

26 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain_Rawhide,

My recommendations on keepers are the tier VII and VIII, the Sinop and the Vladivostok. The Sinop is really strong for Tier VII and the Vladivostok is more because it looks like a racing boat, not necessarily its performance =). The Sinop has a lot going for it at Tier VII and that is the one I would recommend to keep the most especially with Ranked Sprint coming up and the MM you can get at Tier VII. The Tier V Pyotr is ok but I do not play that much at Tier V so you might want to ask others on that one.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you for your constructive conversation on CV and AA balance. In the continuing efforts to balance AA/CVs this is another step in the process to achieve that balance. Please remember that we have stated a few times that AA will continue to be looked at and that includes the re-working of sectors in the future. We are constantly monitoring the amount of players that are playing CVs, planes that are getting shot down and everything else related to CV/AA interaction. If AA is deemed to be to strong it will be adjusted again.

Please let us know what your thoughts are on the changes when the server go live. Make sure you play both sides of the coin, ships with decent AA and CVs to get the feel from both.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

As you have informed the OP already, the flags that you earn during the Ranked season with the benefits are only for use during the season. Once the season is over they are removed and you will have a chance to gain them again during the next ranked season.

Good luck everyone with the next season of Ranked but make sure you enjoy Ranked Sprint first!

25 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Silvin!

Congrats on achieving a personal goal!

What are your favorites from each title? Of course ships is your favorite overall right? =)

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you for participating in the "Dread the Nought" Contest!

The winners are: @WhaleWarrior @henrychenhenry @Capt_Scuttlebutt Congrats!

Everyone else that submitted a qualifying screenshot will receive the 5 Battle Hardened Camos!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Grflrgl,

The Friesland will be tested under the Polish nation and then moved to the Pan-European nation in the future.

You can find this type of information in the Developer's Corner:


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Clan Brawl will be a separate event from "normal" clan battles. Clan Brawl is setup to be a 1 day event for your clan to see how many wins you can get! There will be a dedicated article about Clan Brawl next week so stay tuned for that.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

The server will be unavailable on June 26th from 6 AM ET / 3 AM PT - 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT.

With Update 0.8.5, World of Warships takes you into a post-apocalyptic future. What's coming your way? Nine modified destroyers, four-team battles for Fuel Tokens, a new Clan Battle format, the return of the Ranked Battle Sprint, improved matchmaking, and much more!


The reasons why this once thriving civilization crumbled into ruins have faded from most survivors’ memories, but what remains makes a perfect arena for ruthless battles.

In the desolation-themed port you’ll find modified destroyers that have been created specifically for the new unusual four-team battle format.

The objective in this game mode is very simple—a team of three players needs to destroy three opposing teams. You can fight either in a Division or solo.

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With 0.8.5 being released, please leave your feedback and thoughts on the latest patch.

Please leave feedback on:

Rogue Wave Event

Clan Brawl

Ranked Sprint


Changes and Improvements

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey HyPHerFaZe,

Ashley will be there so feel free to introduce yourself, we will have a meet and greet session as well where you can talk to her =).

Yes, buying a ticket gets you access to all of Patriot's Point ships including the Laffey, Yorktown and the Clagmore.

On Eventbrite there should be a question that you have to enter your username into when you buy the ticket. Make sure you also fill out your t-shirt size correctly =).

Good call on the water!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey CaptainTeddybear,

The IJN line as another captain has already said does have slower turret traverse than other lines but the playstyle of the IJN BBs is designed that way. They are designed to be a mid to long range sniping style of BB where in theory you will not be traversing your guns as much. The Soviet BBs are designed to be a more brawler style of BB where you will need to shift your guns more frequently from side to side. You also bring up the Georgia and she is kind of a hybrid with accurate guns and secondaries that make you want to close the distance.

Tips for Yamato:

Always pre-plan where you want your guns before you commit to a movement because of the slow turret traverse speed.

