

07 Mar


Originally posted by SvennEthir

I was messing around with this... does Despair not work? It's not showing a DPS increase for me.

Could you give me your build?


Originally posted by Starmastermaster

Thank you so much!

Just a thought, it may be a good idea to have a pay upgrade version that has additional features such as having the ability to keep old skill trees and compare and contrast different trees, or to have template builds. I know i would be willing to pay twenty bucks for those types of additional features.

I have no interest in offering any premium version of the program, and given how much it relies on the game's data it wouldn't be ethical (or legal) to offer one.


Originally posted by Zaken_Kenpachi

But then, by using PoB they would gain that info. Which would actually give it to them "beforehand" also and balance everything out with fairness lol.

Only once released, by which time they can get the info themselves.


Originally posted by InVeRnyak

Openarl, execuseme, u forgot to change Boss curse resistance

Not all of the 3.6 changes are in yet; it will take time to get to all of them, given how much has changed.


Originally posted by pizzamachine

My client updated but the 3.6 tree doesn't show up as a selectable tree in the options. I've tried re-downloading it already. Any suggestions?

Do you mean in the Configuration tab? I merely forgot to update the version number there; the tree has already been updated to 3.6.


Originally posted by Shumatsuu

Checking "the enemy is shocked" with the passive Static Blows and the preceding point, actually reduces crit chance in the program instead of raising it. (It also doesn't apply the 100% chance from the enemy being consecrated either)

Are you an Inquisitor? I suspect you're negating Righteous Providence's crit bonus when enabling Shock.


Originally posted by DerpAtOffice

Just one bug I notice, not sure if reported, the preview in the calcs tab is targeting the old location of the passive skill point on tree. So its slightly off and put a red circle on the empty void.

Enlish bad, look pictue. Dont really know how to explain exactly.

Fixed in the next update.


Originally posted by DemiTF2

Dumb question from a noob but, are there other tool developers that you "compete" with? I thought PoB was special because it's by far the most advanced and only complete build planner/calculator. Aside from taking traffic away from someone like the poeskilltree owner, how would you hurt any other 3rd party developers by having updates prepped to send out shortly after the official announcements are made?

There are many other tools and websites that make use of the game data; they might not be direct competitors to PoB (except for the latest PoESkillTree), but they're still worth considering.


Originally posted by puebloo

When It'll be released to download as a new version? Can't update it on this computer, so I have to wait for the released version.

I'll be putting up a new installer soon, after the next update is ready.


Originally posted by DelMann2

How do I enable the 3.6 passive tree?

If you've updated to 1.4.130 then you already have it enabled.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Tobikaj

Is there still the bug with freezing and two monitors?

Unfortunately that is still around; I've never been able to get anywhere in my previous investigations into the issue.


Originally posted by kfijatass

Doesn't hurt to pre-prep an update with the data that's confirmed to go public, right?
Knowing that would probably require you to poke at some team at GGG responsible, but I think it'd help if you had this info ahead of time. Something worth considering in any case.

In theory I could, but it wouldn't really be fair for the other tool developers who can't get access to that info early.


Originally posted by Sakataseiki

GGG actually released Openarl!

Edit: "I won't have access to the necessary data" - doubt.

I may have access to literally everything at work, but for PoB I'm only permitted to use information that is accessible to everyone.


The 1.4.130 update for Path of Building is now available, containing the passive tree for 3.6.

This update also contains the known uniques for 3.6, as well as most of the missing uniques from 3.5.

Other changes for 3.6 are still to come; note that skill gem additions and changes won't be coming until the patch is released as I won't have access to the necessary data.

For existing users, the update is available via the usual update system; click "Check for Update" at the bottom left if the update hasn't already been downloaded. For anyone interested in trying the program for the first time, head to the releases page to get the installer.

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17 Feb


Originally posted by tempoltone

/u/Openarl it this true?

Yep, that's an oversight on my part; it'll be fixed in the next update.

19 Dec


Originally posted by Morgan_Pain

Hi! first: i love you. Second: I cant seem to find a place in the builder to add numbers of impale on the enemy. To be used with the "master of metal" ascendancy for champion.

I haven't added support for Impale yet.

15 Dec


Originally posted by zmikeb

After more rigorous examination, this was a user error: if you look at jewels in the item panel but have no sockets allocated on the tree then it doesn't show the stats of the jewel. This seems fine.

Sorry for the noise on this.

Ah, righto then.

14 Dec


Originally posted by zmikeb

Huh, maybe I was doing it wrong then? I was adding it in the curse section under Map Modifiers and Player Debuffs.

I did that, and the damage bonus did apply. Could you give me your build?


Originally posted by mineral4r7s

Hey there, will you add the new uniques in the future?

Yes. when I get time.


Originally posted by zmikeb

Are you aware that the Self-Flagellation jewel has an incorrect mod (says it gives 1 extra curse slot instead of one extra curse on the player) and that the bonus damage from curses doesn't seem to work?

I never know whether it's worth creating new tickets or if that's just shouting into the void based on the amount of work that you've probably got lined up...

The wording on the mod is out of date, but it doesn't actually do anything in PoB anyway; I can't reproduce the bonus damage not applying.