

10 Sep


What a lovely surprise to be lurking and then spot this. Thank you so much for the lovely comments, and what a cracking way to play the quest.

I wrote it when my daughter was particularly ill in hospital, and in hindsight I think that came out in Primrose.

Mod Raven did such a great job of turning the writing into a working quest. I’m sure he would have loved to put in replayability and a few other gameplay tweaks, but it’s a minor miracle that he got Her Story in to RuneScape at all.

Thank you so much again. Made my day.

23 Jun


Lurking in the Shadow Barrage, Hollywood superstar Shia LaBoeuf

07 Jun


Originally posted by Gaga_Lady

I really don't think they should release mobile yet, I can hardly believe I'm even saying this.

It's not because 'mobile' itself is bad - the early to mid game is. I don't want to unnecessarily shit on Jagex, I love this game so much. However, the early game really isn't anywhere near as good as it could be it for the single opportunity which they have.

Just some examples:


Users who switch to PC (from mobile) could be instantly deterred by the UI. It’s unnecessarily complex and ‘forces’ complexity on the player. In my opinion, that’s terrifically bad UX design. If existing veterans (we know from Mod Pips’ presentations that the vast majority of the player base has been playing for years) has trouble with it, then how are we expecting new players to grasp it?

Broken Combat

99% of mobs released prior to EoC are seriously nerfed. I can't fathom how this is even po...

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Thank you Gaga_Lady. We share your posts and threads around the office, so please don’t feel like it falls on deaf ears. They are regularly insightful and have definitely changed our decision-making in the past.

I agree with a lot you’ve written here. There’s no hiding from the sheer amount of change that needs to happen in the early game for RS to be welcoming even at an industry standard level, let alone the industry-leading level we want to get to. Your comments on UI, goals and social are very aligned with mine. I personally want to also look at the staggering of our content, and also working through the game with DIY exploration, finding and completing things as I go.

We could go on an endless journey to perfect RS before a launch, but I don’t see RS Mobile launch as a single bet, a single bite of a cherry with failure if we don’t capitalise on it. We will keep working on the opening game, UI etc past launch, and let mobile feedback factor into it too. I imagin...

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13 Feb


Originally posted by JagexJack

This is amazing. Great work.

This is great. Amazing work.

02 Feb


Originally posted by Babystepsx

The LARP Godsword was not part of the design. It was listed as an reward for winning. I have emailed a couple times since last February and haven't heard of any more updates on it since then other then a response stating that someone was suppose to go in to get it sent out a while ago.

As to the response for the trim, I can understand where you are coming from to accompany for new players to recognize it more. I just wish this change was mentioned before releasing it as a surprise.

I believe JagexHooli and the team are acting on the Godsword. I messaged them today and they confirmed.

We have shown progress quite frequently on the pets, but this detail may have slipped or not been shown fully. Apologies.


Originally posted by Hsr_plox

On that note. I like how skill pets show xP when achieved now however what about those of us who had pets prior to this will we see a way to view xD when achieved on the skill pets we own or is that forever out of reach for older players as well?

I get that “new players” is a priority but shouldn’t the people who supported your game for decades also get new updates that aren’t bosses?

Edit: typo

Please don’t think that new players are our priority. Until now, new players weren’t really thought of at all, and that’s why we’ve reached a point of a messy hame for new starters. We need to think of them again.

Active players are still the priority, absolutely.


Originally posted by MarkAntonyRs

Was really hoping for a variant that requires Max score, something that you lose every time there's a new achievement. :c

We actually discussed this! One version had percentages, rather than absolute values, but we opted for this instead. There are positives and negatives between them. In the end, it’s a clearer and more understandable goal to go for RuneScore values


Originally posted by mikopono

Hey Mod Osborne,

Thanks for all the hard work you guys putting into the game, Runescape is really starting to enter a new era of better content, quality and communication. But sometimes i just feel a little 'meeeh'. I understand not everything will satisfy every player, but i think feedback is important.

Seeing this message from you and how the pet differentiates in-game really disappointed me as a player. It seems that in your intern conversations you guys lost why this pet was so awesome. With the different kind of rune trimmed armor sets. You guys are thinking about gods, while I for example am thinking about how cool rune Armor sets were back in the day and I'm getting a pet to show off that coolness. mithril, adamantite or normal rune just isn't that cool and I'm not going to get 20k points just for a rune pet. As other people have mentioned you guys could have fixed this problem same as with Felix skins. If you guys intern really found this a problem. That ...

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Sorry that I can’t reply to the depth you have here. Very generally, we opted for more tiers on Richie rather than more tiers on Zez, and we needed outsource for other Elder God related updates. We often have to make these kinds of decisions.

I appreciate and completely understand (and understood) the tiers of god armour. But older veterans aren’t the only players we make content for. This is a core pet that a lot of people will strive for, and having a detail that a vast majority (especially with new players coming in) won’t understand the nuances of is a problem. If this was a more niche pet, it wouldn’t have been a problem. Over the years we have increasingly made the game complicated for newer players to understand, so this kind of decision needs to be made more.

Still, cosmetic options and toggles for the pet are options for the future, but just wasn’t possible for release

I can assure you that there aren’t interns making decisions on this, it’s designe...