The Yamato is not designed to a brawler, if you get into brawling range with another BB and the other BB knows what they are doing they will do a "drive-bye" and citadel you under the turrets.

You wan...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Abcsam,

First of all, DDs are not a dead class =). Second there are a few ways to be detected in smoke: hydro, radar and assured detection. Did you happen to notice if any of these were popping up?

When it comes to other players hitting you in smoke there are a few reasons this can happen:

Smoke is not a shield that will protect you from enemy shells/torpedoes.

If you are firing out of smoke, experienced players will see this and have learned to hit targets in the smoke.

If a ship with a high rate of fire is shooting at you they can spam the smoke with shells and hit you.

There is a "x" on your mini-map that some players have become adept at aiming with when a target goes undetected.

These are just some of the reasons why you might have been hit in smoke. Remember, some of our players have thousands of games under their belt and have learned the prope...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Soon, there will be closed testing of the new mechanic of semi-armor piercing shells.

Please note that if this concept of semi-armor piercing shells will be successfully tested, detailed information about its area of usage will be announced later.

Semi-armor piercing shells - a new type of shell, similar to high explosive terms of in armor penetration mechanics, which means that the shell explodes immediately after hitting the ship. However, the armor penetration of the semi-armor piercing shells will be higher than that of high explosive ones. The difference between this type of shell and high explosive shells is that they are not capable of causing fire or damaging the modules of the ship by the blast wave. When firing semi-armor piercing shells, it is possible to ricochet.

Semi-armor piercing shells, when properly used, can do more damage than ...

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24 Jun

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey BigWaveSurfer,

"Clan Tokens" is the new name for molybdenum which was the currency earned in Clan Battles. Copper is also being changed to "Rank Token". This was announced in the Developer's Blog on May 24th: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/191860-st-mechanics-new-camos-and-new-commanders/

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey warheart1992,

Fem will be there with a cadre of NA CCs including: SeaRaptor, Lord_Zath, iChase, Mejash and ViirtualSenpai. Most of them have already began the great trek to St. Petes.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Capn_Nugget and other Captains,

This video by Zoup has outlined many concerns that he has and some of the community has as well. I will be the first to say that we do listen to the community and we do want what is best for World of Warships. We understand that there have been some shifts recently in the game and the game will keep shifting/evolving. When it comes to fixing bugs/ui/glitches and anything related that is a completely different team than our modeling team. Both of these teams are hard at work trying to make World of Warships a better experience. Just like any job they have a queue of tasks that they are working on with differing levels of priority.

When it comes to "gimmicky" ships or consumables, this is a F2P game, so releasing content is important and it has to stay on a certain cadence to provide you the players with new content. Does the majority of it new ships outside of new lines need to be tier X, that I am not sure on but t...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was a rough game for sure. Was that the game with 5 DDs per team?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


That is great that you spent the game trying to protect your team but what did you do for your personal achievements? Do you have the screenshot showing how much damage you did? Also looking at the screenshot it looks like your team did well as a whole, so this could lead to you seeing less impact on the match. Some games you are not going to get spectacular results but they will be a win and that is okay.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ohh the old Islands of Ice, I did love that map! What about the maps seem to generic right now? Is it the symmetrical islands? Size?

What about the maps do you find to be predictable and what do you think could change that?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Thank you for the feedback on the next season of Clan Battles. With the next season of Clan Battles being Tier VIII, we are well aware that for some of you this is a throwback to how King of the Sea was done (minus the CVs). For others though this will be an all new experience since all Clan Battles have been at Tier X.

What ships do you think you will bring to fill out each role on the team? I see where some of you are like Kutuzov all day, which might not be a bad choice but that doesn't lead to much variety in your lineup. What DDs are you going to bring? How many? Thoughts on Chapayev?

The great thing about moving tiers is teams that have been well established at Tier X will now have to shift focus and start playing tier VIII ships again.