

19 Aug


Originally posted by Harveygreene-

Buffing AD bruiser makes her be flex top and jg and she's difficult to balance from there, don't you think? I used to main her when she was strong AD, but hate her AP playstyle. I don't think I agree that AD bruiser is stronger right now.

She could be. From what I can tell, SRT (Summoner's Rift Team) is pretty happy to say that flex picks are only problems when they become problems. See their buffs to Mordekaiser jungle and nerfs to Morgana jungle. I think they'd be happy with Shyvana being viable top/jg but would take issue if she became really difficult to play around due to flexibility.

As for her builds, looking at public data, Shyvana has about a 52% winrate when she completes Nashor's or Night Harvester as first item and a 52-54% winrate when finishing BotRK, Sunderer, Stridebreaker, or Trinity Force first item. Even Iceborne Gauntlet appears to be a possible strong starter.

Her picks are overwhelmingly AP (83% of games finish NT/NH first), but she still appears to be slightly more successful with AD fighter builds.


Originally posted by justagamer3

Blitz or Naut? 10 seconds is kinda long, can't think of Champs that doesn't use much abilities a second time within 10 secs

Technically the Q is 8 seconds for my choice (couldn't easily look it up when I posted) but the pattern holds.

Blitzcrank and Nautilus are not bad options in terms of combat pattern. However, they both have E as a shorter cooldown than Q, so they'd be hitting that button instead.


Originally posted by RocketRapool


I think Annie has some decent target selection gameplay with her shield and arguably should micro Tibbers, but this is a really solid guess.

Q also isn't 10 seconds, but this is as close (in terms of fitting as an answer) an answer as I've seen.


Originally posted by ChuzCuenca

Warwick or Sett maybe? 🤔

Warwick has reasons to delay his E and he doesn't W at the start of combat. (My pick technically has a delay case for one of the abilities but it's weaker than Warwick's DR)

Sett absolutely does not dump his W instantly.


Originally posted by Snoo_96430

And next year Kobe or phreak will say the same thing about a new rookie when Danny shine fades

You can literally just look at my rookie of the year ballot

How is this garbage upvoted?


Originally posted by amicaze

Riot keep wanting to push the champion towards the AP playstyle despite it being the boringest playstyle ever.

For what it’s worth I view it this way:

AD bruiser has usually been the stronger playstyle.

Despite that, AP has been substantially more popular. The most recent buffs to AP Shyvana were to get her to engage with the rest of the kit, like Q autos. I don’t think they’ve buffed the E ratio in forever. It seems like they’re still interested in AP being slightly weaker but also with more gameplay.


Originally posted by dwpippen1

There's no way August is a Yuumi main? 🤔

He is absolutely a Yuumi main.


I hit literally every button (including summoner and active) on them at the start of the fight and then just auto-attack for like 10 seconds until my second Q.

Edit: I realized I'm an idiot. I don't hit all my summoners. Flash usually isn't required.

16 Aug


Originally posted by -Jfree-

never forget his 5h40 preseason rundown with only one 5 min break



Originally posted by toxicplease

Yea, while i agree with some stuff about items, complaints like these are just head scratchers to me. You play a role that focus around damage, and you complain that your damage items make you do more damage in various ways? Yea, shocking i guess.


I can totally see the idea of "I want to build my champion in multiple ways" but there are already items for that. Like... just build a Spirit Visage if all you care about is surviving magic damage. Is the complaint that mage items have AP on them?

Saying that Seraph's, Void Staff, and Deathcap do the same thing is pretty silly. They do distinct things. They just also provide a lot of damage.


