

04 Jun


Were you using something that has taunt?


This is a known issue and fixed internally. Thanks for the report.


We will look into this, thanks.


But the other channeling skills (other than the ones you listed) don’t have this problem though correct?


Flurry with a bow or melee or both?


What build/skills were you playing when you fought him?

03 Jun


Strongly recommend players intentionally porting out before completing the monolith quest to not do so during this encounter (or similar encounters). There is a strong chance that you can break your quest state and unable to progress. We are tracking this internally.



Feel free to DM me the video of the spire death, it would help me to understand what happened. I have tested the spires in actual play myself but I did find this particular one a little spooky but this was before the recent nerf.

We can certainly look into reducing the damage again or see if there is another alternative, such as reducing the projectile speed of the bone spikes so it’s easier to dodge.


Just to be clear, patch yesterday was not geared to fix this particular bug but to fix another one. We are still working to address Blood, Frost and Death internally. You guys aren’t forgotten, this one is a lot more trickier to find a solution.


I would argue we did not give them a slight nerf but a pretty hefty one last patch. We targeted Bone Spires in particular giving them 34% less damage and reduce the rate at which they fall by 20%.

You mentioned you got one shot with 2k health but can you give me more information? What build were you playing? What defensive do you have? Empowered or non empowered monolith? What amount of corruption do you have?

We want to keep spires to feel impactful and dangerous but not punishing for geared players.


If you give a list of the channeling skills that still get stuck we can look at them specifically.


I made a note of it thanks.

02 Jun


This is a known bug.

Thank you for the report.


Can you post your log file?

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That is a odd visual bug. It doesn’t actually effect your movement speed.

Thanks for the report.


Can you show me a screenshot of your Black Hole Specialization tree?


Storm Crows should benefit from these stats but you will have to resummon the crows for the stats to effect their damage.


This is most likely related to the other freezing players are experiencing with controllers. We do have an internal fix for this. Should be addressed soon.

Thanks for the report.


This should have been addressed with the recent patch.

Let us know if this is still happening. Thanks.