

23 Jul


Yes! We had received feedback from you all that Support could be a little tricky to figure out so we updated the visual effects.


Is it bad form for me to post another comment? Hopefully not! There’s a feature we’ve talked about that I really want which is a “check/checkmate” feature. Where if someone has lethal (including with random effects) the whole playmat changes color, special vfx, audio, oracle’s eye gets all excited, and those nexus’ start to shake. I think it’d both be helpful for clarity and be really exciting. Anyways thanks for listening to me ramble. Ha!


Thanks for the feedback. Those are some great suggestions. One of the reasons we didn’t try to be more specific with how Oracl’s Eye handles random effects is because so many effects can stack up on to each other which makes all the other stuff random.

Like for example let’s say I had a card that dealt random damage to a unit. It’d be easy to be in a state where if that unit dies then another card could trigger and kill your nexus (phantom prankster) and so on. Then you’d have a board where effectively everything is just marked up with a random flag. It’s a slippery slope for sure.

So in the end we decided to use a pretty broad brush and just turn off Oracle’s Eye, but also we talked about our philosophy around randomness in the game overall. By and large our game doesn’t actually have that much random content, so Oracle’s Eye is usually available. I do think as new sets release we should keep an eye out that we’re still holding true. Thanks again!!!

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19 Jul


Originally posted by Pandaemonium

Devs have commented that it's intended, but it's very counterintuitive from reading the cards. There's nothing in the text that would indicate why Sejuani gets her effect the same turn she flips.

u/JeffExpress (are you the right person to tag?) if Sejuani's behavior is indeed intended, could her card text be updated to reflect that behavior?

I’m definitely not the right person to fix it since I can only really communicate by waving my hands wildly at people. But good news is one of our very talented game designers is looking into this issue. Thanks for the feedback!!

16 Jul


Originally posted by Orasha

Tbh I feel like it started as a tech limitation in Hearthstone, and it's something other games carry over just because HS did it. Maybe it's still really hard to program, idk. I will say, the static hands to allow for handreading to be a skill that really expresses itself at higher play. Some of my favorite tournament moments (admittedly from HS, haven't watched that many LoR tournaments) have been the result of insane handreads that wouldn't be possible if you could shuffle your cards around.

I can’t speak to any actual tech limitations since I’m a UX designer and not an engineer*, but I can tell you why we didn’t add manually sorting the hand initially.

Back in preproduction I wanted to see if players were interested in other sort methods so we made a branch with the hand sorted by card type (and even before mana cost). I was pretty surprised, but everyone in our player group really, really hated it. And that was players of all levels. I only kind of hated it :) and the main reason was it got really hard to each turn seeing which cards were the new cards and if you drew multiple cards it was an even bigger pain and Mobile was even...well you get the idea.

That said I don’t think the idea is dead in the water, it just would take time to figure out how to do it the right way. The other tricky part with if we did let players manually sort (as opposed to auto sort by whatever) it would change how scrubbing works on both PC and mobile. Like right n...

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Originally posted by dongivgoldgivstemkey

Yeah and it could just charge up and fail at 0 mana.

Ha ha ha! I love it!

10 Jul


Originally posted by imbusywithinternet

I did the work for anyone wondering. Jinx player uses Get Excited (deal 3 to anything) to bring Swain health low enough for Jinx quick attack to kill him and live. Then karma player responds with Death's Hand (deal 2 to enemy and 1 to nexus) and 2 are used because Karma is levelled up (she casts a copy of the spell you cast). So now 4 spell damage is hitting the Jinx which will kill her. The Jinx player then uses Unyielding Spirit (a unit can't take damage or die) on the Jinx to keep that bitch going. The Karma player says well f**k Heimer then and uses Death Mark (remove ephemeral (unit dies at end of round or when it deals damage) from an ally to grant it to an enemy) on the octopus asshole and gives ephemeral to heimer. At the same time the Karma player uses Concusive Palm (stun an enemy and summon a 3/2 prick) on the Jinx players elusive (ha you can't stop my attacks) fish. Again because karma is levelled up she copies both spells and casts them on the same targets. In the end ...

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Originally posted by dutch_gecko

Thank you for considering colourblind players

we try!


