Originally posted by XXXVI
Good analysis on Kayle mid, I just have one thing that I do not agree with at all: MPen not being good on Kayle.
Sorcs hit like a truck on carries and Void melts tanks. Especially in this meta where tanks are rare, I don't really feel the need of getting more AS,
Give it a try fellow Kayle players and see the difference in damage
Looking at 2-item starts, Nashors + Berserker's outperforms Nashor's + Sorcs. Looking at 3 item starts, Nashors + Berserker's + Riftmaker outperforms the Sorc Shoes version. Maybe there are niche cases for it, but it appears Sorcs are usually wrong.
Void Staff is just never as performant as other options 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th.
Now maybe you say, "well, people are just buying Void Staff more than they should," to which I reply, "Yes."