

28 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Capt_Ahab1776,

Starting off a play session with 3 L's is a rough way to go. I see you did the smart thing and took a break to refocus. "Chasing the win" is one of the things that can get you deeper in the hole, sometimes it is better to just take a break and pick it up later. I believe we covered this topic before but I have a few rules I got by when it comes to random battles.


3 losses in a row is the most I do, if you keep going you will potentially begin to make more mistakes. You will push and do things that you might not have done previously.

When you push for the win, this will almost always have a negative effect on the matches. This is will impact how you play because you want that win.

Having rules that you follow is a good thing when it comes to randoms.

Trying a different tier as well is something you can do to try and break a losing streak. Play a co...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Ensign_Cthulhu,

Please check out the News and Announcements for the PSA I just posted.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Patch will still be tomorrow with the notes being released later than normal this time.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Please read the PSA that I just posted in the News and Announcements. I will provide the link for you.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

The patch notes for 0.8.4 will be published later than usual this time. This means there will be less time than usual between patch notes release and the update due to slight delay. We are committed to keeping the regular publishing schedule for future releases.

The patch notes will be available at 12:00 AM PT / 3:00 AM ET.

Patch Downtime: The server will be unavailable on Wednesday, May 29th from 6 AM ET / 3 AM PT - 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With 0.8.4 being released, please leave your feedback and thoughts on the latest patch.

Please leave feedback on:

Victory Competition Part 2.

Soviet Battleships full release.

Admiral Kuznetsov.

Ranked Season 12.

CV changes.

Port environment changes.

New map: Greece.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Lord_Zath,

Nice thoughts on the upcoming season of Ranked. Kelorn and I used to do ranked previews on the podcast and were always surprised about how it turned out. There was always a ship/strategy that came out of left field or one we didn't think about!

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Landsraad,

How did you determine your ranking? Is it by interest? Ship type you like to play? Why are Slava and Smolensk at the bottom?

Hey Jakajan,

What about the Hayate is the most appealing to you with the most recent ships previewed?

Haha, I guess this was an easy question for you to answer =). Aside from the Thunderer what ship is most appealing and why?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey AlcatrazNC,

We are happy to see that you like the Yoshino changes, remember the Yoshino is still work in progress and can still be changed.

In regards to the Slava, we want to make sure the Slava enters the game as balanced as possible. Yes, there are a few changes all happening at once but that is part of testing a ship that has performed well. These are changes to see if we can get the Slava to be more balanced but not be completely unrecognizable from the wanted design. That is the joy of having a ship in testing is that we can test what works and what doesn't. Please keep an eye on the Developer's Corner for more updates as they come along.


27 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Tier X Japanese cruiser Yoshino:

Main battery guns reload time lowered from 20 to 18.5s.

-"Fighter" consumable is added to the slot with the Spotting Aircraft consumable:

Number of charges: 2(3).

Reload time: 135 (90)s.

Action time: 60s.

Number of fighters: 4

Added an alternative torpedo module. Now cruiser has choice of two torpedo types, which were tested earlier.

Despite having a good salvo, Yoshino was suffering in terms of damage per minute compared to her classmates. The change will balance this damage output.
Fighter consumable will increase the ship's protection against aircraft.

Tier X French cruiser Colbert and Soviet cruiser Smolensk:

Stern and bow plating thi...

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25 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

I see a few questions about the acquisition method that will be used for the upcoming ships. Keep an eye on the Developer's Blog for those type of announcements!

Question: Of the recent Developer's Blogs which one has you most hyped?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Raigoth,

The Lenin is at its strength in medium to close range engagements. The long range accuracy suffers because of the weakness of the dispersion at long range. You really want to get yourself into a position that you can control the engagement at medium range. You can definitely hit shots at longer ranges but you will not be able to do this as reliably as BBs from other nations. The major advantages that the Lenin has going for it include: 3 forward facing turrets, good bow armor and the ability to tank decently.


