

09 Feb


Originally posted by TakinShots

The unequip all fragments feature in leagues is massive.

Glad to hear it's helpful!


Originally posted by 1trickana

Is that you posing in the screenshot?

It was another Jmod, who insisted on a cabbage cape...but I told them they needed to wear something fashionable!


Originally posted by bungholepucker

Void Ornament Kit (6 pieces)

can you buy individual pieces? i dont need the melee or the mage helm but want the range set for tob

I've asked the devs - this won't be possible but you can sell the kits that you don't want. The kits are tradeable!


Originally posted by Noksdoks

"Green Dragons in the Wilderness Slayer Cave can now drop the additional loot that was added to the neighbouring MODS last week. Justice at last!"

Mods are wilderness monsters confirmed.

Hmm... should say NPCs. >_> How strange! I'll change that

Edit: It was supposed to say mobs! Oopsy. Fixing now :)


Originally posted by RumBubbles

Can’t wait to do the new quest!

We can't wait, either! Don't get too addicted to being a Goblin though okay?!


Originally posted by NetSraC1306

Finally able to wear a goblin mail? LETS GOOOO

Mind Goblin soon™

You'll finally be able to uncover their mysterious stylish secrets!


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Will the quest be in the league as well?

Yes I can confirm it will be :)

08 Feb


Well, well, well. If it isn't that time of the week again.

We'll be live on Thursday 10th February on Twitch with a Land of the Goblins themed live stream!
Joining us this week is our very own Lore-master Mod Ed, alongside the legend himself Mod Kieren AND the extraordinary Mod Tide! You're in for a treat! Unless any of them cancels last minute. :D

Since this stream is themed on Land of the Goblins, we'd like to focus on Lore as a theme for this week. Questions about LOTG or our storylines and lore will be prioritised over other types of questions, but you're welcome to ask anything in this thread. I'll do...

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07 Feb


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

The questions go from text to pictures at some point, which is kinda odd.

Hoping to see more info about the third party plugin rules rework soon.

Hey there! Our news module has a 50,000 character limit for HTML, so we have to include images in there instead of text in order to upload it unfortunately.

I'll poke the relevant people about your second point. Thx!


Originally posted by modmailtest1

I really think you guys should look at how the Q&A streams work. I don't think they're performing as they could be. It's an hour of questions followed by "Yeah, maybe we need to look at that" and "We could do something like that". Then these things almost never get followed up on.

I'd like if it felt like the answers had substance to them. "Yes, I want to do that and I'll propose it internally", "That isn't in our current plans, but I'll try and get it added on the next poll to see what the community think", or even "No, I don't think that's something we should do".

Having the answer to almost every question be a vague wishy-washy answer that doesn't commit to anything feels like a waste of time for all involved. Like the Wintertodt changes to make you not be punished for having high HP. That was spoken about here, again, for what must be at least the 10th time over multiple years and the answer is always the same. "It would be cool yes, and it p...

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I hear you and that is an excellent point! The challenge is that our developers cannot always commit to something they have not worked on and that hasn't been discussed amongst the rest of the team, which is fair enough. It would suck for one developer to commit to a change when ultimately the work for any change needs to be agreed by the person or team in charge of actually developing and implementing it.

Bit of background - our developers are in several different teams that tackle different areas of the game. These teams serve different player experiences. For example, the teams are including but are not limited to: focusing on PvP; focusing on the enhanced client; small weekly updates; new player experiences; raids and larger PvM etc. (This was touched on in the most recent Gazettes).

Any developer is invited to be on the panel for our General Q&As, because the Q&As are a great way of communicating and interacting with you guys, the players.


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Originally posted by JagexLight

Hey guys! Thanks for raising this. I haven't heard of this before but I'll raise it with the team tomorrow and see what they think. If you have any examples of this happening please do tag me or link me so I can pass on to the appropriate devs!

Hey, u/Invisisniper! Sorry for the wait on this. I've talked to a dev about your report, and it looks to be due to a separate issue so not what happened in the game update.

There was a short window of time when the hiscores were down (not to do with the rollback) and players shouldn't have been able to make groups because the hiscores were down, but yet some still were able to form.
The game later detected they weren't made correctly and kicked them out again, which is why some players may have been removed from a group inadvertently. We're investigating this and putting in the correct fixes so that this shouldn't happen again. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

02 Feb


Originally posted by Invisisniper

To remedy an issue where Group Ironman leaders could not leave their group if their teammates were inactive, leaders no longer need to wait until they have abdicated to leave the group. They will, however, have to wait the usual seven days for their leave request to be processed.

Is there any chance that this change may have removed players from a group inadvertently? One of my friends got removed from our GIM group about 12 hours ago even though none of us requested it and there was no 7 day warning. Have you heard any similar reports like this?

Hey guys! Thanks for raising this. I haven't heard of this before but I'll raise it with the team tomorrow and see what they think. If you have any examples of this happening please do tag me or link me so I can pass on to the appropriate devs!


Originally posted by NaAlOH4

Hey, the bank chest at Blast Furnace doesn't allow fragments swapping. Can we get a fix next patch? Thanks :)

I'll make sure to pass this on to the team - thanks!


Originally posted by Molesandmangoes

Since we're updating banks, yesterday the bank outside trouble brewing didnt let me swap fragments. Very minor, of course, just thought Id mention it though

I'll make sure to flag this to the devs - thanks!


Originally posted by AlternativeAge2

Cutting Sulliuscep is in leagues is bugged.
Firstly if cutting with Personal banker and Greedy Gatherer and Mother's Magic Fossils active you do no longer cut anything other then fossils (they are also not send to your bank, idk if this is intentional). Without Mother's Magic Fossils you do cut 3x the loot and it does get send to your bank, with Mother's Magic Fossils this stops. I had everything at max lvl, so (3) for the set effects and level 3 for Fossils.
Secondly, the xp gained is not tripled, as greedy gatherer should do.

I'll make sure this is passed on to the team to investigate tomorrow! Thank you for raising and apologies if there is a bug there that we need to sort. I'll know more by tomorrow.


Originally posted by Gamer_2k4

Posting here so a mod can easily see. The message for the Seedy Business fragment incorrectly calls it a "Seed Saver" relic. Not a huge deal, but if correcting "read" to "reach" is worth doing, maybe this is worth a fix as well.

I'll make sure to add this in my game update review report. Thank you!


Originally posted by MortgageDry241

Are we getting the poll 76 blog tomorrow?

Mid next week I think it's scheduled for! Please note this is an estimate and not set in stone!


Originally posted by cheeseman2k

thanks for the response. so you could be looking at a 50% damage boost against revenants, that's nutty. could be fun.

My maths is terrible but I wiki'd the amulet at 20% damage and accuracy and the newspost says it's 15% damage an accuracy, taking the total damage and accuracy up to 35% with both on. I'm not sure where the remaining 15% is coming from unless there's an extra part here but just wanted to flag that?