

16 Dec


Originally posted by Sinisterniik

Thank you for responding here. It's always helpful to get insights from designers.

What puzzles me is that Hirez recognizes that healers are strong and then continues to buff them. Ra and Guan both recieved buffs recently (and Aphro/others before that). Caduceus Shield was brought in as yet another way to buff team healing -something that was rare for a solo laner to consider up till now. You also changed the healing mechanic in 7.11 so that there's even more healing across the board. Other than Tsukuyomi, the last several gods ALL have healing in their kits going back to Set/Horus.

So while you seem to recognize that healing is an unfun and difficult to balance mechanic, you continue to both buff existing healing while introducing new ways to heal.

I just dont understand the rationale. Adding the antiheal crit item is nice, but it shouldn't be Anhur's responsibility to apply antiheal to an enemy Hel. Contagion doesn't stack with Pestilence, so there really ...

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We have a few different approaches to balance. In general Warrior healers were not seen as effective and more specifically Guan Yu was not seen as effective. It did not matter that Guan Yu was statistically performing; he was often placed as a very low priority pick across the board.

Ra was in a similar spot until recently, seen as a mid to low tier mage at best. It did not matter that he statistically does well.

We have seen this year that focusing on the perceived strength of the character and how it feels to fight as them and against them in the context of a match is much better than pointing at our spreadsheets and going "We are right, sorry guys".

Gods having healing in their kit is contextual. Healing itself isn't bad; my argument is too much healing is bad. Tsukuyomi's healing is somewhat limited in that he won't find much to Basic Attack for long enough to heal. Set MUST be fighting a god to heal and Horus' heal has very low scaling making it larg...

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Originally posted by Avernuscion

Well that is interesting. From my perspective I'd have thought being able to tank more in itself among all classes would be somewhat of a feelsbetter as it allows for more reaction and less frustration value as it allows for more counterplay. While games go quicker because players are being deleted, it still from what I'm aware of leaves a sour feeling thing in people's heads that they just got insta-gibbed.

I do however think that healing metas are more frustrating on the visual perception of it being your enemy just instantly stimpacks back to full and I suppose being just helpless to do anything about it? In a sense a heal is a translation of mana to hp over time, whereas if one doesn't have a heal then this mechanic is scrubbed out entirely. If healers also get speed steroids and so on in the case of Shield of Regrowth and Hel's Inspire but also in the proliferation of having items that increase their movement like Doom Orb, Charon's and Relic Dagger, that's also some b...

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I should clarify burst a bit. In general what I mean is that when players dump their kits into each other, someone dies. Since they have to dump multiple abilities even burst comes out over a few seconds. MOBAs should have a higher time to kill than say a game like Counterstrike by default.

When things get TOO bursty (see old Loki, when you feed a He Bo, etc.) it can become frustrating as you often feel like you cannot play a fight.

Some characters will push for faster responses (if you hear Kuku ult you better Aegis) while others will allow for slower fights but the detrimental slowness is when gods can dive each other, dump 1 to 2 rounds of their full kit, and nobody has died yet. Even if it feels fun to someone who enjoys those types of fights it can be difficult to even end a game in that scenario.

Burst does have a distinct disadvantage as if you aren't attuned to reacting to it (new player as you mentioned) you are more susceptible to what feels like...

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Originally posted by Caesarthepeach

This sounds weird ,but here's one thing I think that helps solve the problem that we have as healing and anti healing itemization. The healing spike from asclepius, or the anti heal spike from things like divine and brawlers make healing just WAY to binary. If your team is scrambling to get anti heal online the match feels terrible, but then suddenly you have cursed ank , divine and brawlers and it just feels like a landslide difference.

Why I bring this up is, the problem with percent pen was very similiar, where the fall and spike in the effectiveness of prots and %pen were just too sudden. Why not try to spread out the anti heal stat amongst some items kind of like what was done with percetage pen, and then introduce new items that have spread out stats that provide % healing bonus as a stat..along with that, I think most "healers" should have their scaling on heals waayyy lowered way down , but you can encourage itemizing specifically into a new tree of healer items t...

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I touched on that a little bit; the per fight feeling of your healing can wildly vary from moment to moment. It isn't even about people knowing if anti-heal exists as Diamond+ Healers have a clear advantage. Ff those players cannot recognize when to buy Anti-heal and apply it regularly then basically no-one can (or healers are not shut out entirely but can feel that way).


We have spent a lot of time over the years discussing healers, their role in SMITE, and how best to support them. I think you have done a good job outlining some of the variance caused by healers and an approach to resolve that; but I want to provide some more context of our opinions so you can see why we are where we are with healers.

