

17 Jan

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Elm_road

Are those podcasts going to be available through Apple podcasts? I just want the audio version to listen to

Yeah. Apple podcasts usually takes a little bit to get the first podcast on a new channel up, but should be available upon release of all subsequent episodes. (Same for spotify as far as I'm told). I'll tweet out links for all the platforms it'll be on as soon as I have them

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Oh cool, a reddit thread!

Happy to finally get this out into the wild -- the first 5 episodes are going to be previews like this of all 10 LCS teams, so be on the lookout for episodes 2-5 next week.

Looking more broadly, i'm excited to continue to do content like this throughout the year; rapid reactions to stories, more tangential conversations like meta or solo Q, or even just quick thoughts heading into an LCS weekend. Think a bit like the Bill Simmons podcast, but with LoL as the focus, for those that are familiar.

Hope you enjoy episode 1! More to come next week

05 Nov

31 Oct

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ezreal024

Surprised he didn't bring up Ryze (might have just left it at two picks for the sake of a snappy instagram post) considering how good the champion is right now and the players on either side.

Yeah ran out of space and haven't finished p/b prep yet but very quick takes on some more picks:

  • Ryze (obvious)
  • Xayah (SKT has banned it alot)
  • Syndra (no SKT plays, Caps 3-0) + bot flex if ADC's banned
  • Kayle MIA? (Don't think either team want the early game risk here)
  • Akali - likely banned, but if Ryze/Syndra/Qiyana/Renek/Xayah/Panth all draw bans.. suddenly it's back.

24 Oct

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Roseking

Great video Jatt.

Out of curiosity, do you do any of the video editing yourself? Or do you come up with a script that is then edited around?

So of the editing done in the videos is great and really shows off what you are saying. The dual layer of Ryze walking to his real warp range is a good example.

The editing is done by Graham, our video editor. https://twitter.com/smoresmores

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Sorry about the audio quality. We actually have the same road kit that we used for worlds episodes back in 2016 which was fine, so will definitely do some investigation to see if we can improve it for next time. On top of that I had frog voice for two days so we didn’t get a chance to re-record audio after I sent it in on Wednesday (we normally do audio on Monday or Tuesday). Anyways.. that’s probably more context than I needed to give but felt like sharing lol.

Beyond that, hope you enjoy the episode! It’s fun to be doing this content again, and I’m looking forward to the next episode!

11 Oct

10 Oct

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LargeSnorlax

Probably the first top 20 list I've ever seen where not a single NA player even registers on the top 20.

Realistic, or biased?

Honestly probably a little biased. As I mentioned in the video CoreJJ, Doublelift, and Svenskeren would be the players that would make the list if NA was on it. Unfortunately, the last 3 times I've had Doublelift on my top 20, he hasn't performed at Worlds like a top 20 player. I also think from an individual talent perspective, this Worlds is perhaps the most stacked ever. So even if 2019 Doublelift is better than 2018 Doublelift, he may be ranked lower when compared to all other players at Worlds..

Here's to hoping i'm wrong about the NA portion of my list this year, NA smashing Worlds would make this year and 2020 a lot more fun for me lol

Also, sorry for the Vedius graphic. The video has incorrect team tri-codes for his first 10 picks. Working on getting that fixed so that the lists can be more accurately shared.

17 Jul

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is sweet! Looking at the Sneaky/Zeyzal numbers a bit, how big are those sample sizes? like Ashe/Braum vs. Xayah Rakan averaging a 36 CS at 10. I imagine with solo lanes since it's just 1x1 champs, instead of 2x2 champs you're able to pull some much bigger samples. Also, do you know the Sona/Taric avg. numbers?

16 Jul

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DEMTheos

I still don't understand the need to increase his Q cooldwon by 4 seconds tbh. If it's for Support Galio it doesn't make sense, he is dead anyway in botlane.

Q cooldown is up early because his lane priority was too strong in tests. New passive + low CD Q he just pushed everyone in and that would have likely led to him being pro p/b again

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by hi_kicker

Yeah being able to cancel shield of durand and removing the ability to flash while using it seems like a little bit much unless I'm missing some mega buff in there

It's unfortunate that the Galio list is being received so negatively, as in testing it was considered a fairly substantial buff (3-4% estimate)

Buff lines that are 'hopefully' bigger than people realize:

Mana Growth 20 - 40 per level, and Q mana cost down. Syndra received a buff from 30-40 per level in patch 9.13 and it ended up increasing her WR by 1.5%.

Additionally, since Galio is so mana gated on live it limits his itemization. In most tests with these mana numbers, Galio could either go full tank or protobelt first. In past iterations of Galio (patch 9.2), when his mana costs were increased it lowered his win-rate substantially, partly due to having massive mana constraints if he built protobelt first which is probably his best starting item.

Passive damage is also way, way up, and even though the reset mechanic was removed (burst case down) it's far more repeatable in lane and makes frequent trades more powerf...

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12 Jul

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kisdee

Someone in a previous update thread said that Riot wants Bard to max Q-W-E. Wouldn't it be better to make W maxing second actually worthwhile instead of adjusting E so that you only get reduced CD from maxing it?