Positioning is important with the Lenin because of the turret arrangement. Make sure you are angling correctly and you will be able to fire your front 3 turrets effectively.

The AA on the Lenin is not that great, so keep that in mind when you are positioning. You may want to stick within range of some help.

Take advantage of its bow armor when you are engaging other sh...

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24 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct


The other commander is the winner of "The Ring" contest on the CIS server.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

Sorry I have not posted any helpful guides this week, I will post at least one new one next week!

We will cover nation overview and highlights. If I have time I will also cover positioning and early map movements.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Keller13,

Short answer: Yes.

Concealment Expert is still one of the most important commander skills in the game imo. This skill is more than just keeping you hidden at the beginning of the match but it allows you to maneuver around the map at closer ranges. Let us go over the positives and negatives of Concealment Expert. There are builds and certain ships in the game that concealment expert might not be as relevant on but it is still a very strong skill. This should be a commander skill that you consider going into any build.


Your ships will have a lower detectability range to the enemies.

You have a better chance at disengaging from enemy ships and staying undetected.

DDs should definitely take this skill (There are a few exceptions that don't necessarily need it like Khabarovsk).

Having the ability to better control the engagement is alwa...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Edgecase,

The translation is as followed and it is in the order from left to right:

1. Clan Name.

2. Server.

3. Clan Rating.

4. Battles Played.

5. Battles Won.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

The following testing represents a new format of battles for clan players. The main difference from the standard Clan season is that 'brawl' teams will fight for one day only. Rankings of the participating clans will be determined only by the number of wins gained.

In addition to that, Ranked Sprints will be back in the upcoming update. Players will be able to participate in two seasons with tier VII ships.

There are two game modes: Domination for the first season and updated "Epicenter" for the second.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Throughout the upcoming update, we continued to work on damage mechanics. Now, if you hit and penetrate torpedo bulges, but don't penetrate the next layer of armor, a special ribbon will be handed out for shells, bombs and rockets.

These new ribbons will clear out what type of hit has been inflicted on the ship, without affecting the performance and survivability of some ships. Also, 10% of the maximum damage of the shell will be inflicted in cases when "Penetration" ribbon was received after Secondary Armament or AA Defense guns penetration and in case of hit and penetration to a completely destroyed part of the ship.

Shells that hit destroyed Secondary Armament modules will now pass through and impact the ship, rather than hit for no damage as it used to be. Improvements in mechanics will reduce the number of cases when the "Penetration" ribbon was re...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Tier X: Japanese destroyer Hayate

This destroyer is an unusual representative of her nation: the initial concept involves a universal ship with a good main battery and nice torpedoes.

Due to the HE shells increased damage and a high turn time of the main battery, even within the range of Japanese torpedo destroyers, the ship has now all it takes to fight classmates with intensified strength.

Traditionally strong torpedo weapons can be strengthened by consumable "Torpedo Reload Booster". But in this case, it will require the sacrifice of the Smoke Generator.

Hit points – 20800. Plating - 19 mm.

Main battery - 3x2 127 mm. Firing range - 11.6 km. Maximum HE shell damage – 2150. Chance to cause fire – 9%. Maximum AP shell damage - 2200. Reload time - 4.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 10.0 s. Maximum dispersion - 102 м. HE in...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captain,

Thank you for bringing this up and I will try and help answer your question. As in your screenshot you can see the "bar" has been lowered from what it was previously when XP was used as the goal. We are currently trying different methods and combinations to make Naval Battles more interesting. We want you captains to participate and enjoy Naval Battles and that is the goal for us, that is why we are trying different things.

What are your thoughts on the changed XP goal needed for this week's Naval Battles?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey zproxy,

That is correct =). This will setup some very different situations in-game where you will have to figure out the best way to play this DD. Tactics will have to change to account for having no torpedoes. If you look up the Friesland-class destroyers you will see they are not armed with torpedoes. The key thing to look at when you see the preliminary stats of the Friesland is the main battery reload time. Please remember all the information in the Developer's Blog is preliminary and can change.