

27 Jan


Originally posted by Noksdoks

I still got no answer in the last post about what the "portal shards" are mentioned in the blog

Do you mean the portal talismans? Could you quote which part of the blog? :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


It'll be by the end of the month! It has been written and is just being finalized.


Originally posted by TofuPython

Will we be able to use daeyalt essence in the minigame?

I've got this as a question on our Q&A today! If it's not answered I'll make sure to get back to you on this post about it.

Edit - not useable in the minigame :)


Originally posted by kahootle

Have you thought of using blood essence to increase XP rates in the mini game? As it sits right now blood essence is underpriced and underutilized in the main game and I think it could be used to increase the XP rates at the cost of gp spent.

Edit: Especially with the new rc outfit increasing rune rates by 60% why not turn blood essence from extra runes -> extra xp

I can add this as a question on our Q&A tonight! Although we do have a few to get through so will try to squeeze this in :)


Originally posted by Monkles

Suggestion: poll Guardians of the Rift separately from its XP rate to avoid salt!

We don't typically poll XP rates, but I am sure devs will make sure the minigame is worth your time. We will discuss this a bit more on tonight's stream as well! :)


Originally posted by Bleeding_Irish

Transmog for the rift guardian sounds great.

Nice to hear! Thanks!


We've had some discussions and we have updated the Guardians of the Rift blog following your feedback! Please let us know what you think.
Just to let you know also, the developers and artists working on this project will also be on the Old School Twitch livestream at 5pm GMT (in about 55 minutes from this post)! We have some questions prepared already, but feel free to ask us anything else that needs clarification.

25 Jan


Originally posted by bowersbros

Is Wrath rune Catalytic? it isn't mentioned in the blog

Wrath rune is Catalytic but it's not really mentioned in the blog as the devs are still intending to lock it heavily behind Dragon Slayer 2. Any references to the Wrath Rune/Talisman coming from this content is my mistake as it shouldn't have been in there, and has been corrected in the blog. However if you've completed DS2 then the Catalytic Talisman will allow access to the Wrath Altar. Hope this helps!


Originally posted by explorernate

Poll Question #12 states "If Poll Question #9 passes, should the Ring of the Elements be made available in free-to-play?", yet Question #9 is about the Lantern? Looks like a mistake here.

I've fixed this, thank you for highlighting this to me!


Originally posted by MagnusHvass

A new way for Ironmen to acquire wrath runes. I like it !

Helloo! I'm so sorry x.x
It was actually decided after the design phase that Wrath runes are not going to be coming from the minigame. That part in the blog about getting wrath runes from the minigame was outdated information. I've removed and corrected it now and will highlight this when it comes to updating the blog, my apologies on that one! D:


Originally posted by Ceskero

If the death and wrath talismans are locked from being rewards behind quests, shouldn't law talismans also be locked behind Troll Stronghold?

I'll make sure to pass this on to the team in our feedback meet tomorrow. :) Thank you for passing it on!

On the topic of Wrath talismans and Wrath runes, I actually made an error in the blog that I want to highlight. It was decided that Wrath runes/talismans are not going to be made available from this minigame, so I should have been removed that part from the blog.

I have removed it now and corrected it. When it comes to updating the blog again with your feedback and our changes, I'll also make reference to the fact that's changed. It was my mistake as I meant to remove that bit from the blog. :)


Originally posted by S_Dave

All sounds great, looking forward to a RC minigame.

The Guardians of the Rift minigame is non-instanced and non-combat, and therefore accessible for skillers.

This might be an issue for some though, completing the abyss miniquest with 10hp skillers is probably near impossible.

That's a very valid point so I'll make sure to raise this tomorrow with the team.


Originally posted by Krazune

"It’s more focussed on increasing the profit you can make while training Runecraft, as opposed to making it faster to gain XP."

"more focused", or only focused on increase the profit? Are we getting xp from extra runes from the new outfit?

It basically means that instead of chucking you extra XP rates as a bonus for wearing the outfit, you instead will get increased runecraft 'yield' as you wear it, meaning the outfit just gives you more runes when you runecraft. :3


Originally posted by Ik_oClock

The info on the blood altar is kinda vague:

  • Does the talisman passing mean the altar can be accessed in the overworld (or rather the dungeon it's in)?

  • Will it make the 'true' blood altar accessible through the abyss?

Other rewards look great, ring for teleports and more runes from normal rc are appreciated.

The Blood Talisman / Catalytic Talisman would allow access to the Blood altar in Morytania that was introduced with Darkmeyer.
- Yes. Though we are still undecided and we need to discuss whether the blood talisman must be obtained before the skillcape/max cape can bypass the need for it.

- We're not sure yet on this one and it's something we need to discuss tomorrow - thank you for bringing it up.


Originally posted by hitman8100

I may be blind and it's already been mentioned, but would getting the blood talisman allow us to use the abyss to get there, or would we need to get to it from the Laboratory?

Great question! I just confirmed this with the devs as I was personally a bit confused myself! The Blood Talisman and Catalytic Talisman would allow access to the existing Blood altar in Morytania that was introduced with Darkmeyer. It would not be used relating to the Blood altar in Zeah as that one doesn't require a Talisman to access.


Originally posted by Big-Egg-Boi

Nice so glad I kept my RC at 60 and all of my other stats at 80/90. Doing nothing paid off!

A smart egg boi!


Originally posted by BoogieTheHedgehog

I like the game concept, Xp rates seem about right too. ZMI xp but more activity so higher profit, along with useful rewards.

I'm assuming the talisman restriction will also apply to Laws right? These are quest locked behind troll stronghold, similar to Deaths and Wraths.


Also how will the new blood altar work with access via the abyss? I currently use the Abyss semi-often to rush straigh to the Zeah altar during clue steps, but given that there is no easy way to get to the true blood altar it must be accessible via the abyss to make that method viable. Would it just be left click = true blood, right click = zeah blood?

Mod Elena says that she would prefer to make the existing entrance more viable rather than make the abyss even more powerful. We could do explore that by opening new entrances or adding shortcuts.

Does this help?


Originally posted by Ajreil

Regarding the proposed teleport locations:

Fire Altar: Outside of the Duel Arena gates.

The ring of dueling already fills this niche well enough. Could this be pushed north of the fire altar by the Al Kharid mine instead? That would be close to a beginner clue step, scorpions for Tureal boosting, and the exam center clue steps.

Water Altar: West of the Water Altar.

Big fan. This would be nice for getting to the lumbridge swamp caves for Tureal boosting, or Zanaris pre-fairy rings.

Air Altar: South of the Air Altar.

F2P desperately needs a teleport option to anywhere south of Falador. This would be very welcome if it passes.

Earth Altar: South of the Earth Altar.

This might be a new meta for ultimate ironman plank making. Sawmill teleport scrolls might crash. Both are probably fine but should be considered.


The ring of dueling already fills this niche well enough. Could this be pushed north of the fire altar by the Al Kharid mine instead? That would be close to a beginner clue step, scorpions for Tureal boosting, and the exam center clue steps.

Mod Elena highlighted that this piece of feedback(above) in particular was super useful so it's something we'll discuss in our feedback meeting tomorrow. I'll update the blog on changes if the team agrees!

Thanks for your detailed feedback.


Originally posted by Molesandmangoes

At what point do I gather runes, chisel them and take them to a point to shoot them at the boss?

Jokes aside this looks amazing. I hope it passes

pew pew dieeee abyssal creatures!