

30 Jul


Originally posted by taggedjc

They are the same thing: % chance for enemies killed to explode for 25% of their maximum life for chaos damage. Profane Bloom has stipulations on which enemies get the chance applied to them but it is still the same effect.

As such they stack additively.

You would have a 45% chance for cursed enemies you kill to explode, a 20% chance for non-cursed enemies you kill to explode, and a 25% chance for cursed enemies your minions kill to explode. They explode for 25% of their maximim health in chaos damage.

This is correct.

25 Jul


Originally posted by viperesque

Is mitigation from armor being applied when the damage is stored or when it is dealt?

When it is dealt. The calculation for impale storage is based on pre-mitigation damage.

And because of how increasing values of armor penalize smaller values of damage dealt, is Impale really as good as its made out to be?

Yes. To the best of our knowledge, monsters don't have significant amounts of armour.

It's also worth noting that if an enemy has multiple Impales on them, they take a single reflected damage hit based on the total stored damage of all the impales, not several small independant reflections, which improves the interaction with armour in that case, as it's all one hit for the armour calculation.


Originally posted by Verlerbur

"The damage mitigation is the only part of the skill which does affect you"

Then why does commander of darkness not grant the 20% ele resist when you are in sand stance with Flesh and Stone. Flesh and Stone has the 'Aura' tag. You're saying the damage mitigation part of the skill "does affect you". So is this not an "aura" "affecting you"?

Even the description of the skill gem says: "Casts an aura that affects you and nearby enemies differently depending on your stance."

I've been told on bug report forums that this is intended - but the gem description explicitly states that an aura is cast that in SOME stance affects "you". Why is this not compatible with "You and Allies affected by your Aura Skills have +20% to all Elemental Resistances" - I am being affected by my Flesh & Stone Aura skill while in sand stance, but i'm not receiving the resistances.

The gem description is incorrect due to overly simplifying things, and it's in the process of being revised. There are two separate parts to the Sand Stance of Flesh and Stone - an Aura, which only affects enemies and inflicts blind, and a buff, which affects you and grants less damage taken from enemies that aren't in the aura.


Originally posted by TrashCaster

That's correct. Generosity increases the damage mitigation in exchange for not affecting you. Death Aura doesn't affect you anyways, so generosity has no effect

Generosity increases the damage mitigation in exchange for not affecting you

This is incorrect. The damage mitigation is the only part of the skill which does affect you (and it doesn't affect anything else) - removing it and increasing it at the same time would still be the same as just removing it.

Generosity only supports auras that affect both you and allies, and Flesh and Stone is not one of those, so is not supportable by it.

24 Jul


Originally posted by Hix360

Isn't "To You and Allies" redundant in this case then? Why not word it as "Auras from your skills also grant 3% Increased Attack and Cast Speed"? Is that to keep things like Pride from increasing enemy Attack/Cast Speed?

Yes, that's the exact reason - we didn't want those stats to be a downside with enemy-affecting auras like Pride or Curse Auras by making them buff enemies.


Debuffs, like Buffs, are a category of timed effects. Debuffs are negative and involuntary (stuff that has negative downsides but which you chose to apply to yourself like Blood Rage is not a Debuff). Debuffs include Ailments, Curses, most forms of damage over time, and several other effects such as Hinder or Maim. Debuffs can be identified by the icon for their effect - if it has a red border, it's a Debuff (similarly, things with green borders are Buffs). If an effect has an icon without that red border, it isn't a debuff.

Ailments are a specific subset of debuffs. Each ailment is associated with a damage type, and is usually inflicted as an on-hit effect, with the strength or duration of the ailment being based on how much damage of the matching type was dealt in the hit. Some of them can also be inflicted in other ways.

These are all the ailments in PoE:

  • Bleeding
  • Ignite
  • Scorch
  • Chill
  • Freeze
  • Brittle
  • ...
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Yes. That's what the bonus for running unidentified maps is for - a reward for running the map without seeing what the mods are first by identifying it (it predates corruption being a thing).


Originally posted by magus424

It does not mention anything about the aura needing to affect YOU to get the 3% Attack/Cast Speed.

Yes it does. It says the aura grants 3% increased attack/cast speed.

Not affected by aura? Not affected by 3% increased attack/cast speed.

Wording is very clear.

