

24 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey RedBarchetta3,

You put the phone ring on the back of your phone. It is a way you can put your finger through it and hold your phone. Haha, nope it is not a keyring or a bottle opener =).

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey JackG79,

Congrats on progressing through the tech tree and getting to the Iowa. This ship can be fantastic if played correctly or it can be a nightmare. There are a few features of the Iowa that I see players use incorrectly. The first is the speed, yes it is awesome to sail around at over 30 knots in a BB but this can often get you into places too fast. What I mean by that is because the Iowa is so fast you can leave your support or find yourself over-extended very quickly. The other thing I see a lot with Iowa players is they tend to back up and not use their speed/maneuverability as an advantage. The Iowa is not designed to sit in one spot and back up. Now, that we got that out of the way let us try and help you with a build. I see some of the other captains have done a great job in outlining skills and builds.

I build the Iowa just like I do most other BBs: PT, EM, SI, CE, FP, BoS and AR. I also pick these captain skills in the same order ever...

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23 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

With regards to Unique Upgrades, everyone will prefer some over the others. These unique upgrades are not without some drawbacks, that could be shorter range, slower turret rotation or any number of trade offs. The key is to first learn the ship and how to play it and then determine how the unique upgrade will help you. There might even be unique upgrades that do not fit your play-style or the drawbacks outweigh the positives for you. As Kizarvexis has posted his nice spreadsheet with numbers information.

If I had to choose which Unique Upgrades I would aim for first (personal preference of course).

Yamato: This is easily one of the best Unique Upgrades in my mind. You trade slower turret rotation on slow turrets for better maximum dispersion and reload time. Yes, the reload time is less than using just the normal slot 6 module but the trade off is definitely worth it.

Zao: The Unique Upgrade for ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Avrova1904,

The Radio Location captain skill is a good skill to run on certain ships. I say certain ships because there are ships that you need your skill points in other places. DDs are the ships that come to mind mainly for this skill. There are cases where cruisers might be taking this skill (CBs). This is a skill that gives you the direction to the closest enemy ship. Please remember that is does not give a precise location just a general direction to the nearest enemy ship. As other captains have said the ship that you are locating also gets a notice that they have been located, they just don't know by who. So you will have to plan accordingly knowing a ship on the enemy team knows a ship is using the radio location skill.


This skill only works on ships.

This skill will not work on a captain in re-training.

Remember this skill only gives you a direction of the...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey omega_m,

Sorry for the confusion in the formatting. Yes, those are camouflages that will be available during the event. The event itself is DD focused.

I will separate the paragraph so they do not look like they are related.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Testing of a new event with a post-apocalyptic theme.

The battle involves four teams of three players each with squads allowed.

Participation is limited to special ships - destroyers in special forms divided into three different categories:

Ships with a good detectability range, weak main battery guns controlled by artificial intelligence and function as secondary armament and powerful torpedoes. Z-52, Shimakaze and Daring were used as prototypes for these models.

Ships with weak and slow torpedoes, but strong main battery guns controlled by artificial intelligence and function as secondary armament, good maneuverability and engine power. Yueyang, Gearing and Kléber were used as prototypes for these models.

Ships with average torpedoes with a long cool-down, accurate main...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

ST: Tier IX German cruiser Siegfried:

Siegfried has a very large caliber even within the range of other large cruisers - 380 mm. Despite the fact that the ship has only 6 guns, it is more than enough considering their accuracy, which is an unusual trait for large cruisers.

In addition to that, this German Vessel is equipped with a special Hydro-acoustic search, increased penetration on HE shells and good armor capable of "tanking" enemy shells.

Hit points – 62850. Plating - 27 mm.

Main battery - 3x2 380 mm. Firing range - 20.6 km. Maximum HE shell damage – 4400. Chance to cause fire – 34%. Maximum AP shell damage - 11600. Reload time - 26.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 36.0 s. Maximum dispersion - 175 м. HE initial velocity - 820 m/s. AP initial velocity - 820 m/s. Sigma – 2.05.

Torpedo tubes - 2x4 533 mm. Maximum dama...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We are currently looking into options for a NA merchandise shop.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey BSunburn,

This is a great question and I would be happy to help answer it. When we announce future changes that will go into testing, please check out the Developer's Corner on the forums or the Developer's Blog on Facebook.

This was published in a recent Developer's Blog. In the future we will be changing from planes shot down to plane damage.

In future updates credits and experience rewards currently earned from shooting down aircraft will be transferred to damage dealt to aircraft. In Update 0.8.4 we will add this indicator to the post-combat statistics, but in order to make this change to the economy, we want to sure of the stability. Therefore, changes to the economy will occur after the change to the priority AA sector in a couple of months (after the statistics become stable). Around the same dates, we plan to update the achievements related to airplanes.


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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey syp_twiz,

First off the Lazo is a tier VII ship so you will see tier IX ships. The Lazo does not have the best armor and definitely will not stand up to a tier IX BB even angled.

When you are bottom tier in a game (we have all been there) you cannot play the same way as if you were top tier. You have to learn to be more supportive of your teammates and put yourself in position to help your higher tier ships. This isn't always the most fun thing to do but it is a way to be successful.

To the point of randoms not being fun above tier V, I would have to argue that is a personal observation. My suggestion to this is to learn the capabilities of the ships you are playing and then they will become more fun.


If you are bottom tier, support your higher tier ships.

Ships that have light armor like the Lazo you have to take advantage of islands, open water maneuvering and just pl...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Based on the results of the 0.8.4. Public Test, we decided to revert the changes to the J5N Tenrai Type 91 mod. 8 torpedo bombers of the Japanese tier X Hakuryu aircraft carrier. Today we would like to tell you about the reasons behind this.

