

08 Jul


Originally posted by yayuuu

What about elementalist bug with Glyphs and Inscription trait, not reducing cooldown of Glyph of Elemental Power and Glyph of Elemental Harmony, introduced while updating glyph icons? I'm sure that I have reported this bug in game, but it's not on the list. If reporting bugs in game is no longer supported, then why is it still in game?

It's fixed internally. Mentioned it on the forums a few weeks ago.


Originally posted by Swimtaker

Yet half a year after I have reported the bug that Lich Form skill 4 (mark of horrors) goes on full cooldown on interrupt, it is still not even on the list:/

Good news - this is fixed, too.

25 Jun


Originally posted by ByKuLT

In honor of the next 3 months of Helseth's stream:

I just showed this to him in person. 5/7


EU vs EU grandfinal o.O

04 Jun


First: Jon Sharp and Allie Murdock
Second: Evan Lesh
Third: Darrin, map designer
Fourth: Chuck, animator
Fifth: This one cracks me up, but I'm pretty sure it's Brian Cautrell. He was a producer for PvP for a while a few years back, but then he left so we created the "Cautrell the Traitor" NPC in the Heart of the Mists to remember him by. :)