

27 Jan


Originally posted by absolutely-ruined

/u/JagexLight what's with the obsession over lava runes? when you guys think of the best way to train a skill in OSRS, does it actually involve paying runners millions of GP while you just stand at an altar?

I don’t think it’s an obsession with lava runes honestly, however our design brief stated specifically that this project is not intended encroach on existing methods - one of those methods is lava RC.

I know that many players are so excited to see an update to RC and have it fix every issue that they have with it. We also feel there is a gap that can be filled with RC. There is a lack of fun and engaging gameplay for RC especially in the earlier levels.

We talked about this a bit on stream and I’d highly recommend checking it out - I’ll link you when it’s uploaded to YouTube.

But the jist of it is that making this project too rewarding could kill off any reason to use existing methods. As much as these methods might suck to you, and players think they’re trash because they are so sweaty, they are established by now and involve a lot of set up. From reading feedback it feels like players just don’t like the Lava method straight up and want to see it killed ...

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Originally posted by Indianaunderwood

Abyssal themed pet? We already have abyssal orphan! Literally an abyssal demon pet! I think maybe a transmog for the abyssal demon and/or rift guardian pet sounds way better to me?

It’s an Abyssal Creature from the rift so it should look different! We are also offering a transmog for the Great Guardian (for the existing RC Pet)


Originally posted by Big-Egg-Boi

I'm really proud of this community with how well we (the players) understand the direction of which the game needs to go.

Please take our feedback seriously /u/JagexLight

I will always take your feedback seriously! I just can’t promise everything. I would highly recommend checking out the stream today that we just did and Husky’s answers regarding XP rates. Hear him out and then let me know what you think after!


Originally posted by Redoritang

The update seems great. I think most people don't care about making money through this mini game, but rather get great Xp for runecrafting which is very tedious to get...

I hear that and feel that. I feel like we addressed it in the blog and I’m hoping it makes sense. We are trying to deliver a more fun method of runecrafting that doesn’t encroach on existing methods. But it seems people want this minigame to solve every issue with runecrafting and be the go-to method for it, solving every single issue that players have with it. It’s supposed to be an additional method of runecrafting and not the only method. If we make it too rewarding then it will probably be the only method that players use…But I understand where everyone’s coming from!


Originally posted by twizzler321

Can you make the mini game accessible to skilling accounts since it doesn't require any combat? It'd be great to have some new content for these type of account builds

It should be accessible to skilling accounts :3


Originally posted by coolykid

Whoever made the original outfit and the recolours, you have outdone yourself. This alone is enough to make me want to do this mini game! Amazing work!!!

That's Mod Jerv!


Originally posted by Uichi23

Hi, Mod Light, can you share a link to the livestream, please? I missed it but I'd love to watch it



Originally posted by varyl123

Should? Or shouldn't??

Should not! Sorry that's my bad.


Originally posted by varyl123

Thanks Light!

So it didn't get asked on stream but the answer is that it should not* affect the diaries ^^


Originally posted by Noksdoks

"Your chances of finding portal shards is increased by 10%" in the graph about what logs do what with the lantern

Ah! Sorry about that! I thought we mentioned it in the blog but we didn't. So portal shards are a separate mechanic in the blog, and will be only useable in the minigame


Originally posted by varyl123

Will the outfit for double runes affect any diaries?

Will the outfit for double runes affect any diaries?

I'll try to ask this on stream when we talk about the outfit. Mod Elena's initial reaction is that it shouldn't but it hasn't really been brought up until just now so might need to double check


Originally posted by lilbuffkitty

I appreciate your dedication to keeping a balance between different training methods with profit, intensity, and xp per hour. I would hate to see a new training method come out that makes older ones look like a waste of time.

Yeah I get this vibe from the devs that was the aim of the project :) Of course we will always be reviewing player feedback and making sure if feels worth your time and effort.


Originally posted by BoogieTheHedgehog

What are the rewards going to be priced at and what kind of points/hr is expected? Would be cool to gauge how long each reward would take to obtain.

Also I'm loving this level of interaction and feedback in the comments, is this going to be a new standard or is it something you're just trying out?

I asked Mod Elena this just now. We don't know exactly how many hours it will take to grind the rewards, because it hasn't been developed yet but it was something I wanted to give a ballpark estimate in the blog. However she said we will be looking at existing minigames for inspiration on this


Originally posted by Warbags

The set bonus effect makes no sense with its current wording

Each piece has a 10% bonus chance to craft additional Runes, going up to a total of 60% when all pieces are worn.

Without knowing what the bonus is. We can derive no meaning from it.

It's a 10% each bonus but you get 60% as a set effect when all are worn - so 20% extra for wearing them all. Sorry about the wording!


Originally posted by c0cktimus-prim3

There’s already an abyssal creature pet, it comes from sire

This one would be more themed around the abyssal ones coming through the rift! I wish we could share some concept work with you but we don't have it to hand.


Originally posted by lexprofile

Great update. I’m glad Jagex has their heads on straight regarding the xp rates. The focus of this mini game should be making it enjoyable, providing more milestones in a skill that has few, and making the 1-77 grind less grueling for players that enjoy a more active play style.

Thank you for your feedback!


Originally posted by Gael_L

I'm quite happy with how this is developping. I'm easily satisfied, so the ~40k Runecrafting xp I'm getting at the Ourania Altar feels satisfactory, so seeing something that provides even more than that will be quite cool. I'll most definitely give this minigame a try when it releases, as I'm confident it's going to pass the poll !

I also approve of the idea of a "Great Guardian" transmog for the existing Rift Guardian pet.

Thank you for your feedback!!


Originally posted by WastingEXP

Done a bang up job on acting on the feedback. nice to see the teleport locations of the ring addressed.

I do wonder what "well worth your while means" Ironman want this to combat shop scape, and I wonder how close it'll get.

Thank you! I appreciate it.


Originally posted by Tom-Pendragon

LAVA RUNES IS A f**kING LEVEL 23 METHOD. Like holy shit, how the f**k do you justified a level 23 method being the best?

I hear you! However, to do it efficiently I believe the method requires a lot of setup. I am no expert but the current efficient method is locked behind lunars, a high magic level requirement, binding necklaces, and it is very click intensive. I don't think the intention with the scope of this project was to outshine any existing methods but we of course will take all feedback into account!


Originally posted by Swoleforce

Wtf is your problem? We said no stupid minigame pet you take that feedback and give us a different minigame pet?

f**k off. Just make it the transmog and be done with it. Don't turn this into another soul wars. This stupid obsession with minigames needs to stop.

I hear you on that! I let the team know this feedback, but we thought a good option would be to allow players to vote on it at least, as well as offering the transmog as a buyable option for the Great Guardian.
If you don't want the pet you can absolutely vote no. That is your god given right! ^_^ When it comes to voting, it will help us get an indication of the sentiment on this topic and will inform our next decisions!