Usually, when Vayne is broken, it isn't because she herself is OP but everyone else is garbage in comparison.
Lucian, MF, Jhin, Draven, and Cait all used to be awful match ups for me. These days? Its pretty much only Jhin you see bot.
And remember when Rageblade was every 2 autos? THAT is when Vayne was truly broken, but even then, the item was what broke her and not her kit. 6 autos would do 42% true damage, instead of the normal 28%.
Vayne is actually quite balanced, the game? Not so much. I haven't had a difficult laning phase with Vayne since season 8. All of her lane counters are garbage now. Vayne is pretty much the same she's been for years. Biggest problem is there is no one to make Vayne's lane hard now.
The game as a whole, and new items/runes, are the issue here. Delete Shieldbow from the game, I bet Vayne's WR drops to 49-50% again. If not lower.
Vayne is pretty easy to deal with. I peaked at low Plat, and I ra...