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Hey BabystepsX. Would be happy to chat further as a personal message? Feel free to reach out to us for things like this, we are happy to chat.

We chatted about the god trims, and there’s a few reasons we didn’t go with them: they force a god faction on the player, they put the gods into a hierarchy when we want players to consider them as equally viable to support, and the metal tiers are easier for a newer player to understand (you want them to recognise your achievement). Our original plan was to have more metal tiers, but that didn’t work out: hopefully that can change in the future.

I wasn’t aware of a LARP godsword if I am being honest. Is that something that was in your original design?

01 Jan


Originally posted by super_sammie

I hope you are not working on a holiday.

I have been told off for doing that before so this is me telling you off.

Not at all! This post is the opposite of work


It means so much that RuneScape can offer that help - thank you for taking the time to write your post. Looking after RuneScape from home can feel very anonymous, and this message is a reminder of how important that job can be.

I hope the coming years offer more than the last few. I am sorry that life hasn’t treated you well, but your post shows that you are keeping your head up and looking for positives. I think we can take a lot from that.

Happy New Year to you!

08 Oct


Heya! Took this to the concept artist who did the initial treatments on Prif, and he said this (no Reddit account):

It looks cool, just like it. Its a happy coincidence as I didn't have that reference, neither have I been to Russia. I have however been to Istanbul, and Prif was more based on buildings like Hagia Sofia but stretched up to be more gothic, mixed with the ruins of Tintern Abbey - the crystal walls were written about in text before I painted anything. If you look up those two places it makes sense combined.

06 Oct


You are so talented! The Zamorak makes me want to get a tattoo

02 Oct


Originally posted by super_sammie

I have nothing to add other than hi osbourne. I met you a few years back at jagex when doing a player test. My son is 3 now!

My word! Time absolutely flies. What was it a player test for?


Originally posted by A_lost_dude

The dude had to make a post here to claim a reward that he should have gotten 3 years ago, problem free. And you're saying that "it's not good enough" that he had to wait this long ?

First, phrasing is important. Second, what the hell happened for you to take this long/simply forget something like that ?

I’m not sure what is wrong with my phrasing. I have oversight of the game content rather than Runefest and gnomes etc, so just offering my help


Hey Maximus. Let us look into this today and get things moving for you. It’s not good enough that it’s taken this long

02 Sep


Originally posted by leftofzen

Just wanted to say that I'm in the main penguin hunting clan (World60Pengs) and we weren't asked for any input at all, at least to my knowledge. These 'focus groups' and other methods they claim they are interacting with the community are pure lies to feign interaction.

I was specifically talking about focus groups on the art style, rather than on penguin hide and seek


Thanks for your post, Wahisietel. Considered as always buddy.

I think there's two threads to this conversation: one is whether the RuneScape penguins are all gentoo, whether they should be, and whether we've lost something by making them not gentoo. The other thread is whether the general art direction of the game, of which these penguins are the latest example, is what you want and, again, beneficial for the game.

For the first thread, you can see from the concept sheet that we absolutely considered making the penguins gentoo. In R&D, having increased the fidelity of the model, our animators found that they couldn't get as broader range of expressions from the gentoo concept. The white area by the eye limits expression and makes them perpetually a bit menacing. We didn't want that for the penguins story, either, as we wanted them to be initially benign but Machiavellian once we learn more about them. That's kind of how their story works.

We also considered...

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27 Aug


Originally posted by DatShokotan

So from what I'm hearing its just.. like having 10 years+ of school homework left undone and the workload is too unmotivating for people to do.

Bold suggestion I'm sure, but may I propose you completely redoing construction from the ground up and introducing it as a new skill? Yes, this means finding a new place for all clue scroll, wardrobe etc etc to be stored and nuking furniture that we spent 50+ mil on. With ample communication I think this is possible and I actually would love to see that happen.

I say this mainly because the way houses are in our game is a great 2007 thing but its out of date now at a more fundamental basis, and other MMOs just have plenty more innovative ways at having houses. The skill should just be completely redone with no trace of old school construction.

It’s more like having 50 different piles of 10 years+ homework, and then choosing which of those piles to start on first. Construction goes up against the new player experience, the player avatar and so many more, but it’s definitely near the top of the pile. We’ve chosen something for Construction that wouldn’t get in the way of a future rework and would supplement it

Your concept for how to change Construction is great, but I would stop short of making it a whole new skill. I’m not convinced that’s what would be best for the player base.

26 Aug


Originally posted by xBHx

To be completely fair here. You've announced a construction rework aswell years ago, even showed some WiP. A few years later, we saw some gamejam construction stuff that looked promising, that also died.

Why would we believe you the 3rd time around?

I'd love to see construction getting some love, but it REALLY feels devs are afraid of touching the skill because of spaghetti and a possible 6-6-2006...

I appreciate that, but if we let our past put us off doing it, then we would be in a much worse place. I’m sure we will be showing it on livestream soon, so hopefully you can be more reassured.

From my perspective, it’s less about a fear of The Massacre or spaghetti code, and more that a prospective Construction Rework has put us off from doing other jobs, but we are going ahead with this one