

02 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is old, many changes have been made.

29 May


Originally posted by yamiv

So even if chest is on auto loot the pet drops to floor?

If it's full, it'll drop to the floor as you'd expect.


Found the issue, fixed it, will hotfix shortly, congrats on the pet :)

EDIT: Your pet actually did drop to the floor, and the 'stockpiled' message was misleading. Still our fault, not yours.


Yeah I've just made it unfiltered for next Monday's update

28 May


Originally posted by Shaunyowns

I'm so disappointed in myself :(

I thought I got them all... my fight against the Chisels have failed.




27 May


If we get TAPP back, I'll overhaul the system.

26 May

20 May

17 May


Originally posted by Nemiara

I rather feel as though I'm necroposting, but is there any update on this? (Still being looked at, or off the table etc). Much appreciated!

Still on the table :)

16 May


Originally posted by BobDaBilda

Obviously they've replied directly, and you've got your answer, but I'll also point out that they're already following your advice, before you gave it.

Notice that lately, they haven't talked about something unless it's a "small", or "small to medium" sized project, that's nearly complete, or in QA. They also seem to have changed QA Policies internally (from what, and to what? I don't know, but they've definitely released with less weird, but obvious bugs recently).

Everything else they've said over the last, I dunno, 3-6 months, maybe longer? has been "We're excited for a new bit of content that 'team name' is working on", or "New projects are incoming, and they're awesome". Things along those lines. Occasionally they'll be a tad more specific, and say "a new quest", but not give anything more direct than that.

They've (Shauny has, I guess I could say) gotten better at avoiding asking questions on streams that just plain can't be answered. If he sees one ...

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Holy crap can we bestof this?

What a comment, thank you.


I love it


Originally posted by smrkn

Found the guy who automatically assumes you're angry if your reply is longer than a tweet. ;)

Foreword: Please don't misunderstand, I am incredibly stoked for the bank rework and have been for it for an extremely long time.

I legitimately cannot understand the rollercoaster of a ride that the concept of a bank rework has been on, nor can I understand potential technical incomptency at a software development company being in the business myself. I know if I tried to pull what Jagex get away with, I would easily be fired without any remorse.

Have a pleasant day o7

EDIT: I should probably mention, I prefer going direct out of biological nature; autism spectrum disorder.

The explanation is 'mobile'.

That's basically it.
It's the cause for the rollercoaster, which by the way is a perfectly viable opinion to have on the way we've handled bank rework.


Originally posted by smrkn

Hey Sova, thanks for taking the time to reply, but I'm afraid this is going to be a bit of a rant.

I agree entirely regarding keeping the cat in the bag, I wouldn't tell my coworkers to expect something until I had formulated at least a deployment plan and even then I'd test it to avoid raising hopes.

6+ months ago we had no estimates, no scope, nothing to give other than we want to get it done.

Given the long standing popularity of the request topic I'm blown away by the fact you didn't have so much as an estimate, scope or shred of useful information to give though, because whilst RuneScape is a game that defines Jagex in part as a software company. If it's not on your radar then nobody expects you to click your fingers and have a remotely accurate estimate, but you're authoring software for one of the biggest MMORPGs as Jagex claim, the fact nobody could provide even a rough estimate for this is f***ing...

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You say you work in Software.

You know then that this deliverable can take 'infinite' forms, and our end users are also individual paying customers, each of which have different priorities and use cases for this update regardless of placeholders being the key feature.

Therefore it is quite understandable that even a rough estimate in our case wouldn't cut it.

13 May


We're working on a solution to allow all interface pets to be overrides. If it works, MEGA HYPE. If it doesn't work, there'll be a long wait still.

Wish me luck.


Originally posted by Rune_Man

So why does Kerapac look like a half assed demon rather than a menacing dragon man. Did they cut the art design budget?

On the update artwork? I can kinda see it.

In game? No way


I guess I c*cked up the profanity filter on that part of the puzzle



I recommend watching Cryo's stream. He streams quests exactly like this.



Thanks for the feedback :)


Originally posted by Dr_Shab

Dont worry, he usually does.

Maybe outwardly, but I know that he is a self-critical person


Thank you :)

We're happy with it. I especially think that /u/darkhearted_raven should feel very proud of his work.