

02 Sep


This but also this might be something to do with the way your PC is handling the priority task. Have you tried switching between the different window modes (borderless, fullscreen, etc)? If you see some improvement while swapping those you might need to get someone to help you look at your priority settings.


Just a quick clarification on this specific topic. The rates for the random bundles like the one the Missouri is in are kind of already public. You will need to do a little bit of math. If the Missouri is in a 1/41 that is actually the rate. For these types of bundles all the possibilities are equal chances.


That reminds me I wanted to ask you guys. Do you think if smoke was an option to toggle on the minimap would be good? Like, would it be too op to know the distance your radar/hydro is reaching in a smoke? Or maybe a 2 click instead of one where the 1st click would show the affected range so you can see if it covers the smoke. This is a curiosity of mine more than official thoughts of implementing ok guys (at least for now).
To answer some questions yeah it does go through islands and another use that I might have missed in this conversation is to drain sub battery. I am not sure if that is going to be implemented in the final version of the subs but I believe right now it does cause a faster drain if you hit them with radar or hydro. I could be wrong but I believe that is one of the modifiers of the battery drain.

01 Sep


Greetings Commanders,

Neptune demands tribute to the Ocean map! We have a few training rooms planned for you so get your ships ready. Come join @KARMAT1KA and I on the official World of Warships Twitch channel tonight at 5pm central!

See you there!

27 Aug


Lista das vencedoras
1º LUGAR: Nandawow
2º LUGAR: summerpie
4º LUGAR: Pinkysaura
Outras Participantes:

22 Aug


Eu testei no PT 10.8 e parece que foi resolvido mas eu vou pedir que a galera entre la e teste por favor.

20 Aug


Hello everyone,

I just jumped in the public test in a training room. I was not able to reproduce the bug on the 10.8 that is there. Can anyone please confirm? If it happens please send me a replay.


18 Aug


Please read my reply carefully. I did not say that everything was already covered. I said everything that we can cover.


I was not in all the streams but the ones I moderated her name can be said as long as it is not being spammed, just like any other word or name.If it is requested by the streamers or something we ask for than it is fine.

You can have your opinion and you can say it as long as it follows the EULA. The stream is not the proper place for it but as long as you follow the rules it should be fine.

The proper place for feedback is on the forum. I am not sure what you mean by not getting and answer to a feedback. Is it a feedback or is it a question? So please unless we ask to provide feedback on stream please maintain feedback on the forum.

To clarify, we will NOT be giving aditional information on this case. Everything that we can cover is already posted by shonai on his post and on the devblog.


Fixed, Thank you for bringing it up.


Allowed to be used on anyone that breaks the EULA, this includes trolling, loaded questions, spam, and inappropriate statements.

I sure hope it is not needed. We just want to continue sharing information and having fun with our community. We enjoy doing that very much on our streams.

It is called a joke, I don`t actually own a thor`s hammer.


The streams are not mandatory, Sail and I (and the team that will be in chat moderating) want to be there to hang out with you guys.


I have all I will need :)


Greetings Commanders,

Come join @Mademoisail and I on the official World of Warships Twitch channel tonight at 5pm central!

We'll talk about the new things coming out in patch 10.8, play some games and who knows we might have some prizes for the people that participate.

See you there!


WAIT WHAT! I was thinking I would not report to anyone and do whatever I wanted :(

Bye @Kalvothe! Thanks for everything, and enjoy your time with the new kid. You know where I keep the good whiskey is if you need a break :)

17 Aug


Só para avisar, caso alguém não viu eu postei a resposta no tópico indicado e estarei usando o tópico do Hapa para informar vocês aqui no fórum.


Por enquanto não temos intensão de mudar e posso confirmar o que postei acime que vão ter navios que não vão ter a habilidade. Questão de balanceamento.

13 Aug


What mode are you looking at? If you are on Random the filter will not show it. It will be at the very end of your list. Make sure you are on Coop


Thank you for the confirmation. I did talk to devs and that is intended. So the subs should be able to be used in ranked but not in training.


Obrigado pela sugestão. Só para avisar não precisa me dar tag se estiver na parte de Português. Eu leio 100% dos posts nesta região do fórum (pelo menos por agora, se um dia meu trabalho mudar ai já não sei haha). Uma coisa que vou pedir é mais detalhes de que comandante e que skills teria e coisa do tipo. Isso ajudaria muito.