Hey Captains,
Are you looking forward to the proposed changes to the next season of clan battles and ranked?
What are your thoughts on ships that you will play if you participate?
Hey Captains,
Are you looking forward to the proposed changes to the next season of clan battles and ranked?
What are your thoughts on ships that you will play if you participate?
Hey Captains,
Thank you for the feedback on this Developer's Blog. What are you most looking forward to in these proposed changes?
Do you feel the reload improvement for the Roon and the Hindenburg will help those ships? Any of the other proposed ship changes seems good to you captains?
Hey Ramagar_RoK,
Could you please provide some screenshots or more details? The ship(s) you are talking about? There is a lot to be desired from your post and not a lot that we can infer.
Hey pastore123,
When this season of ranked ends, you will of course have your rank next to your name in the client. When the next season of ranked occurs it will take into account what rank you finished the previous season on and you will get that many bonus stars. For example: There were 18 ranks to achieve this season, I ranked out last season so I got that many bonus stars. I started this season at 10 and 2 stars I believe which took into account the wins from last season.
Hey Captains,
With Season 12 of the ranked season winding down, how did you do? What are you thoughts after the season and do you have any suggestions?
How many of you ranked out and what ship did you play?
Hey Wraithunter,
A few questions to begin with:
What nation of ships do you like to play? Any preferences?
How much experience do you have at tier VIII?
What are you looking to get out of the Tier VIII premium, credits? Free XP?
Are there any nation's captains you are looking to grind up?
The Alabama and the Massachusetts are both great choices, the Massachusetts is a secondary focused BB, while the Alabama is not.
The Lenin is a great BB if you want all your turrets in the front and to have a tanky bow. The ship is quite squishy on the sides.
Gascogne and Kii would probably be the lowest on my suggested list but they do have some strengths. Kii with torps and Gascogne is quite fast.
Hey Captains,
Please do not post screenshots that are full of profanity or other players names. Please send this to support with screenshots/replays if you feel it is warranted. We have an in-game system that you can use to report players if you feel they are saying things that are inappropriate in chat.
Hey Captains,
I highly encourage you getting some of your clan mates or friends that play ships and give Shipstorm a go! This is a great mid tier tournament and is a lot of fun to watch!
Good luck if you plan on signing up, this is a well ran tournament!
Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.
After the release of the 0.8.6 update, you will be able to take part in two competitive battle types.
The VI season of Clan battles will be held in a "6 vs 6" format with Tier VIII ships.
All types of ships except aircraft carriers are allowed and no more than 1 battleship per team. The reduced size of the teams is not planned as a permanent change, but will make it easier to gather clan mates for the battle during summer. The change of the tier from X to VIII will diversify the familiar battle type. With the tier changed, rewards have also changed: You can get up to 8,750 of steel in the VI season.
New Ranked season will be held in "6 vs 6" format with Tier IX ships.
The lightning model is updated. This is one of the steps in improving the graphics both in terms of quality and performance.
Read moreHey Captains,
A trip down memory lane is always a great time! I honestly don't remember when I got my first 19 point captain but I do remember it was awesome to be able to spec him. I know I have a bunch of 19 point commanders now but they will never be the same as the first 19 pointer!
Have you captains found yourself with more 19 point captains in one certain nation over others? I know I have a lot of IJN captains because I played the Fuso so much to level them =).
Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.
Tier X American destroyer Somers:
Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 108 to 130 s.
Somers was designed as a 'universal' destroyer with a good main battery guns and long-range torpedoes. Testing showed that torpedo weapons were too strong for a ship that also had good artillery.
Tier V American destroyer Hill:
Main battery guns reload time increased from 4 to 4.8 s.
Damage per minute of Hill's main battery guns was too high for a tier V destroyer, so reload time was increased.
Tier VIII French destroyer Le Fantasque:
Torpedo detectability range increased from 1.4 to 1.8 km.
Le Fantasque has very fast torpedoes with a range of 8 km, and she can easily hit enemies with them. These torpedoes were too strong for a tier VIII destroyer. We decided to increase detectab...
Read moreHey Super_dreadnought,
Thanks for pointing that oops out! The Le Fantasque is definitely a FR DD!
Hey Sea_Goblin,
The Dallas is a ship that will lead to other CLs that kind of require the same skills. The key to doing damage with the 152mm guns is the tier 4 commander skill IFHE.
I would recommend in order: Priority Target (tier 1), Expert Marksman (tier 2), Superintendent or Demolition Expert (tier 3) and then IFHE or concealment (tier 4) on the commander skill tree.
You can take concealment expert to give yourself a lower concealment and a better chance to disengage or you could take IFHE which will help you do more damage (in the end you will want both). Both of these commander skills will transfer over well to the Atlanta.
Feel free to ask anymore questions if you have them, the forums is full of knowledgeable players that will help you out!
Hey Landsraad,
The MBRB is more of the nation's flavor so that is why it has it. Gotta try and keep things unique and different =). The Henri is a great ship and can deal out the damage very quickly. .7 seconds doesn't seem like that much but it can be quite a lot of time if you extrapolate that over a whole match. Remember though, these changes are preliminary and subject to change of course.
Hey Skuggsja,
We appreciate you asking this question and the simple answer is keep an eye on the Developer's Blog for future information regarding any of the ships in testing/announced. Once we are ready to announce which resource/means of obtaining these ships we will definitely do that for you captains!
Congrats on ranking out! Make sure you get that HW done =), ships will still be here after your HW. When the winning streak happens it is hard to stop!
I have also been playing the Kremlin and I think my Yamato is sad this season.
Hey Herr_Reitz,
For me every match I begin with the thought "winning is all that matters" and this is how I play the game. I care about winning more than personal accolades and honestly if you are doing "your job" the damage and achievements will come. Granted there are some games that maybe losses from the early going, a DD dies early or a flank falls and this might change the way you play. If you go in with the mindset of trying to win every game and doing what you can to make this happen you will win more games and get better individual results. Yes, some matches end quickly and there is nothing you can do about that.
I always tell players that you will get damage/achievements if you are helping your team win. If a game is so far out of reach that you don't see a possible way of getting back into it, then it might change the circumstances for that one match. In a team game you have to play for the team and that you will get good results from it. ...
Read moreThose are both strong ship choices. You have any tips you would give to players that are still trying to rank out in the last few days before the season ends?
Congrats on ranking out this season HyenaHiena. What ships did you find to be the most successful on your trek to rank 1?
The Georgia is a ship that fits in the more "jack of all trades" role than a pure BB role. Yes, the secondaries are appealing and a strength but to rely on them solely and to base your ship build on it is the wrong way to go about it IMO. I would suggest more of a hybrid build when you are building the Georgia because the guns are still good and you want to take advantage of that. The speed of the Georgia is something that can get even the most experienced players in trouble because you can flex around the map so much but you can also leave your support behind. The Georgia is a good ship but you have to take the time to learn how to use her properly.
Let us go over some of the characteristics of the Georgia:
Positives -
Large caliber guns albeit low number of barrels. These guns are very accurate as the trade off to a lower number of barrels.
Speed and more speed! With speed flag and boost you can get around 40 ...