You're welcome
You're welcome
Damn ever since season 3 you've changed
I change every morning
Good riddance tbh. I f*cking hate that guy. Easily the worst caster in esports.
TIL (thanks!)
I'm here for you and all your ancient Riot trivia needs. And I love being pedantic about pronunciation!
That's Phreak's pronunciation framework, not the rest of us!
That was actually the canon pronunciation from before you joined the company. There was literally a thread on the LoL forums saying, "Hey, so we want a champion whose name is pronounced need-a-lee. Which of these spellings works best for you?"
But as players made "Nid-a-lee" her pronunciation over the years we eventually retconned it.
Phreak said in Dive podcast he’s North African not South Asian
Apparently I was misinformed! I had heard both and went with the one I heard more recently.
"How are you going to win this fight! It's TSM AND four wards!"
God damnit, Phreak, that was a good one.
Thanks :)
I am 99% sure it’s Phreak laughing
i tried jungle and i just cant. theres always tension when laning, you have to farm while poking, think about jungler paths, timers and when you can really go agressive.
while in my experience, most of the jungle role is farming camps, and thats BORING. i just cant. I know in an ideal game i can have a lot of impact as a jungler, but i just cant get through the boring phase of camp farming compared to the excitement of laning.
Ah see I think there is a lot of active planning. You have to choose where to start each jungle clear based on camps timing, objective timers, lane states, and enemy jungle position. Every time something happens you have to react. Top is fighting? Can I get there in time? They just got Dragon? Which of Diana’s camps should be up to steal? Can I? There’s a lot going on. Killing the camps isn’t super demanding but there are still optimizations.
What surprises you the most when you switched to jg from adc? What is the easiest/hardest thing to learn? You have a lot of knowledge about the game so I would love to hear your opinion.
I’m impressed when players at my MMR counter-jungle effectively. Mostly I find it hard to track my lanes and the enemy jungler at the same time. Definitely easier if people would just tell me lane states.
Favorite jungle champs?
Nocturne, Trundle, Skarner, Lillia. When less serious, Lee Sin and Master Yi.
Can you play Rumble jungle though
No one can.
Damn, even Phreak roleswapped?
Nah I still consider myself a bot laner but I’ve always been really interested in jungling. I’ve had fun with it this season but only been at it in earnest for a few weeks.
Hear me out...Darshan jungle. Or literally any soloq jungler ranked higher than Plat 3.
Listen, I hit Plat 2 as a jungler three days ago…
Does Fudge count as a rookie? He was a starter at worlds.
Playing in a worlds-qualifying league makes you a non-rookie by LCS rules.
Other leagues have their own rules. AFAIK LPL only cares if you're an LPL rookie.
Was Kaizen facilitating this or was Meteos facilitating/hosting edited out? The way this is edited makes Kaizen’s experience on the desk really shine through. I’d like to see Meteos step up and facilitate like that, he has a breadth of experience in league that none of the classic league hosts have. Which I think makes him unique and the correct pick for the host of this show…but you gotta actually host ya know?
Kaizen is sort of a co-host, which is why he's in so many episodes. He and Meteos have their own distinct interpersonal strengths and Kaizen is more inquisitive and better at following up on topics.
So certainly there's going to be editing and a lot of footage isn't shown, but to PapaTK's reply to you, I don't think they're interested in removing Meteos.
SMH Riot releasing all these overpowered champions in 2012. How can you compete with this? Name any other champion that can pentakill from 1/5
Pretty sure it’s less. And yeah I totally agree with you phreak. Gwen doesn’t seem to be over preforming in any way. It just seems that people don’t want to learn how to play against her and are mad she isn’t getting nerfs because they don’t want to learn to play against her.
The never ending cycle of “new popular thing bad.”
Makes sense, I’d assume your creation takes smite and hits the jungle, obviously building tri-force first for tons of damage?
Gwen? We’ve only really seen crazy stats for Gwen in pro play. Her soloq stats haven’t changed all that much for a while and are really acceptable. Nothing too high, but nothing extremely low. Her ban rate just shot up overnight the day that pro play started. Hmmmm.
Gwen's pro presence is also only high in NA/EU. LPL/LCK are both below 50% presence last I checked.