

27 Jul


Originally posted by Yellowchese

Woohoo that worked, thanks!

Poking to get it fixed so other's dont experience the same issue - enjoy the rest of the quest!


Originally posted by PoDePanda

I have the same issue, I don’t get the “that’s it” message, but I can’t cycle anymore cuz my character thinks they are already correct.

EDIT: https://i.gyazo.com/df7ab9966e51cea3822dc1bfa1ec0e49.png


Originally posted by Yellowchese

Ok, going back on mobile (I was on PC for a while there trying it)


Originally posted by PoDePanda

I have the same issue, I don’t get the “that’s it” message, but I can’t cycle anymore cuz my character thinks they are already correct.

EDIT: https://i.gyazo.com/df7ab9966e51cea3822dc1bfa1ec0e49.png

theres a bug if you click away from the pylon - see my comment above somewhere for a fix - i'm looking to get this fixed asap. Thanks for your patience


Ok so there is a bug here, if you click out of the dialogue when completing the symbols - i'll write it up and get it fixed asap.

Fix in the mean time:

Log out Log back in to reset the symbols Interact with each of the symbols until they are in the correct place Upon getting the last symbol in place, proceed through the dialogue - do not click out >! Your character will press a 'last button' completing the sequence!<


Originally posted by Yellowchese

Yeh it doesn't let me cycle past them. It stops me with the prompt "This one looks right, I should leave it." I then triple check each of the 3 symbols, speak to Hannibus who doesn't seem to think i've cycled the symbols yet, I leave the door and walk back in and the symbols have been reset.

can you dm me a screenshot of the position of all 3 symbols after cycling them ? if possible - when all 3 have been placed into the correct slots you'll receive a message along the lines of: thats it! these are the symbols [...]


Originally posted by Yellowchese

He won't even let me in the dream world anymore. I've cycled the symbols every time i walk in or out of the upper chamber

have you cycled all 3 symbols to the correct spots? - i'll take another look at your account - are you mobile of desktop


Originally posted by My_Midnightt

I also get exactly this. I have the passcode to enter the lower area and get the following...

'This one looks right, I should leave it.'

I leave and enter the lower area and nothing.. Enter the upper part again and the symbols have reset.

Have you done all 3 symbols?


If this is what i believe it is - it isnt actually a bug you've just missed a small step *warning* small spoiler- You're currently still inside the dream - you need to deactivate the pylon in the real world - talk to hannibus to disconnect from the dream first

Dm me your ign if this doesnt work and you still believe its a bug - i'll take a look


Originally posted by dietplan96

I have watched the cutscenes and followed both dragonkin. Also figured out code for one door and the symbol for the other. Before coming to the lower platform I have already inserted the correct symbol on the upper platform and my character tells me that the symbol is already correct. I believe the npc is just not spawning for me :(

did you do all 3 symbols?


Originally posted by Yellowchese

PM'ed you - I did the quest on mobile until I got stuck if that helps

Had a look on your account - you have missed a small step - you need to cycle the pylon symbols (in the real world) to match those of the dream - after doing this on your account hannibus will appeared below for me


Originally posted by Yellowchese

He's downstairs in that room and also outside upstairs.

Downstairs he keeps saying to input the correct symbols despite them being correct and upstairs (outside) he just says "lets go inside" and he isn't appearing in the lower chamber

Drop me your IGN and i'll take a look into it


Looks like you've missed a step - he will currently be on the floor above you via the other door on the surface.


Originally posted by JagexSponge

Have a chat to charos - are you able to reclaim it from him? - if not drop me a dm with your ign & i'll take a look

As above if you have the same issue check your banks - Imp soul is just messing with you :)


Have a chat to charos - are you able to reclaim it from him? - if not drop me a dm with your ign & i'll take a look

13 Jul


Originally posted by ImRubic

The ‘Wushanko: The Arc’ achievement no longer requires the following for completion:

What's the reasoning for this?

Just had a quick look at the associated job to this: So the Wushanko: The Arc achievement was basically to complete the arc journal and awarded the 'voyager' title. However the removed achievements were never actually required for the the arc journal completion / voyager title, meaning players could complete the journal without completing the associated achievement.To make the process less confusing without removing players existing titles / adding more requirements to the journal, the unnecessary achievements were removed as requirements for Wushanko: The Arc

19 Jun

12 Jun


Hey, I put a ticket in to fix this, it's present in a couple of different places all of which are essentially the same bug. We do know about this and we are looking to fix it, thanks for the heads-up.

08 Jun


Hey there, we are aware of the issue and there's a ticket in for it to be fixed. Cheers, :)

02 Jun


Originally posted by DuskBladez

Since we're talking about the buff bar, the zgs spec says lasts for 30 seconds instead of 20

Thanks for the heads up - I've made a job to resolve this.