

01 Dec


Hi everyone, I had a look at what actually was going on here as the patch note was confusing. So Super Guthix Rests / brews state they give immunity to poison for 30 seconds, this was actually running for 45 seconds. So they have been changed to match their tooltip.

16 Nov


Originally posted by JagexSponge

Hey, could you send me your display name and i'll take a look - did this happen to be at the Lumbridge church contract?

Update - We've found the cause of Father Aerick pocketing credits. - should hopefully be sorted as soon as we can.


Hey, could you send me your display name and i'll take a look - did this happen to be at the Lumbridge church contract?

13 Nov


Hey this isn't a bug - if you entered blood first, that will be the 9 sided puzzle. Ice is the second puzzle with 5 sides because you entered that room second.

20 Oct


Originally posted by DatShokotan

Can you also fix the keybind lockout bug that happens when you exit the bank (or some other miscellaneous interfaces) rapidly with ESC? I can retain the ability to type in a chatbox but I can't use keybinds or spin camera with WASD when the bug triggers. Bug goes away when "always on" in chat is toggled on and off.

Also, is this a know bug around the office? I still suffer from this bug.

Can you dm me your display name and i'll take a look into this one - cheers.

19 Oct


Originally posted by PoDePanda

Thanks! I've already unlocked and done the research, but the study option came back after finishing the mystery, hope this helps with fixing the bug.

that's very useful, thanks!


Hey i'll pass this on to the team - the study op should disappear when the research is unlocked(and be smaller)


hey just a heads up - I've put a ticket in to get this fixed, hopefully as soon as possible, thanks for the post, - Sponge.


Hey - it looks like this is only affecting certain players or worlds - can you DM your display name / what worlds you were on and how you were accessing the client.

17 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]


Appreciate it, i've found the cause and put a ticket in. Cheers, Sponge.


Hey can you DM me your display name and i'll take a look into this. cheers, Sponge.

15 Sep


Originally posted by Zestulance

Thank you! For a minute I thought you called me a sponge though xD.

Yeah maybe i should add 'mod' into my sign off haha.


Thanks for the post, i've put a ticket in to act like urns where started effigies should be pulled from the bank, cheers, Sponge.

14 Sep


Originally posted by OnaliOfZamorak

In tutorial I made effigy from invention scraps, and after tutorial it didn't stay in inventory is this intended?

Yes you shouldn't keep your tutorial effigies, cheers, Sponge.


Originally posted by Axiomatic_RS

Hey. I had constructed 8 Erratic effigies using Runecrafting anima nuggets, I did the same in tutorial run after which both monthly and tutorial effigies were gone.

Can you dm your IGN and i'll take a further look, i've been unable to repro this my side so far.


Originally posted by xBHx

Side related question, urns + effigy, only 1 will charge. Intended?

Hey, yeah thats intended. Cheers, Sponge.


Hey, im looking into this, which effigies was it he took from you? When checking myself, vicendithas prevents access to the tutorial whilst holding any unstarted effigies. (unstarted can be taken in, but i keep them at after the tutorial) Cheers, Sponge.


Hey all, fix should be coming with today's update, thanks for your patience. Cheers, Sponge.

10 Sep


Hey, last i checked there were some complications due to ED's running 'death' differently. I'll chase it up and see how progress is.

03 Sep


Originally posted by thebestrng

While your looking into this could you check that it works on red&crystal flecked sandstone aswell.

Hey this is an issue with mining in general not just sandstone, if you have a porter active whilst mining you can't get waterfiend procs. I'd suggest switching your porter / GotE off until the fix is through. Cheers, Sponge.