

04 Mar


Originally posted by RegiSilver

That's because of the Channeled Bar thing being where the special action button used to be.

I feel we're gonna have this for a while because Jagex haven't touched the Mobile client in ages...

I want to be wrong tho, but be prepared to have this buttons on your back for a while.

Tagging /u/JagexSponge and /u/JagexDoom just in case.

we've got a job in to fix this - thanks for the heads up


Hey, feel free to DM me over your IGN and i'll get someone to take a look


Originally posted by stathread

We are still crashing in certain places across the map on mobile too! I would of thought these type of problems would have been quickly hotfixed rather than leave us dealing with them for weeks/months at a time.

The engine team is aware, and actively working on it, that's all i know i'm afraid.


Thanks for the post, someone is investigating


Originally posted by Mike_From_Red_Deer

Did you fix the invisible fire floor on TzKal-Zuk's Igneous Rain phase, perchance?

This is/was an engine issue from the last build IIRC, i'll check the status of the fix

26 Feb


Originally posted by SneedsFeedsSeeds

Why are you talking like a zoomer 🤣

It's now Canon how sallys speak I'm afraid boss


Mans got the armguard of the first salamander, the gill bound lantern and the slime of the first salamander, they unstoppable now.

salamander gang rise up

13 Feb


Of note : I broked the ice swords (if they go to negative cost they'll cost you a whole lotta adrenaline) -> We're gonna look to hotfix the beta. My bad!

EDIT: hotfixed :)


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

While I do like the attention for quest bosses, the hit chances + hp changes seem to mostly try to keep them in the same place, when they are almost universally severely underpowered after EoC radically nerfed them.

The hit changes are very good, and deserve credit. Some of these get boosted by a lot of hp, which is great, but some still seem a bit weak. Elder Kiln has boosted the champion by almost 5 times the hp, which highlight how weak it was before, but with 75 magic as the requirement I still don't think 35k hp is a lot.

Pest Queen, for example, is a fight that need high 70s to even fight, 51k hp feels like a joke, she should at minimum have the Dominion Tower health, if not more. Elvarg is probably in a good place now, but Nezichkened is several quests later and seemingly not really much stronger.

I hope this isn't the last time quest fights get changes.

I've spoken about this internally before; a lot quests bosses need to be bumped up (not as part of this project as we don't want to scope creep the release) as the majority don't 'feel' like bosses.
Where I can / when I have time to do them justice I'm statting them up, however it's hard to get right as the difficulty is kinda subjective once you move away from 'just left click it and it'll die'.

12 Feb


Originally posted by Sasternaali

My primary question remains with the hit in HP. Why? If the survivability is then much better, that's fine, but is this all just to prevent turoths from becoming a good XP/h spot for higher levels? A closer look to old Turoth xp shows that with the current nerf it means they'd be around the old xp rates, at least. I always understood why ED3 deserved the nerf, but why did everything else? Was it all in an attempt to make the upcoming Necromancy grind take longer (hello, untested ritual xp rates) or was it an actual design choice?

From the perspective of someone going for 200m in combats it's ridiculously dreary (and I rushed 120m before the nerfs went live). There are right now so few mobs that you really can feasibly do at semi low-effort (cannon, overloads, etc. supplies that you need to manage) that provide you with decent XP/h. If this was like any other skill where you only have to bear the activity once I wouldn't be so annoyed by it. But combat has right now 1,2b wo...

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My primary question remains with the hit in HP.

It was a common complaint from players that turoths were over statted, hence bringing them down, lowering it helps resolve this, making the tasks faster for mid level players, and makes them slightly more relevant for farming seed drops (lesser issue imo) They weren't changed to stop them being good XP they were changed to make them better for mid/low level players.

ED3 deserved the nerf, why everything else

XP was essentially uncontrollable it had bloated to where XP rates were excessive, and changing stats had whacky knock on effects - as an example, today cows went from 1100 HP ->1000 HP and 2 defence -> 1 defence.

You 'd think their XP would come down with stat reductions; with the old system ... nope.

The data pulled from the RS bestiary using todays update (thanks wiki team):

Diffs for 20970 [Cow]
defence: 2 -> 1
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Originally posted by JohnExile

Changing them to melee means they will ball up easier, allowing you to easily nuke them down with their new mage weakness. You should kill a f**kton more now than you did before. I dunno about their damage getting changed, I agree it seems like it's barely been touched but I guess I'll have to go check myself instead of just kneejerking.

Yeah, as you said you'll generally have an easier time killing them, damage didn't need to come down too much when accuracy also came down, and you'll no longer be tanking ~10 at a time which also increases survivability there.

