Hello. No, there are no such plans. Buffing is a part of gameplay and it's there for a reason.
You see, Pathfinder is intentionally built with the inherent feeling of 'hardcore', classic RPG. This is one of those parts that give this vibe on a subconscious level. Same as many other aspects of the game where certain manual control is required as in opposition to automation. Remove enough of it, and the magic is lost. "Classic" feel fades away and the game turns into yet another polished streamlined grind similar to modern MMOs.
You may argue, but this is a design decision made quite long ago, even before the first game, and it proves to be successful. This is how designers envision the 'default' player experience. Of course, you may have different wishes or vision, that's where mods come into play for your personal preference.
P.S. I personally passed the game on Core and always buffed manually, never felt like that was a problem. It felt more like a ritual ...
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