

21 Dec


Originally posted by Oliphaunt6000

This is an old post but if you are still active on Reddit I came to ask this! It’s the only thing holding my gf and I from downloading and playing LoR. We want to play while we are working but if things come up we need to be able to pause. Currently the only options are games like chess or Words with Friends. We are both Magic the Gathering fans and they don’t offer this option either!

Hi! Thanks for the message. I’m no longer on the LoR team (moved onto R&D), but I can ask the LoR folks.

29 Jun


Originally posted by J1BR33L

Hey u/JeffExpress ...just curious if there has been any update/progress on letting us set our own keybinds? Cheers :D

Whoa! A blast from the past! I’m afraid I have no idea since I moved off of Legends of Runeterra several months ago onto a different game.

20 May


Originally posted by ElSilverWind

They really should put some kind of sword on the spacebar for this.

Ha Ha!!

05 Jan


Originally posted by LimeJuggler

Thank you so much for your comment, Jeff! It means a lot, really!

And thank you for your hard work on League and LOR! This game is really something special <3

Thank you!


Very cool idea! Thanks for sharing your concept.

I can tell you that my original idea was even more simplistic: Yellow = Tool Tip Blue = Card Link

21 Nov


Originally posted by Dovagedys

There are so many fun and favorite stories from my time working with the team. It is impossible to pick just one.

But also I don't want to dodge your question so I'll share something I think was very funny. Many years ago when I was working on my Yasuo cosplay I was taking the work very seriously and putting a lot of time and dedication into the cosplay. Getting the hair right was proving to be the hardest part of the whole cosplay. I tried so many wigs and methods to try and get the hair to look good. One of the efforts involved using cardboard inside the wig to try and shape the wig, but the cardboard wouldn't reshape from it's square/rectangle shape, so the wig ended up being a huge rectangle on my head. It was garbage and so I threw it away. However, the lead designer of Set 1, Riot Unconkable, thought it was so funny that he dug it out of the trash and kept the wig to remind me and the whole team of the disaster. He is a hilarious person. Also as part of that story I w...

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My favorite was when Dovagedys and RiotUmbrage had a running race for some reason

15 Sep


Originally posted by uniqueandboringname

Get fizz. Draw fizz. He will always target fizz and you can fizzle all his spells. Make something big with Nami. Kill him from 21 to 0.

+1 Fizz was the answer for me too with Nami. I wish I had read this comment before!

09 Sep


Hello! Yeah, we totally feel how long and how many clicks/taps the end of game experience is. It is painful for sure. The good news is we have some improvements that’ll make it better coming in the future. The not good news is those improvements aren’t going to be perfect right off the bag. The other good news* is that those improvements are just the beginning, and I’m hopeful we’ll eventually get the whole thing much much better

Thanks for the feedback and hanging in there!

*I stayed up way too late trying to get my vault leveled up and was feeling the pressure that the end of game was slowing me down. Don’t tell Riot Exis that’s why I’ll be yawning all day.

**I’m getting a little lost in my own post. It’s Good, Not Good, Other Good?

07 Aug


Originally posted by FelicitousJuliet

**Type of Bug:** Spell doesn't apply.
**What happened that seemed like a bug:** Casting a spell like **Grasp of the Undying** or Lux's **Final Spark** vanishes without effect. Recap shows no buff or spell to survive or cancel, and not the Grasp/Spark itself either.
**What was expected to occur:** Spell applies to unit, killing it in the absence of buffs.
**How often does this occur/How easy is it to replicate:** Every single day, the bug features "reconnecting" before the absence of the spell in question, even when a spell is not cast. Occurs every single battle.
**PC / Android / iOS:** PC.
**Region:** EUW
**(Optional) Screenshot:**
**(Optional) Deck Code:**
**(Optional) Client Log:**

u/JeffExpress You can see that Grasp of the Undying doesn't apply to Sivir, I removed Spellshield from her earlier via Withering Wail.

Hi there! Thanks for finding the bug, but apologies I’m not a QA person. If you fill out a support ticket they’ll figure out where it should go! Thanks!

