Who knows what problem they were solving. Maybe making it more tedious sells more passes. I honestly feel like the game itself being frustrating makes people play more, and they know this. They have no incentives to make anything about the game enjoyable.
We were trying to solve the feeling of a 40 minute loss giving you an unsatisfying amount of progress - the previous system rewarded quick stomps and punished longer matches, which is something we thought was not respectful of your time. The overall tuning should be nearly identical to the previous setup, and so far, the data suggest that the vast majority of players are progressing at about the same pace or just slightly over / under.
A quick note about lack of overspill - this existed in the old system, and also exists here. It's a sh*tty limitation of our mission system, and it's something we are going to address in the future. I can't give you an ETA because it's the final week of the year for Riot, but this is something we absolutely want to fix because it sucks.
It has been somewhat masked in the past by the fact that objectives weren't always consistent mission to mission (e.g. Mission 1 could be earn gold and Mission 2 could be vision score) so overspill di...
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