Thing that isn't listed there is Bard base tunnel speed is increased from 800-900. So basically Bard/allies go through tunnels at the old rank 5 speed from rank 1. Hope is to give Bard better mobility/gank assist in the early and mid game

18 Jun

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vayatir

That Karma nerf is the most whack f**king thing I've seen in a long time. Instead of reverting the movement speed duration buff they gave her which pushed her over the edge, instead they're nerfing her shield duration by almost half.

Jesus christ, just why? Why hit something that wasn't a problem instead of reverting the thing you just made problematic?

Yeah this was meant to just be a revert of the MS duration buff from last patch. Should be fixed for tomorrow

11 Jun

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Probably an important thing to reiterate -- the 6th rank of abilities aren't available until lvl 16.

When looking through data, Udyr reaches lvl 16 in ~ 33% of his games, lvl 17 in ~19% of this games, and lvl 18 in ~10% of his games. So looking at the changes through that lense: in 66% of games Udyr will have a 10% AD ratio nerf at all ranks on Tiger, and a 10-25 damage buff on R, with no other changes to his kit.

In 33% of games, he will be able to add one additional rank into one of his abilities abilities, and in 10% of games Udyr will be able to have 3 abilities at rank 6.

Hoping to remove the uselessness Udyr feels when he's got 5 points in 3 abilities at lvl 15 and feels like he's wasting skill points into a stance he should never use. Probably a lot less WR% power in those last 3 points since they are spent so rarely, and often spent after the game is already decided.

02 May

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by sp33dzer0

Have you considered removing the tumble cooldown and just giving her power elsewhere? It is the most frustrating part of her kit.

Definitely. It's a balancing act of trade-offs, with the goal being to reduce Vayne's playing against frustration while leaving the playing-as-Vayne experience as fun as possible. The introduction of the mechanic earlier this year increased Vayne's play-rate pretty considerably, so looking to see if it can exist with slightly reduced power. Would definitely consider removing it completely (or think of some other mechanics change) if Vayne continues to be an issue post 9.10

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Im_Fun_Size

Thanks for the reply jatt this makes me feel better. Just wondering if Kog will be buffed this patch or are you waiting to see how the rageblade nerfs affect him? Rageblade is pretty much what still makes him viable so just curious what your going to do with him

Currently don't think the rageblade nerfs are large enough to make Kog weak. he's sitting at around ~53% winrate in most MMRs, so don't want to pre-emptively compensate with buffs. If we're wrong, and the rageblade nerfs make Kog weak, we will look to address from there.

01 May

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Im_Fun_Size

I like how Vayne gets buffs for rageblade cause god forbid she is weak for 1 patch but Kog gets absolutely no compensation and he is way more dependent on the item than vayne

I can see how this looks bad haha.. we're not planning on compensating Vayne for rageblade nerfs.

The Vayne R CD should be back to live values tomorrow on PBE. It was leftover from some other changes that we were trying out that would have been harsher nerfs, and had an R CD buff as compensation.

The only thing that should be different from live Vayne on PBE Vayne tomorrow is her Tumble CD reduction during R going from 50% at all ranks to 30%/40%/50% depending on R rank.

FWIW not trying to nerf Vayne that hard. She's around 51.5% winrate now, so don't want to go overboard. In a perfect world the rageblade nerfs and the tumble CDR reduction leave her around 50% -- but less frustrating to play against (since her ban rates are quite high in most MMRs). If she stays at exactly the same ban rate while sitting at slightly lower win-rate -- then the changes didn't work, and we'd have to adjust from there.

23 Apr

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by C9sButthole

scuttle pushed back to 3:15 which is a big chunk of xp so a nerf there too.

Most junglers will still take a scuttle on their first clear. This doesn't make much difference.

Also first scuttle is worth more XP now (since it spawns based on avg. level in the game) so will usually spawn at lvl 3 instead of lvl 1

19 Apr

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by abokkai

Thank you now I don't have to leave my lane at Level 2 as a mid laner

YO, So i'm working on this change. Couple things I want to point out:

  • The goal of this change is to reduce the frustration that's caused by the super early dependency that junglers have on laners for scuttle crab help (this gets worse the higher elo you go.) But it's often creating forced conflict when most players are lvl 2, or even lvl 1.

  • This is likely putting some pretty harsh pressures on the meta. It's putting an extremely strong emphasis on how powerful a jungle kit is at lvl 2, and it's putting huge value on lvl 1/lvl 2 lane priority for solo lanes.

  • Additionally, it's often making it optimal for a jungler to attempt lvl 2 ganks -- since even a failed gank creates lane priority for scuttle control. This makes lvl 2 ganks far less risky.

  • It's not meant to be a nerf to jungle XP, and in most cases isn't. There's PLENTY of camps to farm at the start of the game, and almost no champs can farm all 6 jungle camps b...

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15 Apr

    /u/Jatt on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xflareon


I did some investigation, here's a clip from january where Cinderhulk is dealing 57 damage to a small krug (0 mres) at level 8 and 60 damage at level 9, the same values as live


^ here is a video I took in practice tool just now showing the same damage values live vs in january

Just in case there was any doubt that it's bugged.

Thank you for this. We just pushed out a hotfix to make the damage correct, and will also have it as part of the 9.8 patch notes.