

03 Oct


As far as I can tell looking at it, this seems to be jungle practice specific. If anyone has a report of this happening in a live match let me know! It is a high number that might get nerfed, but it shouldn't be this crazy!

13 Sep


Originally posted by MLNerdNmore

(as a side note, I had no idea what "tween" means, seems like a term that's only used professionally/between devs)

Tweens basically are moving between point a to point b. Basically all leaps, and some dashes use tweens to do the movement. 

Most dashes more literally tell the god to move in a direction, rather than to a specific point, which is the distinction they have. 

18 Jul


Originally posted by dadnaya

Weird. Maybe it's an upcoming change for him in S1 as well? or just they fumbled it?

Wonder if maybe in my testing I broke something and thought it was intended, or I saw something someone was testing from the Smite 1 team.

I have my notes up from side by side testing and I was noting that I had missed a feature while working on him for Smite 2 in letting him refire his A01 during the A03, but if my A03 was firing I couldn't cast my initial one. But testing again today after seeing this comment, looks like I might have been testing in a broken state (I am often dev commanding while iterating through stuff, so its always a possibility).

Looks like a mistake on my end, but I personally really like the adjustment. Happy accident!

Definitely get a chance to try him out and see how he feels to play.

08 Feb


Originally posted by balanceisalie

Hi Pon! Question - how are the active keybinds going to work for console players? Sounds like it'd be difficult for a controller player to drop a bunch of actives in the middle of a fight.

We have plans for that, but I imagine we will have a deep dive into that stuff at some point in the future. It is on our minds though!


Originally posted by Scyxurz

Are there any plans for characters to deal multiple damage types in the same attack?

Idk if there are plans for a freya rework, but I could see her current autos doing both physical and magical damage in the system you described.

Excited to see how things will scale with different stats and how the team decides to balance around those changes!

It's entirely possible and something we can play with when it makes sense!


Originally posted by jondeuxtrois

This sounds so complicated on top of figuring out a bunch of new active keybinds....

We are trying to add features to make things like how a god scales and what damage did I just take more visible to help that.

Additionally, in this system even Chaac can just build Strength as if it was Physical Power and it will feel close to Smite 1 in most ways. Its more opt in exploration of different strengths that were difficult to do before with a single scaling stat.

Similar with Actives, we like it to be opt in difficult and depth that you can explore when you are ready to; but you should still be able to play and find success focusing more on Passive Items and more focused scaling builds.


Originally posted by ChatmanJay

Has the team considered going the Dota/League route of all Basic Attacks are Physical Damage no matter what? It seems minor but does really change a lot.

If Smite 2 is trying to be more flexible and open in playstyle and builds, I think that would go a long way.

We talked about it, but it felt strange for us that something like Anubis' energy death orb did Physical Damage. I think at a high level the differing types also allows for some more unique strategy when it comes to team composition.

Things are subject to change of course though.


Originally posted by ThanksItHasPockets_

I think it will be defined per god. Intelligence makes Chaac tanky because it buffs his Rain, and his Rain abilities are what makes Chaac tanky.

But when they talked about Cern. They implied Intelligence was used to make his abilities do more damage.

So case by case feels likely. I think we will see gods fall into one of 4 categories.

  1. I am a Strength Scaling God, Strength makes me do more damage. The end. This is probably most AA Hunters and Face Roll Warriors.

  2. I am an Intelligence Scaling God, Intelligence makes me do more damage. The end. This is probably most Mages.

  3. I am a Hybrid God, Strength and Intelligence make different parts of my kit do more damage. Maybe Strength favors Autos and Intelligence favors abilities. This may be Ability Hunters and AA Mages.

  4. I am a weirdo. Strength or Intelligence makes me do more damage. But the stat that doesn't boost my damage instead gives me somet...

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This is all largely correct. Gods would have a primary stat that care about, and this determines most of their scaling, very similarly to Smite 1. Strength additionally is generally associated with how to make a gods Basics deal the most damage.