30 Jul


Originally posted by androt14_

The deck suggestion is better overall. It's less cluttery, and opens up design space for cards to reduce/increase max hp

If possible, a way to see all Nexus effects would just be perfect, as those are some of the only effects you can't track in-game, but it doesn't take a genius to understand this could be hard to design, specially given the Nexus is technically a card, but that would be so unintuitive to wrap the head around as a newer/non-technical player



Originally posted by BabyPandaBBQ

Yes, I was referring to max HP for the nexus.



Originally posted by BabyPandaBBQ

Feedback: Its very awkward in game not to see ypur max HP. Its lot standard and usually in weird increments, so its hard to know how low ypu are from the top if you have healing. It might be nice to have a "power" that says "Your max HP is X" for visibility.

Just so I get this totally right…you’re talking about the max hp for your nexus right?

I’m thinking we can either show it on the powers widget in the upper left like you mentioned or on the deck inspect when you tap on your deck.

27 Jul


Originally posted by harryholla

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply!

Personally I would like a rule book I could look up, but I would also like a more in depth explanation inside the client. I don’t know if this could be part of a challenge, a tip on the loading screen, or a tutorial for advanced players. Of course super niche cases usually need to be looked up specifically but things like which order effects resolve in? I don’t consider that niche, that’s a basic rule of the game everyone should be aware of at some point. I don’t think any of these needs to add anything during actual games. But only being able to learn the rules because a person spent hours of their time to experiment and reverse engineer them and then convey that info in a Reddit post seems a bit much.

Going through this sub a lot of what people list as bugs are just a result of no clarity on how the rules work. I don’t know I remember when I played MtG I could just google a problem and there would be a link to the rul...

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I totally agree that the current situation where the only way to find out is for a player to do a ton of work and then put it on reddit (or wherever) is not cool. That said I very, very much appreciate it when players do. It’s really awesome.

Putting that info in a rulebook, faq, etc is a great idea. Challenges (Tutorials) are a good option too, but take effort from a lot of groups so can be harder to do.

You’re absolutely correct that clarity is super important for our game. I’d hate for anyone to think that a result is “arbitrary.” When it comes to things like animation timing it is a tough balance between showing everything game moment in a super clear linear way and not making the flow of the game feel too sluggish or even annoying. When we first launched I think we were way too slow and started to speed things up and in some cases threaded or stacked things. But then we’ve obviously added more to the game so maybe we’ve swung too hard the other direc...

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Originally posted by uniqwhore

mean you can just say in somewhere in patch notes or I am okay with FAQ in website too.

Having it on the website makes a ton of sense and actually even just link in the patch notes could be helpful. Thanks!


Originally posted by b_benedek

Hi, Personally I believe that the way HS did it was great. They had an extended rulebook that can be found online about the non-trivial mechanics. The ones that would be too long to be explained in game. But if someone wants to go professional and learn the hidden mechanics that otherwise could only be learned through experience. Or after you have lost a game because something like that you can read it and find out if it was just a bug that has to be reported it if it was a feature.

Thanks (Masters player here)

Cool! I used to joke about having our own version of Microsoft Clippy that would pop up whenever I blocked an overwhelm unit with a barrier unit. Thanks!


I’m curious what you imagine this would look like? Are you thinking something like a literal rule book on our website?

We try to make things clear in-game, but also don’t want to burden folks with a super long series of round start animations that would annoy everyone

Like I said just curious! Thanks!

24 Jul

09 Jun


Originally posted by Tiny4901

It would be dope to hold a hotkey to show hand count for both you and your opponent, or have hand count included in the interface naturally.

I also agree with a hotkey to show quests. There are many times where I have 2+ quests and I build a jank dank to knock them out together vs AI, but don't know my exact count toward the quest to end the match at the right time.

We do have designs on adding hand count to the ui, but not sure when it’ll make it on the schedule. Adding a hot key is a great idea!

08 Jun


Originally posted by Askaelw

"x" to win plz



When we first added our original hotkeys there was a whole lot of work involved with getting Oracle’s Eye to work and I think it was especially difficult to QA so we left it off. If you all think of others I’d be down to ask around and see what’s possible.