

20 Jul


Originally posted by snibet

Do NOT place that icon next to special attack bar. PLEASE

Hey! I can pass this on as feedback to the team but I believe any pop up goes away automatically if you engage in combat. We have limited options for where this can be on the UI and I'll see if this is something we can discuss with the developers on stream tomorrow

18 Jul


Originally posted by Emergency_Ad_3168

Does it only mention quests?

The focus atm is currently on suggesting quests, but we're considering adding more sections to it following player feedback. We'll be discussing the Activity Adviser in a bit more detail in this week's game update newspost (Wednesday) and the Livestream (Thursday 17:00 BST) with the developers involved!

It's worth noting that this is going out via A/B testing, so it won't be available to everyone this week. The plan is to work on feedback changes before it rolls out to absolutely everyone.

If you have any more questions please let me know and we'll see if we can get those answered in the newspost, or this week's Twitch stream!


Welcome! I came across this post and thought I would chime in since I’ll be overseeing this week’s game update. Coincidentally, this week’s game update includes the first phase of testing for a tool called the Activity Adviser (previously shared as “Content Recommender” in the Gazette). This tool basically provides suggestions of content to newer players based on their stats. With the aim of providing achievable goals for account progression to newer players who might get overwhelmed with all the content available. It’ll be rolled out for A/B testing this week meaning only selected accounts can test it, with a view to being opened up to everyone after we have seen more feedback. I think something like that could suit your needs. It just depends on whether your account gets in to the A/B testing group. More information will be shared in this weeks newspost on Wednesday for those who are interested and I’ll be very interested to see if it helps solve this problem that you’re having. ...

Read more

15 Jul


This is so amazing ❤️

12 Jul

07 Jul

30 Jun


Originally posted by assholes_and_weed

Darn, my question about imbue prospectors armour with varrock armour was missed yet again.good q&a summary though!

I’m sorry to hear that! So we actually discussed this as part of feedback from GOTR and decided that different outfits should have different purposes and uses, combining them both may be quite OP also, but if this is something that the community want us to reconsider, we can do so

29 Jun


Are you getting an error code or anything like that? I will be taking a look at all the mobile reports from the last few days and sending it across to the devs so we can track known issues. Knowing what device you’re using and network might help.


I’ve seen a number of these reports pop up, I apologise for the inconvenience. I’ll collate them together and send it across to find out how we can help.

We are working on a known issues list too but since there are many different devices and variables like that it’s taken us a bit longer. Feel free to let us know any additional info that might help us solve the issue faster!


Originally posted by PCslayeng

/u/JagexLight Sorry to tag you. Any possibility of adding a lending system like we had back in the day with RS2 I believe? Where you could use an item on a person and lend it for x days. This could be incredibly useful for GIM/UGIM to safely borrow/lend items.

Don’t be sorry to tag. That change is super unlikely. As a team we discussed this a while ago as a suggestion and as well when it came up in feedback. That system of lending items was really problematic at the time. It caused a number of issues apparently. Also trading items which use charges isn’t possible because the charges themselves don’t show up in trade windows. Sorry I can’t be more exact, the reasoning was something along those lines. If you need further info I’ll try to ask again


Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284


Really curious, and worried, about that mobile UI y'all are working on. Hope I can get a reply!

The devs are still working out what changes they wanna make to the UI proposals based on feedback. There is no rush to change the UI but we do want to improve it so that we can continue to offer more mobile features. Once I know what tweaks to the original design they want to make, I plan to update the blog and hear what you all think!


Originally posted by Koov

May I DM you? Honestly not sure what in this SS might be personal information. Not the most Tech savvy guy. My service provider is AT&T, I am on Data, I haven’t tried on Wi-Fi yet

Edit: FWIW, I recently traveled, and the “Server” it says in the Access Denied error seems to be the server from where I left, unless I’m reading that wrong.

Yep you can DM


Hey, sorry to hear you're experiencing these issues... I'd like to send this to the team to investigate.

Which service provider are you guys on? Are there any other relevant details that will help us understand why this might be happening?


I'd like to send this to the team to investigate. Sorry that you can't submit a bug report right now, but if you could give any more information in this thread that would be helpful for us to understand whether it's a new issue or something we're already aware of. I plan on updating our mobile "known issues" when I can, but been a bit busy lately, sorry about that.

Which service provider are you on? Any other relevant details that will help us understand why this might be happening?


Originally posted by Chandler15

Light, you do God’s work, but man, hearing “there’s a small quest planned for this year” is so depressing. I was hoping for big quests and many of them. :(

I promise that’s not the only thing planned - it’s just the one thing I think I can probably get away with telling you right now. Any news about bigger plans will be shared via the Gazette or officially rather than by myself


Originally posted by Kyle1314

Apple Pencil fixed baby let’s goooooooo!

Sorry! Misleading title… It’ll be fixed by tomorrow we think. It was supposed to be fixed today but something went wrong, check back tomorrow though.


Originally posted by DevilishOxenRoll

Any update on the Group Boss Bash results?

Yep! Winners contacted via Inbox and should have membership applied tomorrow latest. We put out a tweet announcing the group names.. some were very interesting names haha. Also they will be published in the gazette tomorrow


Originally posted by powerk25

This whole year, it's either been PvP or GIM...or giants foundry - the best thing this year so far has been pride, and anytime we recommend fun content (like the cooking pet) not a single person takes it seriously, come on jagex, wheres the real oldschool content that just makes us happy?

I’m so glad you enjoyed pride, I would hope that we can deliver something for everyone to enjoy! Hoping the Gazette will restore some of your hope back. I think there’s a small quest planned for this year still, which you might like.