However, these can be used to scale different things, and some abilities may favor one scaling type over another if the god is Hybrid. Chaac's ult hits hardest with Intelligence, and he gains bonus Healing and Protections from his 2 in our current testing; so intelligence is used for a variety of things on him.

Each god will be a case by case basis on if and how they leverage having 2 potential scaling stats.


Originally posted by Evanpik64

Have they discussed how protections work yet? Makes me wonder if INT ever gives more damage to Strength based gods and vice versa, or if the effects are always passive. Like would buying INT defense give you any advantages against what would normally be considered a Strength god?

I also wonder how building Strength effects "INT" gods, since the only real example they've shown of cross build benefits is Chaac. Excited to learn more!

Damage typing is still Physical and Magical. We are messing around with gods not dealing strictly one type of damage type.

So for example, Ymir's Ice abilities may deal Magical Damage but smacking someone with his Ice Club will deal Physical Damage. What is scales off of (Strength of Intelligence) is technically separate from what type of damage it deals.

In a lot of cases your intuition from Smite 1 will hold. Anubis largely deals Magical Damage, and Largely scales off Intelligence; but you might get some surprises like Mummify having a damage component that scales off Strength, and deals Physical damage.

The flexibility to change damage typing from the scaling stat though is one of the reasons we went with a name change to make it clear the stats don't work exactly like Smite 1.

07 Nov


Originally posted by Embarrassed-Hat-8165

98th lowest win rate in ranked conq and her win rate has never been lower in joust and I promise you, it’s not because of her passive. You guys have made it very hard to trust or respect you because you are making the most awful decisions and do not listen to your community. Do better.

06 Nov


Originally posted by hexaninja

Could you please at least bring back some parts of her old kit without it being super powerful. The most frustrating things about her kit were her passive and ult which you have already changed to be manageable.

The 2 is what made old Persephone super fluid to play with. But her new 2 is just super awkward to play with because you have to keep moving the entire lane to make them go in the direction you want. The plants are also never useful in a team fight without you having to commit your jump. She just went from one of the most fun gods to play to one of the clunkiest / boring gods to play. Please bring back her old 2 and nerf the dmg numbers if necessary. I know anyone who ever liked playing Persephone would want that.

I mentioned this on twitter but her old 2 did have a problem in that your ability to hit it ended up being quite heavily dependent on your opponent's skill level and not your own. Once enemies knew a quick stutter step maneuver this was not much you could do to make them connect.

Most top level players were mostly forgoing the plants and using the buds to detonate, especially off flourish as more reliable parts of their damage output. With the newer plants you have more control to let these connect or use them in ways to cut off opponents and get them to move where you want them to. They are still dodgable but you have more ability as the Persephone to get them to connect.

I do appreciate that Persephone fundamentally is a different goddess now; many of the tricks and mechanics she once used have been adjusted in ways that have similar theme but function differently from moment to moment. Ideally, we would just balance to help her out but at her core her design mad...

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Originally posted by Kaios-0


The rework version may not be as flashy but we kept it for a few reasons. The first is the passive itself does have a component that on its own is a powerful enough passive. Generating free gold is potent and we knew it was getting stronger with a faster plant generation rate. With this we figured that rather than removing entirely the ability to do something post death and bolstering the passive slightly to compensate that keeping that as some extra flavor was better. We expected this to be the most divisive point of the rework; and it was. However since then her metrics, ban rates, frustrations are all in a much healthier place (they may not be perfect but are a significant improvement from the old version) and I am unsure if changing the passive even mor...

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I feel like boiling it down to 'successful passive' carries a lot of baggage that the linked post goes more into detail discussing. We do acknowledge that it has been a sore spot on her rework but the direction we took was one we felt we needed to make and at the very least has not harmed her rework from being successful.

