I love this, maybe braum passive better tho?
Could be, but I'm putting value in the instant application.
I love this, maybe braum passive better tho?
Could be, but I'm putting value in the instant application.
A new one I thought of, probably the best self-sufficient marksman one could make:
One might be very pedantic and say tryndamere's Q would only partially work without his passive, and lee sin's W wouldn't work on any champion base stat-line without energy
Tryndamere one is a good point but 10-30 AD and a "press button to heal for 30" isn't trash, either.
Lee Sin I think it pretty forgivable, but I see it.
E or Q max. W is an OK one-point wonder.
Also sucks cuz even if your playing a champ like Fiora you can't Parry it cuz Noct spellehields the parry...
You can Riposte backwards
Nocturne is still OP though
I’m surprised FBI was able to type that with his z spam lol.
Having watched one of his pro-view games, I think it's double-bound to his right-click. He seems to do it so that timers stay up on screen.
I think there are a few oversights worth mentioning:
Serrated Dirk is a very overpowered item and early game power spikes matter. So the difference between Kraken + Dirk and Kraken + 2 Long Swords is a pretty big deal. Or even just Serrated Dirk vs. the components of a Noonquiver, since a LDR player will not combine much of anything in the early game.
The execute is relevant. Agreed that against squishies LDR does similar single-target damage and we'd expect to deal more against more durable targets. However, a 5% execute is more akin to a 5% damage amp to every champion on your team, because the last 100 health on the 2k hp Volibear is going to disappear regardless of who removed that first 1900. Considering these calculations are +/- 8 damage in the squishy case, I'll take +100 against melee champions every time. Even using enemy marksmen as the primary case, 5% of 1600 hp is 80. If your ability loop is dealing ~850 +/- 10, then it looks like the ...
Sylas magic resist base and growth is also absurd
Almost all of Sylas's scalings are absurd lol.
Great casting today, I've loved hearing you recently :)
Thank you!
“It’s just hands” -Phreak, 2021
Ok not JUST hands but when your biggest mistakes are just not pressing buttons, it stands out.
So glad to hear this coming from someone in the scene. I feel like Solo is one of the most criminally underrated players to ever play in the LCS.
Hey for a while that was Santorin and people eventually caught on there.
Maybe not the best player. He is more like glue, he keeps the teams together, after he joins there is much better teamwork.
While he was a clown at worlds, in LCS, he is average enough to get a spot in a bottom tier team
He is above academy level imo
He's above that.
He turned a floundering FlyQuest into back-to-back finalists and a trip to Worlds. He's been perennially top 5 top laners in the LCS since the Clutch Gaming days.
"Mages are totally viable" no they're not.
Cassio, Swain and Ziggs are viable bot. Most other options were nerfed out (Syndra, Seraphine) or just are not viable in Duo exp lanes.
That's like saying ADC are viable top and mid because Vayne and Lucian see play in there and Kalista had a momentary stint top.
Syndra was never actually "strong" if you measured solo queue win rates. Syndra herself didn't even have bot lane focused changes. Seraphine is plenty viable. Over the last 30 days her bot lane win rate is substantially higher than mid/support. Ziggs is also higher in bot than mid, though the sample isn't that high (14k games bot), which means the bottom end of the variance is "just as good."
This might sound like flame but it's not: How do you actually determine that a champion is bad / non viable? Do you just play one game and lose and say, "Yep, Seraphine is trash" or do you do anything objective at all?
Yeah, my bad, I heard it from a video a long time ago and paraphrased. For all I know it could be something someone in a video made up, I should have checked more for info.
You're not technically wrong. Just worth clearing up for the majority of players reading this who didn't play League in 2009 or earlier.
Riot tried to make other picks in bot lane strong.
Bot players had an aneurysm because sometimes they saw something else than ADC and complained so much that Riot reverted the changes.
Even then mages bot are strong. But people dont want them. Botlaners like ADCs, mage players want mid.
Riot didn't revert the all changes, though.
Marksmen still have very low HP regen because that's what internal playtests identified as the major problem for mages: That they couldn't sustain as well and thus got pushed out of lane (I'm sure Doran's Blade is a big part of this).
Let's be clear: Mages are totally viable in bottom lane. Swain was my 1st or 2nd most played on my road to Diamond last season but there are others who are strong as well.
As always, popularity does not necessarily imply strength. Bot laners are used to playing marksmen, so that's what they play. Thankfully, I'm not a typical ADC fan, I'm a bot lane enjoyer and that means I'll feed on Yasuo in three different lanes.
Regarding the timing of the upgrade, if there's space for a 2nd NLR in inventory, you're in a fine spot: 1250g for 60 ap is better than 1350g for 57.8 ap. Then the further upside is better.
not quite since mythic passives exist. i would very much argue for the 5 magic pen being more valuable than the ~150g more efficiency on rod vs seraph.
though overall i would agree with the rabadons path being better unless the window during which seraph is finished while rabadons isnt ends up losing a big fight or something.
Valid for sure. But yeah, Rabadon's is great.
Also YES THATS POTENTISLLY STH RIOT WANT TO CHANGE. Back in the day recalling (backing) was a spell and everyone took it, so they made it its own thing. They couñd do the same with flash (though it may break some champs like shakko and singed to have always flash).
You say "back in the day" like that wasn't pre-closed beta. That's not really a fair argument to be like, "They were still discovering which game mechanics worked, so maybe they'll go back in time to before they knew what would make League good."
And timing of the upgrade. If you can afford to wait the extra time to accumulate more gold to afford dcap, of course it’ll be better. But if you need to spike earlier for an important objective then seraphs might be better.
Regarding the timing of the upgrade, if there's space for a 2nd NLR in inventory, you're in a fine spot: 1250g for 60 ap is better than 1350g for 57.8 ap. Then the further upside is better.
In general, once you have Tear (and a mana mythic) it is REALLY hard to OOM. I don't really think you need even more.
If we want to make it more legit we have to slip it in more casually.
"Yeah that game where Lost backdoored was casted by dugduo. How could I forget?!"
This is a good idea, I'll definitely include it in a teamfight call next time I'm casting with top 5 LCS caster Azael.