvP? PvM? We've recently had a skilling update for giant's foundry, we're working on the PvP Arena and I believe Raids 3 is also going to be pretty huge. Raids 3 will have some more information in tomorrow's Gazette.


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Wow all these new temp/perm game modes, main game never gonna see updates anymore. Yawn.

I understand where you're coming from and I'm sorry you feel this way! :( The Gazette is being published tomorrow and should have a bit more information about future updates, including more of an idea of when Raids 3 is happening!


Originally posted by benosthegreat

Honestly I might sound a bit harsh but as much as I'm up for additional game modes, I cannot vote yes on anything anymore after how we were lied to about it affecting the normal update schedule. It feels like 1/4 of the updates this year are GIM related.

The game mode survey is a tool for us to help us understand what players want out of game modes, and really is just exploratory which is why we didn't have a big blog about it. However we hear you on the above.

The Gazette is being published tomorrow and should have some more project updates including some info about when Raids 3 is being released. In regards to our release schedule generally you've raised some excellent points. I think it's important to discuss this on stream with J-mods and to give a bit more insight from our end so will try to do that tomorrow.


Originally posted by Wekmor

You forgot to include pvp world rota changes again /u/JagexLight

Added in! Sorry about that.


Originally posted by iLikeCryo

That went in last week, sorry that it got missed from the newspost. It is in the wiki. I think it got missed by myself when writing up last week's game update post.


Originally posted by Billychapmanhorror

Sweet thanks.

Is there any update on when we can buy the colossal blade from Perdu? It was mentioned a couple of weeks ago.

I asked the devs now and we believe that went in last week, sorry that it wasn't in last week's newspost but it's in the wiki c: I think it was a bugfix so it may have got missed.

23 Jun

22 Jun


We will make sure to bring this up to the team in our game update review tomorrow. Thanks for raising! Hope the new client is going well for you guys so far despite this issue