

11 Jun


Originally posted by PlataBear

It's not just wanted, it's genuinely necessary at this point. MES is used everywhere, and is beyond useful everywhere. Pickpocketing on mobile is often an awful experience, there are tons of banks that are NPCs, requiring either dialogue or a "right click", disabling clicking on things like the trees in Prif, etc.

Edit: to all the people saying I didn't read the comment that said "we know it's wanted", did y'all not notice my comment said "it's not just wanted"?

After speaking with the team, I'm actually allowed to say this is something that is coming. Just no ETA yet.


Originally posted by WastingEXP

"Loadouts for hotkeys" what exactly does this mean for mobile?

Essentially, you can have three setups of Hotkeys saved and ready to easily switch between. So you could have one set-up with Prayer, Spellbook, etc for intense PvM and another which has tap-to-drop, inventory, etc for Skilling. Hopefully that makes sense!


Originally posted by OldManBearPig

Currently the loot tracker doesn't work across play sessions if a player were to do half a task on mobile, switch to desktop for a few kills of a task, and then go back to mobile. It seems like loot tracking is all done client-side per session.

Is there a plan or a way to do loot tracking server side so it's tied to the account, and we can track loot comprehensively everywhere?

Currently, there's been some discussions around this and this would only be able to go between the Official Client and Mobile but it's not something I can even give an ETA on atm, just a potential currently.


Originally posted by Noksdoks

Just a question about mobile in general, does loot tracker "forget" loot after 90 days like runelite does?

From what I've been told, this is only cleared when you clear it or via a cache clear up, either manually or via a reinstall.


Originally posted by OldManBearPig

Any plans for the option to swap menu options to change the default single tap option a la Menu Entry Swapper on Runelite?

I can't confirm anything, but it's something the team is very much aware how wanted this feature is.

24 May


Originally posted by AGuyNamedSparre

/u/jagexSarnie will the Ignited staff be 1h or 2h?

It will be 1h.


Originally posted by About-40-Ninjas

Honeslty great post, my feedback:

The audio read, at 2:09, there is a stumble in the sentence, "sword at your side". This was not edited out after you did a retake of the sentence.

I stopped listening immediately, downvoted the post, and came here to report you to Jagex personally.

I hope u/Jagex will take appropirate action to address this.

What a snitch :smh:


Originally posted by Urgasain

Will Firelight be storable in the Catacombs stash and interchangeably usable for the clue step?

Yeah, we will more than likely let you store this Unit.


Originally posted by Bashram_

Just to clarify with the new staff, will it double the demonbane spell bonuses WITH the mark of darkness? Wiki mentions dark demonbane has 20% accuracy boost and 40% accuracy boost with mark of darkness. Will the new staff give the spell 40% accuracy boost and 80% accuracy boost with mark of darkness?

It will double the effects of Mark of Darkness.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It does :)


Originally posted by Middle_War_9117

Can we get clarification if Firelight works on Duke or not? it was on the blog and then removed so trying to see if that was a typo? or if thats intentional


It does work on Duke, but I felt the wording of that sentance didn't sit right with the Duke's resistances.


Originally posted by Raisoshi

Yeah, it's also missing the accuracy buff from claws so I wonder if it would truly be better than a dds lol, wanna see some calcs

So, for some context, Dragon Claws are weird. There was a part in the blog I was going to add but we stripped it back to not overload people, but for clarity:

On that note, we wanted to give you some context before we talked about the new reward. We realised when discussing this rewards, we've never actually spoken about how the Special Attack of Dragon Claws work. It rolls damage uniquely to say the least but it's important context we assure you!

Even though there's multiple hitsplats dealt with the Dragon Claws' Special Attack, they are not rolled seperately. Let's take a look at the process of Claws:

Roll Accuracy:

If this hits, deal 200% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats.

If it missed. Roll again.

2nd Accuracy Roll:

If this hits, deal 150% damage split over 4 attacks/hitsplats.

If it missed. Roll again.

3rd Accuracy Roll:

If this hits, deal 100% damage split over...

Read more

Originally posted by Reach_4the_sky

Seems a shame to completely toss aside the arclight when there were some talks about “corrupting” it with ancient shards so it stops using charges. Still, perhaps integrating it with creating Firelight somehow would be neat

Just to clarify, the idea currently is to use the Synapse on a fully Charged Arclight to create Firelight. If that's not clear in the blog, we can make it so :)


Originally posted by Raisoshi

You can't leave us hanging like that, what teleport was it that you gave up on proposing?

Essentailly, we are discussing adding some sort of teleport to near the TDs but we thought it didn't need to be polled at this point as it's a new place you'll be travelling to.


Originally posted by Me2217

Would the claws burning effect stack with the Atlatl's burn effect?

Yes :)


Originally posted by JTwizzie

does this mean god alignments are being scrapped?

We will be discussing God Alignments in the near future.


Originally posted by pzoDe

Will the burning claws special roll against an opponent's slash defence?

And does the Firelight upgrade the Arclight itself or is it completely separate?

I would prefer to see a slightly higher requirement for making the weapons, like level 80 perhaps, but otherwise it all looks really good upon first glance.

Can't wait for a new end-game quest, super excited

  • The Claws will roll against the type the claws are on (i.e. Slash (Slach) against Slash Defence)
  • Upgrade, Synapse added to a charged Arclight to create Firelight
  • We can pass that feedback on, but kept it a decent requirement as it's something we don't do that often, to gauge feedback.

EDIT: Changing the Synapse comment as I've been informed you upgrade a charged Arclight with the Synapse.


Originally posted by HappyZuk

Will the scorching bow be able to use dragon arrows?

Yes, it will be able to use Dragon Arrows.


Originally posted by iamcherry

I’d like more details on the claws, wondering how they stack up against current spec weapons and if they’ll have a use case (higher dps than claws if the monster survives for full burn duration, lower if they will die before the burn)

Or if they’re just bad claws and basically only useful as an Ironmans first spec weapon that isn’t chally. Either way it would be cool if yall could put together a dps chart and show how it stacks up to claws and voidwaker in places like maiden, bloat, vard, sote, kephri, zebak, etc

It's mainly meant to sit in a place in terms of usefulness and cost between DDS (a 17k weapon) and the Dragon Claws (a 100m Weapon).

We might be dropping some spreadsheets for those of you who like the numbers.

EDIT: Linking my comment with a cut section of the blog explaining how claws work - https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1czk7d3/comment/l5gy8q4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3