This is the correct interpretation. The reason the lines are worded differently is that "You and Allies affected by your Aura Skills..." defines a set of entities and applies a bonus to those entities. Regardless of how many auras you or your allies are affected by, you either are or aren't affected by your auras.

In contrast, "Auras from your Skills grant..." is making this bonus something that each aura from your skills grants in addition to it's regular effects. If you have 3 aura skills active, then each of them will grant that bonus to you or allies as part of it's effect - this will inherently stack with each other aura granting the same bonus, and because it's part of the auras effect, will be modified by any applciable aura effect modifiers.

The restriction to being affected is implicit in the aura granting the bonus - auras fundamentally work by granting bonuses to the things they affect (and not other things) - you need to be affected by an aura for it to ...

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Originally posted by KalHir0l

No they dont and they never had.

Only way to give minions crit is with the crit gem or suffixes on armor.

MONSTERS have base crit, MINIONS do not.

Another POE players who has no clue but thinks he does :D

Also 18% damage + increased curse effect.

That is not the case (and never has been). Minions usually have base 5% crit chance - spectres will have the crit chance of the monster type they are, and animated weapons/guardians obviously take theirs from the weapon, just like players do for attacks.

They'll also have a base 130% crit multi (as opposed to base 150% for players), unless otherwise specified.

15 Jul


Originally posted by blvcksvn

Gladiator's charges should, though, which would make it really good for facebreakers

Charges are not buffs.


Originally posted by Altiondsols

That is what I suspected at first, but it isn’t the case. I am playing an RF build that is fully capable of sustaining full life without The Agnostic, but I still lose the full 20% of my mana per second. I’m not home right now, but I can post a video soon.

To clarify, The Agnostic handles lowering the drain when total life lost per second is lower than 20% of your mana. It does not and cannot account for any other sources of life recovery that are also countering some of that life loss, only not countering more itself than there is. I.E if you are losing life equal to 10% of max mana per second, then Agnostic will only drain 10% mana per second, not 20%, because that's enough that it counters all the life loss. This calculation can only account for The Agnostic, and is independant of other sources of life recovery.

From a mechanical perspective, the Agnostic cannot possibly know whether your total life recovery is outpacing total life loss per second, because the value of total life recovery cannot be known until after The Agnostic has calculated how much life recovery it's providing - it's a part of that value, so inhernetly has to be an earlier step - so the more direct answer to the question in the OP title is "because the...

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14 Jul


Originally posted by Amongalen

Yes, Death's Oath grants a level 20 Death Aura skill.

I assume that you're only stating that it is "from your skills". What about the part saying "on you" - " 50% more Effect of Auras from your Skills on you" and " "You can only have one Aura on you from your Skills" ?

I'd guess that Supreme Ego does not increase the effect of the aura in question (as it only affects enemies, and not you nor your allies) but at the same time you are not able to cast / use any other aura from skills. Am I correct? And I think the same will go for Pride aura as well?

Those two stats are referring to different things.

In "50% more Effect of Auras from your Skills on you", the "on you" part is tied to "Effect" - it's a stat of the same form as "x% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you" or other similar stats. It's specifying that it only modifies the effect that matching auras have on you, not the effect they have on anything else.

In "You can only have one Aura on you from your Skills", the "on you" part is referring to "Aura" - it's specifying that this restriction only applies to auras that you have on yourself, and thus doesn't prevent you also having an aura from your skills on a different object (such as an aura totem).


The Agnositic is part of your life recovery, which is allowing you to out-recover the degen. In the case where you are on full life, the Agnostic will not drain more mana per second than the total amount of life being lost per second - the mana drain and matching life loss are lowered if it can counter the life loss at a lower value.

Similarly, if your mana is empty, it can only drain as much mana as you recover each second, and the life recovery is based on that value.

12 Jul


Originally posted by pdoughboy

Would the Death Aura from Death's Oath be considered an "Aura on you from your Skills"?

Yes, Death's Oath grants a level 20 Death Aura skill.

11 Jul


For example, if I were to pick up Supreme Ego, what aspects of Master of Metal (Champion Ascendancy) will be affected by Supreme Ego's "50% More Aura Effect"?

Supreme Ego does not grant "50% More Aura Effect". It grants "50% more Effect of Auras from your Skills on you". As the text implies, this only applies to auras that come from your aura skills, not from the passive tree.