Will OFC keep monitoring feedback on them / the other changes though.

Additionally, whilst XP/kill will have decreased, the XP/HR at turoths will have most likely increased depending on your setup, as they're grouping harder, your AOE's will clear more, faster

09 Feb


Originally posted by yuei2

Does the teleport jewelry have charges? Also does this gem have an enchant spell?

it doesn't have charges (it's like onyx jewellery in that respect)

It uses level 5 enchant IIRC


Originally posted by Colossus823

Will the same thing happen with thrower trolls on the road to GWD? My elder rune looks like paper.

they have been given lighter, less accurate rocks to throw


Originally posted by aaron_the_pun_king

Does the ring work for all types of runes, not just necrotic ones? That's an insane one to have.

All runes, yep


Originally posted by RegiSilver


Would it be prudent to ask, how many Moonstone Items we can expect once the quest drops?

I'm trying to organize my bank in advance but I'm not sure if I'll need 2 Spaces (For Bracelet + Amulet) or 4 Spaces (for the former + Ring + Necklace).

There should be info on that going out today (i think)
but dont hold me to that i've been wrong before :)


Theyre currently experiencing a xau-tak based power surge. (theyre being nerfed monday)


Originally posted by Jay_Derkin

I was fully prepared to resubscribe to RS3 after over a year of being done with it until this post. These changes looked so exciting and actually fun to play. This is no longer the case. These most recent changes look painfully un-fun and has reminded me why I quit to begin with.

It is worth reiterating that the beta is just a test environment and the nerfs in this environment have been on purpose, so you can tell us exactly what still feels good/bad.


Originally posted by W22_Joe

Hey Sponge, I understand/appreciate that you’re in a super difficult position. I really do. Been there. And it feels shitty.

But are you (or your team leader(s)?) trying to get players that haven’t submitted to necroscape to quit? PVM milestones haven’t felt meaningful since necromancy, and this (basically all the changes) adds insult to injury BIG TIME. I kept getting more and more disheartened and frankly worried the more I read.

Anyways, stay up. Don’t let all the extreme emotional backlash weigh on your personal mental health too much. But damn I really hope you find a way to nullify basically everything posted today. Lol. Good luck sir.

Appreciate it.
Absolutely not trying to get players to quit, we're just trying to ramp up the beta by testing a bunch of things at once, the idea being to see what players do/don't like so we can know where the best places are to manage power.

Players seem to have taken this build to heart which isn't ideal of course, but like the previous iterations if there's change players don't like we just won't go ahead with them.

08 Feb


Originally posted by Imaskilla097

We've shown through the previous iterations we're not going to just implement things without player feedback, its our primary concern.
I'm don't understand, because the example of the FSOA and AD changes do not reflect player feedback. It was over 60% saying no to both changes iirc and no mention prior or during the beta was it stated, "Hey we're still making these changes, we just want you all to play with it." At that point, I'd give you credit for that, but it was entirely misleading, especially with a poll to see % wise player input their thoughts on the change. So that response is not accurate.

As a result magic (which was in a good place powerwise on the beta fell behind so we wanted to give some of that back).
If that's the case, why are we adding something to new to the weapon? That change forces you to use the staff consistently if you want any remote ounce of damage increase, compared to using dual wield... or honestly where it was pre ...

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 So that response is not accurate.
I was referring to this suite of betas we've been running with regard to previous iterations not FSOA/AD, as that has/had different issues contained with how it was ran/the results.

If that's the case, why are we adding something to new to the weapon?
The staff was a logical place to add the power back, to mitigate loss from crit adren which synergised with the staff, and helped reduce the feeling of the staff only be a spec weapon/essentially being eof fodder. But we can iterate on it, as we have with other stuff in the beta.

As far as I've read and the knowledge I have of players in game I have not seen anything saying
My comment was directly referencing players which have spoken about the beta and the beta increasing the power of the bow, I feel like youre points seem to be implying the beta is going to be a straight up nerf to the live game, which is...

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Originally posted by Chrismite

Would the potential of raising the level cap from 99 to 120 be a good start. necro does have that over the other styles which can also correlate to his higher DPM. would also open the door to make harder content and gear. now that hit chance is being changed to hit potential i think older gear will start being more relevant. before it was just what has the most accuracy. but now we can have more weapon diversity.

I think there's core elements of styles (a lot of abilities feeling pointless/not having niches, not having identites properly built in) that should be addressed prior to 120ing them, especially if we want the 120 to mean more than just more damage.