

03 Sep


Originally posted by OGHunchie

Can you also have a look at mining concentrated gold ore? I went through loads of porters and never got a proc which is annoying for an Ironman ;(

Hey, this is a very similar issue, i've requested both fishing and mining be fixed together, cheers, Sponge.

02 Sep


Hey guys - I've taken a look into this - and looks like its an issue isolated to fishing that only occurs with porters/GotE. I've put a bug in for it, hopefully will be resolved asap. Cheers, Sponge.

19 Aug


Hey, you have the ability book filtered it seems. Try the icon at the top right of the constitution ability book. That should make the ability visible. Let me know if that doesn't do the job.

17 Aug

11 Aug


Hey, i had a look at your save - pickup your baby troll and you should be able to enter the chamber. Any problems and i can investigate further, cheers - Sponge.


Hey - can you DM me your display name so i can investigate the issue - it appears to be working fine on accounts ive tested thus far - cheers, Sponge.


Hey, so this is actually part of how binding contracts work - each familiar also has a slayer requirement to catch them, that is equal to their summoning requirement.
This applies for all the ancient familiars, however as some have slayer requirements to even damage (gargoyle/abby demons etc), the i guess requirement has gone under the radar.

TLDR: You need 90 slayer to give kalgerion demons a loving and nurturing home.

28 Jul


Originally posted by WoWscape98-1

Lmao dude you could choose anything as your jmod name, why did you go with Sponge



Remember to do the headbang emote just before placing the measure it for +1 RNG

27 Jul


Originally posted by WasV3

Hey Sponge,

Was is my in game name. Its since fixed and I've completed the quest, as once the 2nd one got "triggered" the 3rd and 4th one came quickly after and worked.

I was also recording at the time, so I can upload the recording of the entire quest to YouTube as an unlisted video and can send you the link if that helps?

That would be amazing cheers!


I've been trying to look into this - as it seems to be happening sporadically for different players - could you dm your IGN? -

In the mean time - Is charos still present at the remaining 2 spots? -If so try world hopping and placing the measure on tiles very close to charos.


Originally posted by dietplan96

thanks for the fast response :)

no worries - enjoy the quest! :)


Originally posted by Yellowchese

Woohoo that worked, thanks!

Poking to get it fixed so other's dont experience the same issue - enjoy the rest of the quest!


Originally posted by PoDePanda

I have the same issue, I don’t get the “that’s it” message, but I can’t cycle anymore cuz my character thinks they are already correct.

EDIT: https://i.gyazo.com/df7ab9966e51cea3822dc1bfa1ec0e49.png


Originally posted by Yellowchese

Ok, going back on mobile (I was on PC for a while there trying it)


Originally posted by PoDePanda

I have the same issue, I don’t get the “that’s it” message, but I can’t cycle anymore cuz my character thinks they are already correct.

EDIT: https://i.gyazo.com/df7ab9966e51cea3822dc1bfa1ec0e49.png

theres a bug if you click away from the pylon - see my comment above somewhere for a fix - i'm looking to get this fixed asap. Thanks for your patience


Ok so there is a bug here, if you click out of the dialogue when completing the symbols - i'll write it up and get it fixed asap.

Fix in the mean time:

Log out Log back in to reset the symbols Interact with each of the symbols until they are in the correct place Upon getting the last symbol in place, proceed through the dialogue - do not click out >! Your character will press a 'last button' completing the sequence!<


Originally posted by Yellowchese

Yeh it doesn't let me cycle past them. It stops me with the prompt "This one looks right, I should leave it." I then triple check each of the 3 symbols, speak to Hannibus who doesn't seem to think i've cycled the symbols yet, I leave the door and walk back in and the symbols have been reset.

can you dm me a screenshot of the position of all 3 symbols after cycling them ? if possible - when all 3 have been placed into the correct slots you'll receive a message along the lines of: thats it! these are the symbols [...]


Originally posted by Yellowchese

He won't even let me in the dream world anymore. I've cycled the symbols every time i walk in or out of the upper chamber

have you cycled all 3 symbols to the correct spots? - i'll take another look at your account - are you mobile of desktop


Originally posted by My_Midnightt

I also get exactly this. I have the passcode to enter the lower area and get the following...

'This one looks right, I should leave it.'

I leave and enter the lower area and nothing.. Enter the upper part again and the symbols have reset.

Have you done all 3 symbols?