A few thoughts:

  1. AP items are far from the only ones that only have a single output (dumb damage). You mentioned a few, but add Phantom Dancer and Rageblade to the list. What is Trinity Force but just a way to deal more damage? There are a lot of items whose primary output is "deal damage." This isn't unique to mages and it isn't a problem.
  2. I don't think "more damage" is a bad output, even when there are multiple options that do it. IMO the point of the item shop is to present you with interesting decisions when you have gold to spend. Choosing among Horizon Focus, Deathcap, Void Staff, and Cosmic Drive as the best option is an interesting choice. No one item dominates the others in all game states. To me, that's the primary use of items. I think all the comments like "what do you mean, i love that the "item rework" gave me the same items ive been building for several years" are trolling. There are clearly decisions and if you don't think they exist, then chan...
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13 Aug


Originally posted by Jacklego5

Hitting enemies marked by Lucian’s passive counts as a “buff” so even if it doesn’t Senna has a good AA range for proccing it.

The question I’ve got is whether her wraith form ability counts as a buff for his passive

IIRC one of the gameplay team people said "If it procs Aery."

08 Aug


Originally posted by GalaxySmash

I think its a pretty common pattern to have hyper scalers be very strong at early levels then have weak mid games then obviously strong late games. GP comes to mind as a great example, Kayle, Yasuo are some others that come to mind.

I find Gangplank’s lategame to be relatively weak. His damage through barrels is unreliable and doesn’t have the tools a Yasuo or Gwen has to fight in melee consistently.

07 Aug


Solo queue data suggests that more of her power is in the early game. She’s good at forcing 15- and 20-minute surrenders. She comparatively falls off versus the average bot laner from there.

03 Aug


Originally posted by wezu123

You don't need to buy a champ in champion select, but you REALLY need to be able to buy skins. Double standards.

It's more that buying a skin does not interfere with other systems. It's all on your side and has no gameplay impact. Buying a champion has other considerations, which makes it less of a slam-dunk.


Originally posted by Zendruuu

Thank you for your feedback ^^

  1. To solve problems with banning, maybe just reduce it to normal games, you normally don't need to buy a champion for ranked anyways.
  2. I don't really understand what your argument is here. Didn't you essentially say, that you like the idea and it would have no drawbacks?
  3. The 15 seconds added to each champion select is a valid argument. To solve this issue, the switch pick-order could maybe be changed to a permanently available functionality ni Champion select. You just hover over the pülayer you want to switch with and there you have a button to offer a switch. This would also reduce confusion with champion switching as another comment pointed out. Another way to reduce the time would be to cut 10 to 15 seconds of the end of the Champion Select. This would be straightforward but come with its own drawbacks and is probably not as clean as the other solution.

Yeah I just realized including "I like this" is weird when I started with "Some of these are not so good." That's my bad!

02 Aug


As neat as these are, I wonder how usable some of them would really be:

  1. Buying a champion. This often doesn't come up, but it is real: If no one on the opposing team owns the champion, it doesn't appear for bans. One could argue that the game should just leave up all bans, but I suspect this is valuable for newer players in their first games of ranked (where they are likely to run into other new players who also don't have all the champions). So you'd only be able to buy champions in the very early declare phase. This can be problematic if it takes the store a moment to process. Even if not, I'm worried adding extra overhead and integrated systems into champion select creates a more fragile experience. Yes the store works. Yes champion select works. But truly how often do you really need to buy champions during champ select?

  2. Anonymous mode. VALORANT has this and it works great IMO. In general, I'm a fan of anonymous mode and being able to keep it on...

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31 Jul


Originally posted by Oribeau

i ducking love the dugduo

I love that you call us by our rightful name.


Originally posted by Crimson_Clouds

That was long after Spica made the decision to roam top instead of drake.

I watched the play back. Spica diverts from reading toward drake once he sees Thresh/Olaf kill that control ward. So his tell is only that a ward was killed and uses that to say, "Yeah, this is probably a crossmap." It's not mind-reading, but it's still a very smart play to intuit that dead ward = top dive because the rest of their run toward the turret is through fog.

27 Jul


Um ackshually he doesn't predict the Flash Taunt.

He Flashed because he was going to get hit by the normal taunt. He was well within range of the taunt-flash before he ever flashed away.

He did predict the taunt. You saw him run backwards early. But he was gonna get hit my the flash if Shen wanted to spend it proactively.

Edit: and if we're being nit-picky, he whiffs his first auto after the knockup. He Qs too early.