The main weakness of carriers overall, including Hakuryu, is a group of ships who coordinate to protect each other from planes. In it's current state, torpedo bombers with a large attack range are much less efficient than standard torpedo bombers. Changing the parameters of the J5N Tenrai Type 91 mod 8 torpedoes showed that as they strengthened, this carrier loses this shortcoming and becomes a universal ship, capable of attacking any target. In order to provide balance, it is necessary to almost completely change the parameters of the aircraft carrier and all its squadrons which changes the ships concept.

Therefore, we will remove the possibility of installing the J5N Tenrai Type 91 mod 8 torpedoes in a future ...

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22 May

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey JackG79,

Here is a recent breakdown of a match I played today.

I was playing the Vladivostok in a mainly tier 6-8 game. I did 107k damage (missed some good chances at increasing this number significantly).

As you can see from the screenshot I earned: 304,810 (-7 for team damage, this isn't calculated into earning if I am not mistaken) + modifiers amount 167,651 equals 472,454. We take that number and subtract the "spent" of 130,650 and we get 341,811 profit.

You can also see that I am running some signal flags to help and the employee flag. I am not wearing any camouflage that increases credit earning. What you can see in the comparison is I did do more damage and I am using economic signals so this helped me net a positive in credits.

This is not meant to show that you lost credits but to show how doing decent damage combined with certain flags/camouflages (would be even more if I h...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey JackG79,

Service cost and the ammunition resupply seem normal. Now where you spent a lot of credits that you chose to is the "consumables auto-resupply". Doing rough math you used premium consumables on all 3 options available to you so automatically you have to cover that many credits.


What camouflage were you running? Did it have any %credit earn on it?

Were you running the Zulu signal flag or any of the economic flags?

As you get into the higher tiers the costs become more and you have to do more to make a profit. You can offset this by running certain signal flags and camouflages. The key is you have to increase the amount you contribute to start earning more credits at higher tiers.

If you don't mind can you send a screenshot of your "credits received" section?

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Perriwen,

https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/public-test/bulletin-084/ This is the public test bulletin and typically this has the major parts of the upcoming patch.

Please note that Soviet battleships will appear in the Tech Tree in Update 0.8.4, but will not be accessible on the Public Test server.

Hopefully this helps. This line can be seen in the PTS bulletin under the "Victory" competition section.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

We are aware of the "slingshot drop" and how it works mechanically. This is a skill that does take time to learn and get good with. This maneuver does not increase your accuracy in any way and makes it so you have less time to accurately gauge distance for a successful attack run. The removal of the damage immunity mechanic would lead to planes taking more damage while not being able to dodge and would probably have to forfeit their next attack run. This maneuver ends up taking up two flights for each attack, thus lowering overall squadron damage output. When we did the waterline series about CVs, we specifically said players would explore and find new tricks with the CVs.

Currently we see this as a tactical trade off. Can this change in the future? Sure. The CV class will be receiving some tweaks in 0.8.4. when it comes to spotting but if we change too many parameters at the same time, the data that we receive on CV impact would be diff...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is a great topic and let me see if I can help a little bit!

As captains have said before some ships within the line have more expensive modules than others but you have to take into account the entire line XP cost. If you take a look at the North Carolina for example, the hull is more expensive than the Richelieu's hull as you said but the xp needed to get the Iowa is less than what you need for the Alsace.

Some rough numbers and excuse if my match is off hehe.

IJN total line cost with all modules is 996,800.

USN total line cost with all modules is 1,011,700.

French total line cost with all modules is 997,300.

So there is a difference of around 14k xp total. In the end there is not that much of a difference in the overall cost of the line.

You have to also remember there were hulls removed from some of the ships.

I hop...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

This is a good topic Destroyer_KuroshioKai to bring up and discuss. I will say this: a good DD player will be the difference in most games that are close. A DD player that understands their ship inside and out will be a great boon to your team. I like that you talk about spending the time to improve at a certain class and realizing that you had areas to improve. A player is only as good as the time that they want to put into learning mechanics, maps awareness, ship strengths, weaknesses and above all from mistakes. We all make mistakes as players, none of us are perfect =).

Now, to the topic at hand regarding CVs focusing DDs the whole match. You captains have pointed out certain things that make sense. If the CV player focuses down the DD at the beginning of the match, that can be beneficial for the team but there is a cost to doing this. What if it takes you multiple runs (most likely will) to accomplish this? What if you continue to f...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey ryn_destroyer,

As you progress through the tiers, costs become higher. There are ways that you can help mitigate this cost and turn a profit.

Let us go over a few ways to help make playing mid to higher tiers profitable:

First and foremost is getting Premium time if possible. As other players have said there are many different ways to acquire Premium time without purchasing it.

Doing your part: What I mean by this is contributing to the battle in a positive way (doing damage, spotting and caps are a few ways to earn credits).

Use camouflages that have "+%credits" on the camouflage. This includes: FTW, Ocean Soul, Gamescom, Hunter, and more. Just look for the camouflages that have that +% to credits earned.

Don't forget to mount the signal flags that give more credits: Zulu which is a flag earned by getting first blood.

You can also mount the "Ind...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey wkcw1,

First question: Was there an Asashio on the other team?

If so this would explain why the deep water torpedoes did not hit you =).

Thanks to the other captains for pointing this out!

Asashio deep water torpedoes can only hit BBs and CVs.

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Captains,

Now isn't this a sight to see! From the screenshots, as other captains have said it looks likes a simultaneous base capture by both teams. Good job by you trying to pull a victory against overwhelming odds!

There were a lot of things happening at the same time to have this happen!

You making the only real play to try and win the game.

The enemy CV did not try and reset you? What was that player doing?

Awesome attempt at trying to pull out the win in a 1v8!