

20 Mar


Originally posted by Hulda_357

Are we really getting 4 new quests on release?



Originally posted by Big_CB

They can't even get the PVP rota's right. Prepare for downtime and touch some grass, I feel there are going to be teething issues today

That's now been changed and that was on me!


Originally posted by Justanotherstick

did the glaive of ralos name get changed? saw it called "Tonalztic of Ralos"

Yeah, that is the Glaive's new name :)

14 Mar


Originally posted by DontYouWantMeBebe

Will need a really solid beta period before anything like this passes realistically

I want to make sure there is a solid Beta period for this, hence why we've said if we need to push these until after WGS launches then we're open to that level of flexibility.


Originally posted by Psymonthe2nd

I think you guys are handling these changes with the care they deserve. Just from reddit alone, you had people saying the suggested new prayers would have next to no impact, to others calling this the next EoC. Striking balance here is very difficult, and I think splitting up the pitches and reducing the new prayers by 1 per god will make this much simpler for the community to digest and correctly understand their impacts.

Agreed, I said so in another comment, but information overload is a geunine concern and something that we need to be more aware of.


Originally posted by Kresbot

I’m not sure dropping down to 3 prayers per alignment is necessarily the answer, we just don’t want to have an extra layer of prayer flicks and convoluted prayers released. If removing one helps with that then fair enough though

I agree it's not 'the answer' but I think it will help make sure the Prayers have clear impact that sits alongside the current system without overloading you with too many new things at once. Information overload is a genuine concern, something we need to balance.


Originally posted by nine_tendo

Understood, is there any sort of gameplan for how the new prayers will be reworked? (Eg: making them unique buffs similar to smite or retribution rather than just dmg % increases)

I don't want to go into any specifics as that wouldn't be fair to the devs working on the changes or to you as we want to make sure they have the time to review the feedback seen and adjust them accordingly.


Originally posted by ThirdBookWhen

Okay, I'll say it. You guys should've just released Ruinous Powers with DT2. Now you're just spinning your wheels because the same people who didn't want Ruinous Powers will NEVER want God Alignments.

I think this is slightly different than the OG Ruinous Powers and we've already taken the learnings from that to get here. We're going to continue to lean on the feedback of the community to ensure we get it right, rather than because we can.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's not cancelled, we saw a significant amounf of feedback from across all different platforms and we're going to look at our designs with that in mind as it was very valid, constructive feedback.


Originally posted by nine_tendo

Since i saw some posts about it in the community, what're your thoughts on introducing 2-3 initial prayers and having a 3rd-4th prayer come from a boss type monster once you've unlocked the alignment? (Eg get 2-3 balance prayers when finishing while guthix sleeps, then unlock the final one by killing tormented demons, could be a tradable or untradable drop)

Edit: to go more off of this, that way you could even focus on adding lower req prayers and then hone in and craft a great extra reward prayer.

I don't think we're against that idea, but for now we are just going to focus on the initial Prayers and how they work with the game and current gameplay of Prayers.

11 Mar


Originally posted by wizao

28 new prays feels like too much. This is almost the same number of prayers for a full new prayer book. By splitting up each of the god's prayers into 4, it doesn't make any 1 prayer stand out. This doesn't really give the prayers the feeling of an identity that aligns with the god. I also think the prayers should all be GM quest rewards or boss drops. They should be impactful and fill out the prayer book to 99.

That's exactly why one of the reasons we've split it up like this. Not only does that mean we can focus on balancing each Alignment individually, but take our time with where each one sits and feels. I imagine the rest of the Alignments if we continue down this route will come out one and at time.


Originally posted by Voidot

What happened to the skilling prayers that we voted for?

The survey we put out was just used to help us decide on the direction we should go in so it was never set in stone there would be Skiling Prayers. This doesn't mean we won't in the future but this is just our first pitch with these new Alignments.


Originally posted by LieV2

I feel like these were not as creative as the ones originally offered? They all seem more boring.

What do you think is the key difference between the ones we've pitched and the OG idea?


Originally posted by Kvicksilver

As long as there are prayers affecting allies I will vote no.

Why is that? I'm genuinely curious.


Originally posted by Alakasham

If they're all going to be combat orientated, it'll be a hard no from me regardless. I can understand some alignments will be purely offensive, e.g. Zamorak/Zaros/Bandos. But in the example you gave for Guthix, surely that'd be the alignment to focus on more skilling based alignments?

What would you like to see from Skilling? I dunno if you had any thoughts on specifics or moreso just a general opinion?


Originally posted by ipeeperiperi

I like it but it seems scary at the same time.

Thanks! I think it would be naive not to be a little bit scared, but hopefully these early conversations can provide enough feedback and discussions to make them the best they can be!


Originally posted by miauw62

I feel like the Seren prayers should ideally be unlocked by a short additional quest. The area around Gwenith is not utilized at all right now, and there's even an unused shrine just east of it, which feels like it would be perfect. Nothing too involved, just a short and sweet miniquest to give some lore.

Out of interest, is this for all of them or just a couple?