Lotus Crown was an attempt for a more healer focused item. This item when released was incredibly potent creating what you described at the end as a problem state. You could largely flex this as a one off and make your heals provide super utility while still building full damage. There are likely healthier ways to do this but healing has some core truths that we also try to be careful of. These are simply what must occur when healing is strong.

When healing is too strong players die less. When healing is too strong combat can feel less meaningful.

We often bounce between a Tank Meta and a Burst Meta. While somewhere in betwe...

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18 Nov


Originally posted by GollyWhoKnows

He does use it for one. It's part of his 2. Him striking his opponents with his wings was done to make him more visually unique as a character. Honestly there are several spear/polearm users already so I think it was a good decision.

This is largely accurate. We discussed how impactful he weapon would be and felt in general that if we had these massive wings, the odds of us doing another set to do cool combat stuff with was likely further away. Given how many spear users we have and how explored the weapon style is we opted to play up the wings, weaving in the Spear where it made sense.

Plus as others pointed out Set does use his spear pretty heavily, from his attacks to directing his clones. There is an element of contrasting them as they were a dual god release.

14 Nov


Originally posted by Krugenn

Wait, is this a common thing for skins too? like 100% of them or what?

Yeah, if the skin has a custom voice pack they have them. The SMITE Wiki has a pretty decent log of voice pack lines that includes these extra lines and who they reference.

13 Nov


Generally gods/skins have anywhere from like 5-7 references that occur when you slay a specific enemy god (and even then I think they only play some of the time).

For example Tsukuyomi references Amaterasu, Awilix, Cthulhu, Nox, Susano, Xbalanque.

29 Sep

21 Sep


Originally posted by theguyfromtheairport

have you ever tested his 2 with an actual blind?

Lol, no. We knew it would always be a more vision obscure than a blind so never intentionally tested.

We DID have a bug (and it currently exists on Grim Mariachi) where it basically does fully blind you if you want to experience it. A true blind would definitely be stronger, but that quickly became frustrating to play around while it was bugged.


Originally posted by marlonball

I am kinda surprised they aren't giving Agonizing Visions some sort of slow, but the 3 getting Knockup Immunity was to be expected.

For what it is worth, in initial testing we went back and forth on things like him having knockup immunity, him having a slow on Agonizing Visions, and his damage numbers quite a bit.

We removed it from Agonizing Visions as the quick deploy nature it brought made it often frustrating to deal with, without really helping too much in confirming the blind.

The knockup immunity was removed as in earlier tests his damage numbers where higher and we wanted to see how people utilized his zone denial and teamfight AoE stun. If you feel like you can't interrupt some portion of his damage and the teamfight boosts proved very strong we may reintroduce too much frustration.

After feedback his damage seems to feel fair, the ult seems to feel fair and is telegraphed enough, and it takes some finesse to utilize his blind. You need to either use it for zoning or force into onto other control to really put the hurt on (or lock down an opponent yourself). Since these all wou...

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12 Aug


Originally posted by TripleCharged

Horus onto an allied mercury?

Merc ult probably outranges it, depending on the distance. More specifically if I recall it correctly it has a max time, and it estimates if it can make it to the target in the max time left at the speed it is going at.


Originally posted by tombo342

Would fenrir work too?

If a god specifically dashed, maybe? Most super long "dashes" are closer to other forms of movement than a true dash.

For example, Fenrir will follow a Cupid Dashing but not a Hun Batz leap. One is continuous movement while the other is closer to teleporting from location X to location Y with a delay. Fenrir cannot follow Hun Batz 3 since that isn't continuous movement.


Originally posted by Elseto

I guess Ares Ult would works on him aswell ? Considering I pulled alot of Athenas back from where she ulted with his ult.

Yeah. You can even do one better.

Ares ult deals 0 damage on connecting. This means it doesn't stop recalls.

Someone can recall, you can ult them, they can return to base, and you can pull them right back.

Some abilities have a max distance built in for sanity, mostly those that involve travel time. Horus 3 for example will give up after a set distance. For things that are instant in their displacement they can often follow. Tsuku ult is close to instant, Hun Batz monkey, and Susano 3 can follow most displacement.

10 Aug


Originally posted by YoloDagger

Where do you get your feedback that it isn't that bad? Or what metric tells you this?

I don't care about rank.I don't care about win or loss. I want a challenging match. I can't get that in Smite at the moment because the matches are too imbalanced.

If you have time I encourage you to please spend a day trying to play controller based input ranked for an entire day. If you can honestly say you've done that this season I'm happy to never comment on match making again.

I just want someone to truly hear the concern and experience what we're going through rather than dismissing that there's an issue.

I used to love this game. I want to come back. I need a challenge that isn't in the form of handicaps from match making or saboteurs.