The same is true of the limitations "You can only have one Aura on you from your Skills" and "Your Aura Skills do not affect Allies".

Master of Metal grants two auras (one is permanent, causing added damage against impaled enemies, and one is only conditionally active and grants armour). Master of Metal is not a skill*, so no skill-specific modifiers can apply.

*Technically is is correct to say it a "passive skill", but the term "skill" in stat descriptions exclusively refers to active skills.

10 Jul


Originally posted by sadful

I've tested it and the duration is 6.5 seconds with both the 35% on 2h and 15% on malevolence watcher's eye, so it's either bugged and not working or it actually just increases the tickrate and does not decrease the total duration.

and tbf on GGG it does say "bleeding you inflict deals damage x% faster" it does not say "bleeding you inflict deals it's (total) damage x% faster".

edited: you're correct about your first point, i misunderstood the math.

edit2: just tested again and it's now working, getting 3.5-4.5s which can just be chalked up to counting slow or fast. The guy who worked on the wiki for the goddess scorned (same wording, except for ignite) also confirmed that it should reduce the duration.

and tbf on GGG it does say "bleeding you inflict deals damage x% faster" it does not say "bleeding you inflict deals it's (total) damage x% faster".

There is a reminder text explaining that the total damage dealt will be the same.

Multiple sources of "faster" damage application stack additively with each other, and are then applied as a single total, which is multiplicative with all other modifiers. The total percentage that the damage is faster is efectively a more multiplier on the amount of damage per second (i.e. the rate the damage is applied), and a corresponding inverse modifier on the duration such that the total damage dealt doesn't change.

So if you have modifiers totalling 100% faster damage from ignites, then your ignites will effectively have double the damage for half the duration.

09 Jul


Originally posted by Darthy69

I got that part for vaal and maraketh for example even though I do not understand how it was coded to cause such errors. But for the Karui one (which I didnt specifiy my bad) I dont see the difference to UI. It grants you bonuses based on the passives around it.

No it doesn't. It changes what those passives do. The jewel does not give you those bonuses. The actual modified passives give you those bonuses, which is a very important distinction because you have to actually allocate those passives to get what they give.

This works the same, and displays the same way, as all the other unique jewels that modify passives in their radius, like Cold Steel and Lioneye's Fall (which transform modifiers on passives) or Intuitive Leap (which adds an extra property to passives that lets them be allocated without being connected to).


Originally posted by Darthy69

how come this works for Unnatural instinct and not for timeless jewels? Unnatural should have the exact same behaviour (different stats based on the notes around it). So taking the nodes around your jewel and listing them at the jewel spot should work as well.

Because that jewel does a fundamentally different thing. Unnatural Instinct "Grants all bonuses of Unallocated Small Passive Skills in Radius" - the jewel itself grants the bonuses. Allocating the jewel socket is what gives you those stats, so the jewel socket passive lists those stats.

Historic Jewels instead change what other passives grant. The passive which is the jewel socket isn't granting you those stats - you have to actually allocate the modified passives to get them - so it doesn't list them. Each modified passive will grants it's modified stats if allocated it, so has to show those modified stats - each passive displays the stats you get from that passive.

It's fundamentally important for the UI that the stats a passive lists are the ones it grants - breaking that basic intuitive rule would be hugely inconsistant and confusing. Unnatural Instinct does what it says - it grants those stats.

The Templar historic Jewel does have some...

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08 Jul


Timeless jewels already do this correctly - they are not different from other jewels in this respect, and they cannot be. The jewel socket is a passive skill, it's hover element shows the stats that passive grants. This isn't special for jewel sockets, it's just how all passives work - they grant some number of stats (can be zero) and display exactly those stats. Most timeless jewels do not grant any stats directly to their jewel socket (the Templar ones being a notable exception), so the jewel socket their in fundamentally is a passive that does not grant any stats, and thus cannot display any.

17 Jun


Originally posted by NefariousZe

This doesn't appear to be fixed? Or is it a separate issue with flicker strike crashing every 60 sec with AC and splash?

Yes, that's entirely separate. This issue was specific to Double Strike, and happened when enemies entered the range to become Ancestral Call targets between the two swings.

We have fixed at least one issue with Ancestral Call and Flicker Strike locally, but I don't know if it's been deployed yet or when it will be if not.