

15 Jul


Originally posted by skumfukrock

Just like splashing is imo a very outdated mechanic a dodge chance based armour set seems very unfun because of the rng behind it

Just like splashing is imo a very outdated mechanic a dodge chance based armour set seems very unfun because of the rng behind it

yeah i completely agree, it'd have to be a player-controlled dodge (though it was more of an example and i'd probably avoid completely mitigating damage) .


Hey, I just took a look again, it appears the most wanted card is doing a bad check to see if cresbot is unlocked and so the system is believing you don't have cresbot and therefore giving you it. There's a job in to fix it, i'll try to get to it today :)

14 Jul


I wouldn't be entirely against this, my preference would be to introduce tank effects/sets for the other styles with different effects so there's a play style difference.
such as Melee being ability based (e.g increasing the effects of debil/reflect etc based on your armor stat) and range being something like dodge chance or debuffing?

12 Jul


This right here is an advert for finality ornament kits and praesul wands.

06 Jul


Originally posted by Zeryth

Yeah about the enrage scaling, but at the same time not a word about normal mode.

We're still monitoring all the modes, not just enrages.

05 Jul


Originally posted by PsychologyRS

Any word on enrage climbing issues? As it stands right now enrage seems to be tracked separately in every team size, from 1-5, totally separately from each other.

In addition to this, there seems to be additional bugs with climbing enrage, where even if I am in duo with the same duo partner, doing 10 enrage will not unlock 20 when completed, and we can not progress at all.

Any additional info on these issues that can currently be shared?

Correct 1-5 tracks differently, Ramen put out a tweet earlier, he's looking into everything you've listed above to make it a more enjoyable experience


Originally posted by The_Five-O

What is "higher enrages"? When does it begin? No change in 70% mobs atm.

Anything above 0% will have the scaling adjusted. If you're not seeing any changes, exit and reenter the dungeon.

01 Jul


Tbf that worker is an absolute chad saving its king like that.

29 Jun


Hey appreciate that it's no good to you now, but i've gone and fixed this so hopefully no one else has to experience it once it goes live.

20 Jun


As a note - Demon Invasions will occur every hour (currently every two hours) - this was actually able to be pushed out today so it should also now be live.

06 Jun


It will not, the tokens aren't added to the chest iirc, instead they're given to you or thrown in the bank

03 May


Originally posted by Jagex_Stu

Not a chance.

We focused our efforts on the bane types players actually use.

The Wallasalking is happening Stu, we NEED these arrows.

25 Apr


Seen a couple of questions dotting around so thought I'd quickly answer a few here / poke mods for other questions you have:

How does the Imbued Pontifex ring buff Elder GWD drop rates, and does it work passively from the bank?
- It reduces the 'random' when rolling for a unique drop - e.g Instead of rolling 200/10k for a magma tempest you'll instead roll 200/9800. It works passively if you've overcharged your ring.

Does the Necklace of Salamancy work for Raksha?
- No it doesn't currently. I personally hope it gets an upgrade to allow it in the future though.

What did the newspost mean by "next update requiring Extinction"?
- IIRC this is referring to the next core pieces of content which I'm sure you'll get details about soon.

What is the drop rate on Salamancy
- Looks to be 1/500 when rolling for materials

21 Mar


Originally posted by Xtrm

Also Herby Werby.

I believe patch notes should be added to the news post later today
Upper left text & animation issues including herby werby and runespan fireball
(and i believe other similar issues, e.g. defence pylons having no projectile animation)

I believe patch notes should be added to the newspost later today


Originally posted by 5-x

I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned as well, maybe we could add it to patch notes, /u/jagexhooli?

A new engine build went out today, I believe patch notes for them will be added to the news post later today.

10 Mar

06 Jan


Originally posted by WolfieHC

So if im not mistaken the drop rate is 1/500 right?

Unless its1/450 in which case my question remains the same:

Is it 10% increase to numerator or denominator.

Correct me if im wrong but theres a huge difference there right?

if the drop rate is 1/500 the improved rate would be 1/450


Originally posted by Gamebugio

Is this to say the enhancer is only needed for the first kill? Or every subsequent kill of the whole streak?

For glacor HM specifically, you'll only need to bring it on the first kill of each streak.


Hey! So for the Het enchancer to be active on AG you'll need to start a new streak and have the enhancer with you (this'll then mark that new streak as enhanced)
(otherwise you'd get some nasty loot rerolling if you did or didn't bring the enhancer due to it being seeded)

As for the drop chance, your unique chance is directly increased by 10%

Numbers from our drop rate post:

Streak: 1, Enrage: 999 - 1/91 chance of a unique drop

Streak: 25, Enrage: 1500 - 1/60 chance of a unique drop

With Het enhancer:
Streak: 1, Enrage: 999 - Roughly 1/82 chance of a unique drop
Streak: 25, Enrage: 1500 - Roughly 1/54 chance of a unique drop