Anecdotally, the frequency of these types of threads is near an all time low. Having been around for a while, large threads reaching the front page were the norm, while even this thread is struggling. Even just by new it feels significantly less.

I am less in-tune to it than I was when I did community where more of my work hours were spent looking directly at this type of metric, which is why I qualify it as an anecdote.

We have internal metrics on "Match Quality" as well as how many people actually engage with Ranked Conquest and stick around. These are across the board at an all time high. More people engage with Ranked. More people stay involved with Ranked. Each match on average is significantly closer.

We are looking at ways to improve things, but some of the feels improvements will directly impact these other improvements we have seen. We aren't against doing those types of changes, but we have to approach is carefully otherwise we risk disrupting wha...

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Originally posted by Nitefelina

Normally I'd agree except for the gold ranks is mostly just one sided stomps. Rarely do you get good games. It's constantly one smashes the other and what team do you get on for the ride? I've made it to diamond and it was the most fun I've ever had. I was on a vacation when you guys did that major reset and rework and missed that first week to get back to your rank time and it's been a mostly terrible experience since.

50% of my losses are easily from people rage quitting. 25% are easily from just terrible matchmaking and players in the game that shouldn't be. 25% left and yes, got beat and it happens. I'll get on a roll and my team is great, the other team has the rage quitters and I'm moving up in ranks. Then 3 straight nights of asking people to ward and they decide to call you toxic and purposely troll the rest of the game. It's not like I get to 1600-1700 and lose constantly due to my skill. I didn't feel like that until I was in the 1900s. I lose because the SwK "AD...

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For the sake of this, I will go with the idea that Gold Matches are somewhat a coinflip, that matches are riddled with rage quitters and trolls. Let's even quantify this a bit. 5 players in every single match you play are queuing with the sole purpose of tanking the team they are on. Not just bad, but malicious.

You are trying to win to the best of your ability in each game you play and are always performing well. You are essentially a constant for your team. This means that there are 9 slots for these 5 trolls to go into, 4 on your team and 5 on the enemy team. The enemy team is more likely to actually have more of these trolls than you are.

Sure, if you look at an individual match that may not be the case, but on average you should be able to climb. Even look at your statement, 50% of your losses are from rage quitters, 25% are from matchmaking. Is that not something that is paralleled on the enemy side? Wouldn't this mean that 75% of your wins are the same? If n...

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Originally posted by Nitefelina

Is there a reason for 1500 being the base number for all new players. Why not 1200 or something in the silver ranks? Why put them at the base of Gold 3ish? Basically the question is if you drop someone who is new onto a 1500 team and they get a few wins by being carried due to just being a 1 trick pony player, or wasn't a carry role, or because the new player on the other team was in a premier role and just fed their brains out then you get a few ez wins and are now in the Gold 1 plat level.

Now their 1 trick gets banned out or just flat doesn't work. Now you have them literally dragging your team down and everyone with them. So you get this constant ping pong of players in ranks the shouldn't be in and the system that "works" basically just traps people in that gold rank because it's sorting out bronze players and plat players by basically keeping them stuck in this whirlpool of up and down.

Why is it that all new players are dropped right into the middle of the ...

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Because picking any other number is somewhat arbitrary, and shifts the curve such that it becomes the new "average".

1500 is selected not because we assume everyone coming in is average, it is that we have 0% confidence we know their MMR. This is true, we have no data on them yet. This lands them as potentially being anywhere on the bell curve, the average place of the bell curve is 1500, so they go there.

We can move them to 1200 for example, but over time this largely just changes 1200 to be the new average. Players who are really 1500 today would see themselves over time shift to 1200.

The second issue listed there is initial placement fluctuations. Since we have no confidence in their MMR, we test them. The "quickest" way to test them is to move them around a lot and heavily, overshooting and undershooting their real MMR until we can narrow it down.

This is the fastest method of placing everyone and finding their actual MMR, but it has the downs...

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08 Aug


I couldn't keep the secret to myself. The meta will never be the same.

03 Aug


This looks like a result of the change to his Clones actually scaling their damage with Rank. There were some back end stuff created for that and it may be interfering.

Have a bug listed and will look to get it fixed. It is intended that clone attacks should proc the ult.

23 Jul


The ultimate ability draws more on the same themes as Mangetsu. He glows in light of similar color, he fires a beam of white light, and his after images are brighter rather than shadow. Rather than using his weapons specifically as a conduit he is embodying that power.

He specifically calls on things more related to the Full Moon but since it isn't weapon specific we didn't reference Mangetsu. The full power of the moon implies that it specifically calls upon the same powers both Shingetsu and Mangetsu use, which isn't really true.

22 Jul


Yes please.

Rather than turning into an orb of light he could skank while traveling the bifrost.