

10 Apr

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We’re working on some hotfixes to Epic Battlegrounds. These changes are not yet live, but should be ready for the game in the next few days.

Alterac Valley

  • We’re modifying the scaling in the zone to make creatures more difficult for players at high item-levels. Our goal here is to make gameplay feel more similar to the difficulty of Alterac Valley in early Tides of Vengeance.

Isle of Conquest

  • The health of destructible walls will be increased by 30%. This is intended to offset the power that the docks has given players with recent 8.1.5 improvements.

Battle for Wintergrasp

  • The damage done by the Catapult’s Flame Breath ability will be reduced. We still want Flame Breath to feel scary and powerful, especially against other players, but we feel that current values are too high.

We’ve been monitoring Wintergrasp closely, and have been ...

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Join Senior Game Designer Jeremy Feasel for a deep dive into the upcoming Rise of Azshara content update.

Watch live on Thursday, April 11 at 11:00 a.m. PDT on Twitch!

08 Apr

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is amazing.


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Uhh … Dad?

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Paladin for me.

01 Apr

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Hope you enjoyed these as part of April Fools’ for 2019. Cheers all!

World of Warcraft Patch 8.6.7 Build 5309


April 1, 2019

Companion App Update: Findr
Find your next tank, healer, or damage dealer at a glance with the latest update to the WoW Companion App: Findr. When you open the Findr feature, you’ll be presented with a picture and a brief description of another player, and you can decide whether they’d be the right match for your party. Features include:
• Glance at a player’s gear and achievement points for 3 seconds (maximum) before making a snap judgment about how well they’ll tank your Mythic Keystone run.
• Swipe right to request a match and immediately send a party invitation.
• Swipe left to completely dismiss the player’s entire existence; this is completely anonymous, distancing you from the other player’s growing vortex of self-doubt.
• Once a mat...

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29 Mar

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The Azerite Knowledge system that periodically reduces the Artifact Power required to level up the Heart of Azeroth was originally intended to pause after this week. However, after considering feedback and looking at current Heart levels across the community, we’re extending it for another four weeks. The final increment until the upcoming Rise of Azshara content update will now occur with the weekly reset the week of April 23.

This change should give more players the opportunity to attain Azerite traits on current gear and reach the current maximum artifact level of 50 before the major Heart of Azeroth system update coming in Rise of Azshara. We’ll have more details on that soon.

28 Mar

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Since we first announced World of Warcraft Classic, we’ve seen questions about spell batching. While we never really eliminated spell batching in WoW, we did change how (and how often) we process batches of actions coming from players, so you’re less likely to notice that processing in today’s game. We’ve been working to ensure that in WoW Classic, the gameplay of activating spells and effects will not differ from the experience of playing original WoW.

It was relatively common in the original game to see a warrior Pummel a mage who simultaneously and successfully Polymorphed the warrior. The mage suffered Pummel damage but no spell-school lock, because the mage didn’t get interrupted. This could seem paradoxical, but it could happen because the Pummel and Polymorph were both in the same batch, and were both valid actions at the start of the batch. For the most part, things like that don’t happen in modern WoW, but they still can. We’ve made improvements to batch frequency, ...

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27 Mar

26 Mar

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for this reminder. Years ago, I wrote batch files that back-up (and restore) my saved variables, and I haven’t run the back-up in a while.

I should automate it.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes. I’ve experienced that a few times now.

And every single time, I then got pwned. Mostly by paladins.

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Remember The Sunwell.

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I just wanted to confirm that over the last few weeks, we’ve made a number of changes to potentially address reported lag issues with Oceanic realms. Those changes and updates to the game service are now implemented.

As a reminder, if you experience lag issues in WoW, we suggest you check out our Common Connection and Latency Issues thread, and follow the instructions and advice therein. Blizzard Customer Support also has an updated ...

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25 Mar

22 Mar

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Okay! Done.

Except for the pants.

I spoke to the development team just now, and they are determined to make this a set of changes that give players ways to hide every slot.

Except pants.

We’ll let you know as soon as we have details on how that’s going to come about in a future update to the game.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

The answer to the UBRS question is: loot trading will be available in content that has a raid lock. UBRS will not have a raid lock.

A big part of loot trading (in a 2-hour window) as a solution to a concern is that raid locks require you to wait a week (or 3 days) before you can try again for the loot that was accidentally given to the wrong person.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

At BlizzCon 2018, we talked about how we plan to keep loot trading in World of Warcraft Classic. We added loot trading in Wrath of the Lich King to solve a common problem: a player could accidentally loot an item meant for another player or give it to the wrong person using Master Loot. They would then have to contact Blizzard to get the item moved to the intended recipient, which might take days. We wanted to keep loot trading in WoW Classic because the end result is the same – the correct person gets the item – and it’ll save everyone time.

But we heard your concerns about the potential for abuse of the loot trading system in parties of five. It’s possible that abusive play could take the form of a group of four players colluding to deny loot to a stranger who joined their party as a pick-up. Raid groups, being much larger, come with more understanding on the part of solo players that loot distribution can depend on the whims of the many players and raid leaders who know ea...

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