SInce her rework we have discussed her reworked passive a LOT and I would still hold the following :

  1. Allowing her to fight at any level after death is likely to introduce frustration that would lead to similar problems that the rework was aiming to resolve.
  2. The clearest way to make this more unique/strong would be to add non-combat functionality after death (more than just placing plants). The most common of these is for her to be a living ward but I think it serves as a good example of after-death breaking fundamental promises players have with SMITE and why we had to rework her in the first place. Killing an enemy should offer yo...
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23 Oct


Yep :) Definitely not useless and very much intended!

Her first basic attack has a super low prefire such that if you want to cancel into it it is really rapid. Similar feel to Nemesis using her shield to trigger a very quick 2 autos.


Originally posted by Schmidtty29

Differentiation for game design/balance reasons most likely.

Just think about how annoying some gods could be if every indicator looked the same.

In this case, if they were the same, it’d be a matter of “is that an old Clio ult in the wall or is she exiting it?”

Yep, we wanted to ensure that portal was only used in places where it was clearly her ultimate or in context with an animation (dying, recalling) that could provide the context it wasn't a gameplay element.

For entering/exiting the wall we wanted it to be visually distinct so that was clear for enemies to know her intentions and that if they see a portal in that scenario they know it is dangerous. Functionally she also doesn't use the portals to 'travel' so the theme of her becoming ghostly might have been lost if they were used.

15 Oct


Originally posted by faajzor

probably a bug that nobody thought about. really weird indeed, Odin should definitely not be affected

We did test this one actually. At the time we looked to see how Anhur impale interacted and Odin also get stunned in that scenario. Since that was how something similar already interacted we figured it was best to maintain already existing behavior.

02 Oct


Originally posted by zferolie

the main one I noticed it on was the outside of fire giant pit, specifically the souther, or order side of the pit. when I moved towards the middle of it, where totem is, I phased in fine. Didn't try the norther or chaos side.

Wish I clipped it, but it basically looked like she was jittering around trying to get in. Not sure if it was my lag, or because that wall isn't smooth enough?

Ill try around those areas. If you do get a clip of the interaction I would love to see it.

01 Oct


Originally posted by zferolie

Sometimes when I am trying to enter a wall, she doesn't enter it. Not sure if its lag making me forward movement stutter, as thats what it looks like on my screen.

Do you have any specific walls this is occurring on?

16 Sep


Originally posted by whomst_calls_so_loud

Aura slow on mitigate damage too please

Now you're cooking with slows.


Originally posted by whomst_calls_so_loud

Ok but when are you guys making Hercules more muscular and giving him a bigger rock

If it is bigger it should probably get it's knockup back for theme reasons. Although we did remove that; probably can't bring it back.

How about a slow?


Originally posted by Kaios-0

Allowing exploration of abilities and ideas is a good point actually, I can agree with that.

I will double down on Baba Yaga though, I think there might be some confirmation of the wrong things going on there. Baba started seeing play when her cooldowns, animation times, house, and items she builds were buffed. She does pretty insane damage so people play her, but that doesn't mean the RNG works out necessarily. The #1 complaint I hear from anyone playing Baba is that the 1 being random is the only thing they don't like, and/or the buffs on the 1 only really having one good buff (the silence). I think she might need to be looked at in that regard.

Sure, and I would be OK if this is just something we disagree on.

To me the 1 being random is about playing around the hand you are dealt with the occasional 'high roll' with the drawback being a specific lack of consistency. This isn't the only version of RNG in her kit but it is the more extreme version.

To some people this is going to be a complete deathblow to the desire to play her. I think this is OK. Assault is somewhat similar. Some people like the randomness and others don't and won't touch the mode. We even mitigate the RNG some with healer rules but if you add too many more I think you remove a lot of what is appealing about the mode. (TL;DR here : It's ok if the RNG alienates some players. There is also probably an 'optimal' RNG amount to maximize how many people enjoy her).

Here would be the two ways in which I think the OK goes to Not OK.

  1. If her popularity suffered so much due to this. She isn't the most popular but she also...

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