

14 Apr


Originally posted by Vayzail

disagree, when i ask for a buy i want my skins, if you want your friend skin ask him to drop the gun on the floor and pick it up

This was our conclusion, too, after debating it for a while.

We think of fulfilling a gun request as giving them the funds to buy their own gun rather than giving them a gun from your arsenal. And like you noted, you can always share your own skins by buying and dropping the old fashioned way.


Originally posted by Merpeh

you get aimpunched when you get headshotted im pretty sure



Originally posted by XeNaN

The problem is that the visual on how muchhp/armor you have left are somewhat bad.

I dont know, in cs you just see how many hp you have left&armor while in valorant its hard to notice and suddenly you get aimpunched and you dont know how it happened..

I believe its because of no armor left but Im not sure.. Anyway: get aimpunched and youre dead, that much is clear in valorant.

Aimpunch is only on headshot. Health and armor values don't factor into it.

We're working on additional feedback for low health/armor and ammo!


We're likely going to revise the crosshair controls to ensure people can't mix even and odd thicknesses. No loss in capability, but should get rid of some confusion.

13 Apr


Originally posted by Tomstephens

Been seeing a lot of people mentioning the feedback not being very easy to see when taking damage.

Here is an example of me going from 100hp to 12hp with only a small red indicator to tell me otherwise.

It would be great if we could see some additional audio & visual ques to make it more obvious that you have taken damage.

Great example. I've been reading all of the threads on this issue and am looking at some potential upgrades. Also sent it along to the sound folks.


Originally posted by CenturionRower

Lemme check I noticed it initially with 2 thickness hairs, but that might have been with an odd dot. I noted it down when I had 1 thickness hairs so it could be an odd/even thing, I'll edit in a minute.

Edit: You were correct, it was an even/odd thing. Which sucks if it remains this way because I find the 1 thickness a but too small and the 3 thickness a bit too thick (still nothing I cant adjust too, just initial impressions). Thanks for the follow up.

If you stick you evens or odds it all lines up nicely. Mixing looks rough because they have to be anchored slightly different since displays have an even number of pixels on each dimension.


Originally posted by CenturionRower

Has someone pointed out that a 2 thickness center dot is off center? And every even one after? (4,6 ect)

Are you using an even thickness dot with odd thickness hairs? That will make it look off center.


Originally posted by sethdj

I believe there’s a setting for that.



Originally posted by cycl0ne_ssbm

"On My Mark" and "On My Way" aren't the same, but you should definitely be able to customize your pings.

The Dream!


Originally posted by slappuku

The "On My Mark" smart ping (on the left for Valorant) imo belongs on the right side to match League's "On My Way". It could be implemented as a toggle-able option or full smart ping customization menu. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

When pinging the big map "On My Way" is in that right-hand position. It's not a great ping for the first person wheel because you can only place it in your field of view, which is usually not very far. So we swapped in "Watching Here" so you can mark angles you're guarding.

"On My Mark" places a countdown to coordinate executes; it's a different kind of ping altogether.

Give it a try on the big map and let me know!


Originally posted by DreadPirateSnuffles

The bullets are slightly off center for the odd thickness crosshairs, it seems.

The hitscan is such that it makes no practical difference. Precision and accuracy are the same.

CSGO's crosshairs are drawn in a similar fashion.

12 Apr


Originally posted by BullCashish

The sight is a really good feature, but your own player icon should be easier to identify for sure. Maybe have it as a different colour more easily identifiable, rather than just the pic of the hero

Got a set of changes in testing now. Not sure when they will get patched in, but we're trying some things on this front.


Originally posted by god_rolled

Wait wait wait, this means that I will be able to rotate the map so the ct spawn is top and t spawn is bottom? Cuz it’s a small QoL for thing for me and my friend group that we were talking about today, having the spawns on the sides is awkward in our heads!

It'll always anchor your spawn on the button, so you travel bottom to top regardless of which side you are on.


Originally posted by Gr4phix

Are there any plans to add further customization to crosshairs?

Yes! So many things yet to do.


On the crosshair improvements list. Will sort it out!


We haven't yet incorporated a lot of our teamwork/communication features into the tutorial, so I'll provide a quick overview of how the "threat indicators" work.

How do they work?

When a teammate dies, a snapshot is taken of the enemy locations visible to that recently deceased player. All remaining living allies get "threat indicators" that point to those last known enemy locations - the closer the location to the viewer, the bigger the indicator. The positions being indicated are not updated as the enemy moves, so it's only reliable information for a few moments, and it's not very precise.

Why are they in the game?

In a perfect world, when an ally dies they promptly share a specific enemy location via voice chat. The rest of your team, simply by listening, can absorb this new info and adjust their tactics to react to the changing game state. These sorts of callouts are critical to making decisions about wh...

Read more

Originally posted by coolbrandon101

Only thing I dislike is the mini map, it is so f**king bad

Please, elaborate.

We have a handful of changes in the works related to the clarity of health and ammo status, and the minimap.

If you're having issues finding yourself on the minimap, try turning "Keep Player Centered = On" so the map always positions with you at the center. The trade-off if that you'll lose full map visibility (unless you zoom out a lot), but it might help with reading it quickly.

We'll be looking at everyone's settings to see what players are changing to most frequently, and we'll adjust the defaults where it makes sense.


Originally posted by Fish-With-Pants

I feel like it’s because the map is orientated differently on each map. My minimap is fixed but on some maps the layout has the bomb sites going left to right while others have it top to bottom (if that makes sense). So you have to orient yourself differently on different maps. Kinda confusing sometimes

We're adding an option to keep the map oriented the same (on the side) all the time, or change the fixed orientation so that your starting side is on the bottom (attacker vs. defender).