Originally posted by iEslam

Maybe hovering over a card would highlight all the spells affecting it, and vice versa; hovering over a spell would highlight all the cards it affects, and the highlight color changes based on who owns the spells, this way; we can track red lines to enemy spells, green or blue lines to our spells.

Thanks for the suggestion! An overall goal of giving more info to players on hover is one I totally agree with especially since top level info can get so dense and complicated. One tricky thing with hover (there's a lot!) is that it isn't as useful for touch based devices (especially smaller ones) since we have to bring up the hover card itself and often that card will be on top of the targeting lines.

In terms of highlights we actually really try to only use 2 highlight colors Blue and Gold. Blue being the standard highlight color which means something is playable and Gold being something is playable with a special effect. I imagine you're more talking about the color of the target wisp or trail. In those cases we've mostly stuck with Blue for a couple reasons: Color can be tricky for colorblind people. Color can be very hard to balance on the various playmats plus during Oracle's eye

In any case that's a whole bunch of blah blahs & excuses, when...

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In the past we tried several strategies to make it easier to tell who “owns” which spells on the stack. Color was one of the first we tried, but I found that not only did it not help make things clearer, it actually made spell clarity much much worse. Also color can be tough from an accessibility standpoint for colorblind folks

I definitely think you all are right that situations like in the one pictured clarity gets pretty bad and I think we can make improvements for sure. We built some tools like showing hover states, and of course Oracle’s Eye to help. Thanks for bringing this up! I’ll certainly keep a lookout and make sure our clarity bar doesn’t slip. I appreciate the feedback

08 Jul


Oh my dear that is both beautiful and awful all at the same time!! Thanks for sharing!

06 Jul


Originally posted by Pandaemonium

I agree, I suggested that the Overwhelm icon should "pop" (similar to how Tough "pops") when it goes through a phantom blocker, since this is probably the single most common question on the forum. u/JeffExpress acknowledged the idea but I don't know if they have any specific plans.

Thumbs up! Thanks for shout out!

26 Jun


Thanks for the feedback. Looking through your post I can say that the team is aware of all of your points. Thanks again!

22 Jun


Originally posted by PoorOldMoot

I'd say whatever the situation, if there's a selection to be made, the option to cancel should always be available. And of course the experience should be unified across platforms, but that goes without saying, in my opinion.

Edit: another opinion, canceling twin disciplines is not that troublesome, although I suppose it could have a slightly better experience if one could cancel before selecting the mode.

Thumbs up!👍


Originally posted by PoorOldMoot

I have another gripe with the mobile version: there are times where you cannot cancel using a card where in the desktop version you can do so by right right clicking the mouse while the card selection options are being diaplayed. Example, playing a level 1 Twisted Fate, you must select one of his cards on play (blue, yellow or red card) and there's no apparent way to cancel playing him on mobile once youve dragged him into the field.

Hi u/PoorOldMoot - Thanks for bringing this up. There's definitely some inconsistencies with how Twisted Fate works when you summon him. By design you should not be able to cancel after you summon him, but before you choose the destiny card. But I agree it is kind of weird you can when you can cancel Sejuani in a somewhat similar situation.

In my own opinion the easiest thing would be to change Sejuani so you can't cancel her summon so it is consistent with the others. Like I can't cancel summoning Teemo (and why would I?). That said I think as players it feels like I should be able to cancel since I have this moment to make a choice (picking a destiny card, picking a unit, etc).

In any case, I'll see what the team thinks. I still the larger fail on my part for the mobil...

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19 Jun


Originally posted by Misterbreadcrum

Oh that’s fine cause he’s in all my decks

You have great taste!

10 Jun


Cool idea. I do think there’s some work on making the edge cases of overwhelm more clear. One thing I noticed from working on this game is that the amount of feedback you have to provide in order to overcome (overwhelm?) a player’s assumption is enormous. That’s why some of our effects and animations can be a little over the top. For example, when a blocker gets removed we have both the blue rectangle that shows up and the attacking unit wiggles.

One piece of functionality I’m looking forward to us adding is getting our keyword icons to also have a disabled or “off” state when they won’t work. For example on overwhelm and quick attack while on defense or on scout after the effects been “used” up. Anyways thanks for feedback!!! Always appreciated

09 Jun


Phew! I was worried you were upset and threw your phone at the wall. I’ve lost many a console controller that way...

06 Jun

