

06 Mar


Originally posted by xBDBRx

I'll also add that Awillix loses her ability to leap on pc after getting knocked up while riding suku. It causes the player to have to dismount and remount. You maintain the move speed and appear on the mount, but can not jump. It could also be that the player has to re-click the button bound to the first ability, but this has been mostly false in my countless spamming of awillix in arena.

We identified 3 cases where this happens this morning. 2 will be in an eventual hotfix (silence, death specifically); the 3rd is more complicated but we have a repro internally which is most of the battle.


Originally posted by HypoluxoKrazie

Interesting. Not sure why it feels so off then? Could it be a hit registration issue?

Edit: thank you for looking into this though.

Edit 2: I was unable to play today due to the xbox issue earlier. Is it possible this was accidentally fixed in the hotfix today?

Unlikely, as I looked at the history of the file and I did the most recent change which didn't fix this. 

We DID a lot of feels adjustments to it, so maybe some of the weirdness you felt was that which is now fixed. 


Originally posted by HypoluxoKrazie

Goated thank you so much!

Just as an update, it IS hitting the extra range as far as I can tell. (Normal Basic Attacks are 1.92m, Awilix is set to 2.56m, which should correspond to the 12 vs. 16 she has in Smite 1).

The tooltip however is incorrect, the tooltip was stating the wrong amount.


I'll check on this before I leave and submit a fix for it. May take a day or so but should be an easy fix. 

03 Mar


Originally posted by MynameisFoygoox

What is the Thor aspect scaling with?

Also, are you not supposed to be able to cancel channeled abilities for hydra/poly procs anymore?

Max HP.

It was specifically he could cast his A01 but cancel it so quickly it didn't take the cooldown/cost. You can still cancel it to get poly/hydras, but it should now go on cooldown properly.

02 Mar


There will be one tomorrow morning :)

28 Feb


In general, unless we did something artificial, this is partially the nature of matches where in theory teams have roughly even skill.

You can try something like this yourself by flipping 100 coins (or just use a online tool) and in just the few times I tried this just now I had a 4 tails streak, a 5 heads streak, and a 3 -> 3 -> 3 flip flop within my first 10 flips.

Actual win and loss streaks are going to happen unless we intentionally intervened to counter it and after a loss intentionally tried to make your next match a win to make it feel less like streaks happen.

There is a second note to your feedback which is perceived quality of the match, and while ideally each match feels engaging such that win or lose you had fun, feeling like you got 3 matches back to back with teammates who are not on the same page as you is going to stick out. Better quality matchmaking should in theory help but even still, people have their off days. Yesterday in a test I ...

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12 Feb


Originally posted by Smuggler-Of-Skooma

Do you guys know theres a bug where you cant do anything after trying to use vgs chat? Needed to quit the game to fix it

Do you have clear repro steps? I just messed around with it and couldn't cause an issue.


Originally posted by MrLightning-Bolt

Did it go live? If so is jungle practice not up to date then?

Depending on the type of 'fix' Jungle Practice won't get it.

Basically the Server and your Client have files that dictate how the game works. In Server Games (Conquest for example) your client can predict some things, but ultimately the server makes the call. We can update our server to say "Hey, if this bug condition gets hit, don't do it.".

If this is the type of fix, Jungle Practice won't have it because your client is the only authority since it isn't a networked match. Your client won't have the fix.

Some bugs can be fixed server side only, some client side only, and some require both. Generally if you download an update, your client got something for a fix. If its just 'fixed' without you updating, we updated the servers behind the scenes.


Originally posted by MrLightning-Bolt

Heres hoping mantle gets fixed tomorrow.

Another build went out tonight with that fixed as well.

09 Feb


Originally posted by MistakeEastern5414

hey hey, sorry that i ask a offtopic question, but i can't login for whatever reason. it always says the login information is invalid. i tried to google it for a fix, but didn't find anything. i start the game through the steamapps folder (iirc it's called hemingway), because if i start the game through steam itself, it says i can only run the game with one command (either -dx11, -dx12 or -vulcan i believe). i use the -dx11 thingy and it worked a month ago. if i don't use the -dx11 thingy, the game won't start at all and it chrashes before the game even launches 🤷🏻‍♂️

i also don't have the option to chose between dx11 and dx12 at the start (i toggled on "ask at the start" in steam settings), hence why i use the -dx11 thingy.

i just wanna play smite 2 😅

I imagine not launching it through steam is going to cause some authentication errors. If you remove the command line argument it should prompt you with the option.

If you aren't seeing it Right Click Smite 2 -> Properties -> General -> Launch Options -> Selected Launch Option -> Ask When Starting Game. This should get you the prompt again at least.

Aside from that I am unsure.


Originally posted by KrakenSlayz

OMG Your a GOAT <3 changing to DX11 fixed it for me thank you so much for the help your the best fr

Glad I could help, still forwarding it along just so we can see whats going on with DX12 here.


Originally posted by KrakenSlayz

hey Pon thanks alot for replying and sad for what is happening at HiRez i could only imagine but i do appreciate you trying to help me all my drivers are updated and i verified my games files with steam and still happens not sure if you have any other advice or not this is a picture closer up on the crash report if it helps at all


Make sure to hit the send option, I can bump this in the channel but unsure when someone will be able to look.

When you launch Smite 2 it should also give you an option between DX11 and DX12, could try swapping and seeing if you have any results. Also if you have changed any graphical settings from defaults, maybe try to set them back (and if this results in a fix, I would love to know what setting changed it for you).


Originally posted by UltimateX13

I offer you a heart in these trying times Pon. ♥️



Just because of the nature of the crash error message, it is probably a good idea to ensure your video card drivers are up to date, and validate the install. My guess is something is wrong with the blink asset, either the actual asset itself or how its attempting to be rendered.

31 Jan


Did find the issue that was causing this this morning and submitted a fix. May take a bit for a hotfix to pop up that can take this fix but should be fixed in live soon.

03 Oct


As far as I can tell looking at it, this seems to be jungle practice specific. If anyone has a report of this happening in a live match let me know! It is a high number that might get nerfed, but it shouldn't be this crazy!

13 Sep


Originally posted by MLNerdNmore

(as a side note, I had no idea what "tween" means, seems like a term that's only used professionally/between devs)

Tweens basically are moving between point a to point b. Basically all leaps, and some dashes use tweens to do the movement. 

Most dashes more literally tell the god to move in a direction, rather than to a specific point, which is the distinction they have. 

18 Jul


Originally posted by dadnaya

Weird. Maybe it's an upcoming change for him in S1 as well? or just they fumbled it?

Wonder if maybe in my testing I broke something and thought it was intended, or I saw something someone was testing from the Smite 1 team.

I have my notes up from side by side testing and I was noting that I had missed a feature while working on him for Smite 2 in letting him refire his A01 during the A03, but if my A03 was firing I couldn't cast my initial one. But testing again today after seeing this comment, looks like I might have been testing in a broken state (I am often dev commanding while iterating through stuff, so its always a possibility).

Looks like a mistake on my end, but I personally really like the adjustment. Happy accident!

Definitely get a chance to try him out and see how he feels to play.

08 Feb


Originally posted by balanceisalie

Hi Pon! Question - how are the active keybinds going to work for console players? Sounds like it'd be difficult for a controller player to drop a bunch of actives in the middle of a fight.

We have plans for that, but I imagine we will have a deep dive into that stuff at some point in the future. It is on our minds though!