

13 Dec


This is a known issue. Thanks for the report.


Unfortunately, there is nothing here. If it happens again. Try to grab the log of the session and we will take a look.


Sorry about that. We have a fix coming. Let us know if this is still happening after the next hotfix. Thanks!

12 Dec


Sorry about that. This is a known bug. Should be resolved next hotfix. Let us know after the hotfix if the sound clipping persists. Thank you.


Hi can you provide a Player.log? The Game’s Log File – Last Epoch Support

11 Dec


We investigated this further. It looks like going to the cosmetic panel from the inventory is not working properly. But if you press “K” or navigate to the panel by clicking on the Options button by the left of your mana global then click on the cosmetic panel from there, it should work. Let me know if this works and you see your pets.


If you teleport again it should fix this issue. We think we have a fix to this problem in the upcoming hotfix. Let us know after the hotfix is this problem still happens. Thanks.


Spirit Thorns are made to be direction and also have homing. Since the dummy is not an enemy, Spirit Thorns will not home towards it therefore it will feel odd when trying hit the dummy.


That is rather odd. I’ll have someone take a look. Thanks for the report, we will fix this as soon as we can.


This is a known issue using movement skills around quest blockers. You should be able to get around it by exiting the zone and coming back, then walking in. Thanks for the report.


I agree this experience is pretty frustrating. I made a note of it. Thank you for the report.


Sorry for the inconvenience, we definitely need an error message there to show what is going on. We will get that fixed, thank you for pointing it out.


I couldn’t reproduce this. Can you post your specialization trees of Werebear and Upheaval? Or post a video of this node not working.


This is a known issue. I have it noted. Thanks.


We believe we know what is causing this and hoping to hotfix it in the upcoming days. Let us know if after the hotfix you are still experiencing the same issue. Thank you.


This is a known issue. Thanks for the report.


New affixes for new skills are not available yet. Look for them soon.


I made a note of this, thanks for the report.


Unfortunately, the boss drops were not able to make it before the patch went live. We are hoping to release them in the next upcoming hotfixes. Sorry about that!